The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3405: Was discovered

"What about people?"

Looking at the empty door of life, the same problem arises in everyone's mind.

Although their gods could not see the situation in Jinguang before, they all agreed that even if Jiang Yun’s three brothers and sisters had disappeared, at least Jiang Yun was definitely still in the golden light. prior to.

After all, Jiang Yun’s life is the door, and the last condition is not completed.

However, now, Jiang Yun has disappeared without a trace, which is beyond the expectations of all of them.

Even the old face is full of stunned colors.

After a brief shock, a figure suddenly took a step, before the golden life door that was about to dissipate, and raised his hand and went straight to the life gate.

This figure is also a lack of heaven!

He has the deepest hatred for Jiang Yun, so in this case, it is also the first to return.

Although in Jiang Yun's body, he has suffered three losses in succession, but in order to be able to figure out where Jiang Yun went, he still resolutely shot the golden door.

However, the lack of Tianzun naturally did not dare to touch the door of life with his own flesh, but to form a palm with a rune and grasped the door of life.

The illusory palm, from the life door, directly worn the past, grabbed an empty!

Although he did not encounter the life gate, it seemed to be stimulated by the palm of the hand, and the golden life door suddenly trembled, and suddenly dissipated.

Looking at it, this area has been restored to its original state, leaving only the boundless darkness.

If there are not so many people who have witnessed it, I am afraid they will not know. Here, there is still a golden life gate.

Looking at the already empty front, the cold eyes flashed in the eyes of Tian Zun, and the wrist turned over. A piece of communication jade has appeared in his palm.


Within the boundaries of the heavens, there is a huge world in the sky, and the world is full of looks. The whole world of the world is shaped like a chessboard with numerous black and white pieces on it.

In the middle of the earth, a black-haired old man sits on his knees.

At the same time as the lack of Tianzun crushed the jade, the old man’s eyes suddenly shot two electric lights, and stood up and swung the sleeves.

Numerous rays of light from his sleeves, like raindrops, toward the board of the earth below, all the pieces placed on the ground, sprinkled away.

The next moment, throughout the days of the collection, but all the forces of the size and relationship with the lack of the sky, immediately received a similar order, looking for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun!

Obviously, the disappearing Jiang Yun and the fate of the door made the lack of Tian Zun aware that Jiang Yun should have successfully completed his life as a door, and from his life door that has become a domain door, enter To the days of the world!

Seeing the lack of Tianzun's move, the other 12 top powerhouses, after the slightest sinking, one by one, they also crushed their respective communication jade, and informed their own forces.

Although, they can't be sure whether Jiang Yun has really entered the Tiantian Jiyu, but because Jiang Yun is a descendant of Jiang Qiuyang, they can't have the slightest luck.

After notifying their respective squats, Tian Zun suddenly turned his head and looked at the direction of the Southwest Gate. He said coldly, "Are you busy watching enough?"

"I still don't go back to me and look for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun!"

Under the command of Tian Zun, let the monks from the collections of the heavens waking up like a dream, hurriedly turned around and flew back toward the direction of the heavens.

To be honest, until now, they still have a look of stunned, confused, still can not believe, Jiang Yun actually has completed the life of the door.

Because that was the last and the most difficult condition, Jiang Yun did not do it at all.

Even, they did not see Jiang Yun’s wheel of destiny appear!

Without the wheel of fortune, how can Jiang Yun connect his destiny with the destiny of the heavens?

How can we enter the heavens through the life gate?

Although they did not believe it, they did not dare to disobey the command of Tian Zun, so they could only turn doubts and turn the fields of the heavens.

Looking at the departure of many monks, Ji Kongfan said to Xue Qing and others: "We also go back to the heavens."

Compared with other people, Ji Kongfan is the most sure Jiang Yun is entering the collection of the heavens, naturally there is no need to continue to stay here.

The old man next to the old man and the greedy and hidden people, the old man looked at the ancient age: "Old, your fourth, really entered the heavens?"

Unexpectedly, the ancients regained the cynicism, shrugged their shoulders and spread their hands and said: "You ask me, who do I ask?"

The old man stared at the old eyes: "You really don't know?"

The ancient elders shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I said, I have confidence in my disciples. I think Jiang Yun must have entered the Tiantianji."

"So, now, we should do something right!"

While talking, the old-fashioned eyes looked at the lack of heaven!

I don’t know the old age, but as he said, he believes that Jiang Yun believes that his four disciples will not let himself down.

Since Jiang Yun has entered the Tiantianji area, now, he should naturally honor what he said before, killing the lack of Tianzun.

The old man smiled bitterly: "Kill him, find opportunities too!"

"There are 13 people in their situation, you have to face the lack of shots, the other 12 people, certainly will not stand by."

The ancients are cold and screaming: "Of course I know! Don't forget, I said, we want to leave them, delay them as much as possible, and get more time for Jiang Yun."

"We are here to stare at them and see what they are going to do."

The lack of Tianzun seems to be a bit worried that someone will sneak attack, so at this moment has returned to the side of the patrolling angels and others, and began to talk with each other by voice.

Tian Zun said, "You, do you think that Jiang Yun has entered the collection of the heavens, or is it hidden in this ancient domain?"

There is no way for this question to give a definite answer.

The crowd had been negotiating for a while, and finally the angels said: "Whether he has entered the heavens, we should go back now."

"After all, I have completely blocked this ancient domain, and now there is only a loophole in the southwestern gate."

"As long as you block it there, even if Jiang Yun really hides in this ancient domain, it will become a shackle and can't escape our palms!"

The proposal of the patrolling angels naturally got the approval of everyone.

When everyone was ready to leave, Gu Yang said: "You, don't forget, there are at least four strong people who are not weaker than us."

The lack of Tian Zun is in the hand: "Now, nothing is as important as finding Jiang Yun. As long as we don't separate, I don't believe those people dare to do it for us!"

"let's go!"

After that, the lack of Tianzun took the lead and headed toward the southwestern gate, while others could only keep up.

Although they are not at peace with each other, when they face enemies other than them, they are firmly in a group.

However, at this moment, the patrolling angels are drinking a high voice: "Wait!"

All the people stopped their bodies and looked at the angels.

The patrolling angel smiled slightly: "Before Jiang Yun escaped from us, although it suddenly appeared, I noticed that there was a slight fluctuation in the domain where he appeared."

"After that, I have been paying attention to this fluctuation. Now, it is approaching us!"

At the same time, Jiang said with a smile: "The two predecessors, greedy brothers, our two sons who are not a device, seems to have been discovered!"

I am not old, haha ​​smiled: "What are you waiting for, according to our previous discussions, the sky survey, Guyang and the lack of three people to me!"

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