The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3404: Golden light

The golden light, like the flood of the dyke, poured out from the gap opened by the golden life gate.

Not only is it in the ancient domain of the spirit, it illuminates the boundless darkness, but it is also filled with the eyes of every monk and the knowledge of God at this moment!

Although this golden light is not dazzling, even if it is a powerful person such as the ancient and the old, it is impossible to see the situation in the golden light with the gods.

However, everyone in the room can see it, the golden life gate, even under the gush of these golden light, slowly open to both sides, open, until ... fully open!

Even the original illusory life gate, like the previous Dongbo and others, has become incomparably solid, like gold, standing in the darkness, shining!

Within the life gate that is completely open, the golden light is constantly flowing out, and the golden life gates are gradually submerged.

This situation also makes the face of almost everyone show an incredible expression!

The golden height of the door, that is the ultimate goal of perfection!

When this life gate is closed, it is unimaginable to open it, and the power needed by anyone to come.

Especially not long ago, the black life gate, Jiang Yun with two different secrets, even sacrificed the soul and vitality, after upgrading the strength, the end is only to open the life door 90%!

However, now the golden life door that should have to pay more power to open is so easily pushed away by Jiang Yun.

Even each of them clearly sees that Jiang Yun does not use any power at all.

Just like pushing a normal door that is hidden, it is extremely casual to let this golden height of the door open completely!

Looking at the golden light that is constantly pouring out, many people think that the reason why this golden life door is so easy to open is because of the three brothers and sisters of Jiang Yun!

Especially the master of Jiang Yun, the "come" is like ordering the world, and borrowed the power of the entire ancient domain.

In the end, it seems that Jiang Yun’s three brothers and sisters did not shoot, but their power was passed to Jiang Yun in secret, so Jiang Yun pushed the gold in a very easy way. Life gate.

Some people disagree with this view.

Because, although Jiang Yun said that this life gate belongs to their four brothers, how can there be four people sharing a life-threatening thing?

Therefore, this golden life gate still belongs to Jiang Yun, and it is also Jiang Yun's life-changing door.

Since it is the life gate of Jiang Yun, then naturally only the power of Jiang Yun can open the door of life.

The power of others will not help him at all.

Otherwise, other subordinate monks, can not refer to Jiang Yun's approach, find more helpers, and even invite some powerful seniors.

Let's work together and help each other to open their lives and then enter the heavens.

Throughout the ages, the monks who want to enter the various fields of the various fields are like the rivers, and there are countless others. It is not that no one wants to ask for help, but it is useless.

When life is the door, the power of heaven and earth is not only to protect the monks, but also to prevent any other forces from touching the door.

Therefore, these monks still believe that no matter how powerful the three brothers and sisters of Jiang Yun are, in fact, the real power of the door is based on Jiang Yun’s own strength.

Even some monks believe that the three brothers and sisters of Jiang Yun are just a kind of supernatural power that Jiang Yun displayed.

In short, these doubts, I believe that no one other than Jiang Yun himself can answer.

After being puzzled for a while, everyone was too lazy to think about why Jiang Yun could easily open his life door and turned to the golden light that came out of the door.

According to the records they have read, in the process of turning life into a door, even if the life gate is opened, such a golden light cannot occur.

After all, turning life into a door is to turn its own life door into a domain door. After the life gate is opened, it may appear in the days of the various days, somewhere, but definitely should not appear golden light.

What's more, although Jiang Yun has already opened the golden life gate, it does not mean that he has successfully completed his life as the door!

He still lacks the last and the most important condition is not done.

It is to connect the wheel of destiny and the destiny of the heavens, so that the door can be transformed into a domain door connecting the heavens!

This condition is also the most difficult to achieve in the door.

Even the monks who have never stepped into the fields of the heavens, how can they connect their own destiny to the destiny of the heavens?

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the golden light to disperse, waiting to continue to see how Jiang Yun completed this final condition!

"Through the sky, now, can you explain it to us?"

At this moment, Feng Ming Tian Zun suddenly looked at the patrolling angel and opened an inquiry.

Other Tianzun also looked at the patrol angels one after another.

Because they all think about it, the previous survey said that in the process of turning life into a door, wanting to open the door of life, of course, requires strong strength, but it is not just enough strength to do it.

Now, Jiang Yun’s performance seems to verify the words of the patrolling angel.

If you leave the Dongbo and other three people, then Jiang Yun does not even show any strength, let the life door easily open.

Facing the eyes of the twelve people, the patrolling angel hesitated and said: "In fact, there is no mystery, nothing more than sentiment!"

"In our practice, whenever we want to enter a big realm, we need not only our own strength to reach the corresponding level, but also the sentiment of the imminent immigration community."

"And the perception is more important than strength!"

Feng Ming Tian Zun’s eyes flashed, and then he asked: “That’s the door to life, which means that you are about to enter the anti-world, so you need to understand the anti-world.”

The patrolling angel shook his head and said: "I don't know what specific feelings are needed, but the four words that Jiang Yun said just now, you should have heard it, that is the sentiment of Jiang Yun!"

The vain and sorrowful voice said: "Is it vain, is it real?"


The patrolling angel nodded and said: "That is the sentiment of Jiang Yun, and the three brothers and sisters that he summoned, and the golden life gate, have changed from illusion to solidification."

"Treading the virtual, it is a sign of the virtual world, and it is a sign of real life."

"Jiang Yun, although he has already entered the virtual world, but he did not really realize what is false."

"Or, the illusion he realized at the time was incomplete."

"The same is true of the future, and he also does not really understand the meaning."

"But just now, he obviously has finally realized the truth. He understands what is virtual and what is real."

"Even, the feeling he gave me, like being able to turn a virtual reality into reality, is real!"

"Because of the insights of the two realms of imaginary and real life, it is easy for him to push open the golden life!"

Listening to the explanation of the patrolling angel, the faces of the twelve strong men are all showing their thoughtful colors.

And Tian Zun suddenly asked: "His master, should you feel his true identity?"

"I suggest that, regardless of whether Jiang Yun can make a life for a moment, we can not only let him go, but also can not let go of his three same doors!"

In the waiting of everyone, Jin Guang finally faded down, and also let many people's knowledge, in the first time, penetrated into the golden light.

At first glance, these people all stopped again.

Because, among the golden light, it was so empty, Jiang Yun, and his three brothers and sisters, even disappeared.

Even the golden life gate has begun to gradually become illusory and will soon disappear!

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