The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3406: Secret of the gap

In the Tiansha, Jiang Kunlun, like his father, also smiled at Tianzhu: "We seem to have been discovered by the gang!"

The two of them originally fled in the depths of the ancient domain of Ling, but after the ancients entered the ancient domain of the spirit, Jiang Kunlun received a message from his father, so he turned his direction and came to the place to prepare. Everyone's attention is on Jiang Yun's body, so he and his father will secretly meet.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun’s sudden disappearance caused everyone to disperse, and also caused the attention of the patrolling angels.

Scorpio swallowed: "Nothing, my old family is coming, it should be able to save us!"

I watched that I had covered my body with a mist of fog, and stepped out of nothingness, and went to the ancient elders who patrolled the angels and others. Jiang Li and greed can't help but face each other.

Although they had been negotiating before, they had to delay the 13 strong men such as the cruise, and strive for more time for Jiang Yun.

But they decided to start in the days of the world, so that even if they fail, they are easy to escape.

But now, the discovery of his son is to turn the battlefield into here.

However, Jiang Li and gluttony also know that this is all connected by their own sons, so although they do not want to, but this time, they have to follow the old age.

The rest of the old man could not help but shook his head and said: "Hey, when Jiang Yun was there, he didn't fight. Now Jiang Yun has left safely, but we have to do it!"

Then, the old man said to the two people in the river: "Two, Lei Yin, Shen Lian, Wan Hua and the demon spirit, I will deal with it."

"Killing, life-saving and vain three people don't bother, the rest of the red dust, Yun and Ji's family, you two, look at the distribution!"

After that, the old man also took the same step, the speed surpassed the Jiang and the two, and has been walking alongside the ancients.

Hearing the old man's voice, Jiang Li and greed couldn't help but look at each other again, and they all saw the horror from the other's eyes.

Originally, they thought that the ancients were already strong enough. They did not say one enemy, and they also included the most powerful killing gods and patrol angels.

However, I did not think that the strength of this old man seems to be stronger than that of the old age.

With one person's strength, it is necessary to entangle four people.

For the identity of the old man, in fact, the two had already had some speculation before, and now, the two can finally determine the identity of the old man.

At this time, the ancients suddenly accelerated the speed, like lightning, one step came to the front of the lack of heaven.

Reaching out a finger, a fierce finger, with the sound of whistling, shot to the eyebrows of the lack of Tianzun.

The lack of Tianzun, along with the appearance of the twelve powerful people around, suddenly changed!

Although they all know that the strong people who existed in the same way as they were hidden in nothingness, they did not expect that the other party would dare to attack the shots under the gathering of their thirteen people.

In particular, the lack of Tianzun, feeling the oncoming, with the cold sense of the wind, he is clearer than anyone else, the other is dedicated to yourself!

The other party’s finger is also vowed to kill himself.

Although he wants to struggle and wants to resist, his body is unable to move under the cover of the wind.

I can only feel the chill of a bone, and completely cover myself in an instant, so that his eyes are even more revealing the unseen fear.


Seeing that the lack of Tianzun could not move, the other twelve people also returned to the same time. The patrol angels who were in the nearest position had the quickest response. At the same time as they spoke out, they also pointed out the same.

At the fingertips, a thunderous thunder shattered the darkness directly and went straight to the ancients.

It’s a pity that when the Thunder is about to be old, the emptiness of the old and the old is a strange twist. Just like the shifting position, the Thunder is rubbing the old body. The past.


At the same time, a dull voice suddenly sounded.

The lack of Tianzun’s eyes widened, and a black hole appeared in the eyebrows, and the body slowly fell to the rear.

The ancient is not old, a hit, and finally fulfilled his own words, killing the avatar of the lack of Tianzun.

Twelve people, including the patrolling angels, saw the stagnation of the sacred sacred, and their faces were exposed with dignified colors.

Because they found that they and others clearly underestimated the strength of this secret shot.

Although the lack of Tianzun is only a avatar, the strength is not comparable to the deity, but it is also the level of heaven.

With the power of one finger, it is easy to kill a strong person of Tianzun level. The strength of the other party, even if it is compared with the deity of the deity, I am afraid it is only strong and not weak!

Just when the ancients were ready to turn around and leave, the body that fell out of the sky was bursting open, and it turned into countless flesh and blood, scattered in all directions!

Although it is just a piece of piecemeal flesh and blood, but each piece of flesh and blood, like life, in the slow movement, but also has a mighty atmosphere, exudes.

The ancients only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and they had lost the figure of the angels and other people in their bodies. They were in a vast void!

Naturally, the ancients did not understand, and the lack of Tianzun’s own flesh and blood, even arranged a battle!

After understanding this point, the face of the old man showed a sardonic color: "Hey, if your deity comes here, your formation may be able to trap me."

"But you have a avatar in the district, and you are able to block me with the array of flesh and blood."

The voice fell, and in the eyes of the old and the old, a dazzling light broke out.

His appearance as a boy, changed very quickly, turned into a young man!


As the appearance changed, the old-fashioned mouth screamed out loud, and the big sleeves waved, and a thrilling force rushed out, sweeping away toward the emptiness of the surrounding.


In an instant, all the flesh and blood, all blasted again, the array dissipated!


At the same time, there was a roar in a world of the heavens.

The deity of the deity is here!

At this moment, his face was distorted, and his expression stared at the direction of the ancient domain.

Although his deity is innocent, the dead body is also crucial to him.

Being killed now is tantamount to being cut off by an arm so that he can not be angry!

"Although I don't know who you are, there must be a relationship between you and Jiang Yun!"

"Since you dare to kill my avatar, then I will grab Jiang Yun, force him to ask your identity from his mouth, and then torture him to death!"

The lack of Tianzun has been like crazy, reaching out to his own eyebrows and slashing, accompanied by a blood mark, and a drop of blood from the eyebrows.

And this drop of blood suspended in the air, seeing the wind is long, and instantly turned into another avatar.

After the appearance of this avatar, he immediately took a step out of the world, stood in the boundary between the heavens and the fields, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As he disappeared, he saw a sly, quietly appearing from where he disappeared, toward all directions, toward the entire heavenly domain, spreading at an extremely fast speed.

After every distance, the scorpion will emerge with an illusory black boulder behind it. After the squatting, the stone will re-enter the seam and leave no trace.

No one knows that it took thousands of years to get rid of Tianzun, and in the dark laid a horrific array that covered almost all the fields of the heavens.

This is his biggest secret. He would not have used this battle easily, but at this moment, the anger of being killed, Jiang Yun’s escape, let him decide, and he will not hesitate to reveal this secret, but also find Jiang Yun!

After only a moment, the face of Tian Zun’s face showed a smile with amazement and excitement: “I’m so lucky, I found you so soon!”

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