The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6277: Sure to lose, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sixth thousand two hundred and seventy-seventh chapter will undoubtedly be defeated

Hearing the words of the three-phase beast, Jiang Yun couldn't help but stunned: "Senior Yao Yuanzi has returned? Have I been in retreat for a long time?"

"Haha, don't listen to the three-phase nonsense, I have just returned a few days, and you have only been in retreat for a month!"

It was not the three-phase beast who answered Jiang Yun, but the demon Yuanzi who had already appeared in front of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun hurriedly bowed to the demon Yuanzi, but he was quite surprised.

Because I had to wait for the arrival of Yao Yuanzi and the Second Senior Sister, and would not leave the Yao Yuanzong for the time being, I did not calculate the exact time for this retreat.

However, in my own feelings, I didn't spend a long time in retreat, just walking in a few runes for a while.

Unexpectedly, a month has passed since reality.

That also means that it took nearly three years for himself to be in the world within a few runes.

In addition to being surprised, this also made Jiang Yun really curious about the picture he had imagined.

If True Domain does exist in such a place, then going there in person will definitely be of great help to one's own Lightning Way.

However, that would have to wait after seeing the second elder sister.

Yao Yuanzi stretched out his hand to hold up Jiang Yun Xuxu, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do, and I didn't deliberately wait for you."

"When I came back, I saw that you were in retreat, so I didn't disturb you. I told the three phases to tell me when you left the customs."

"How about it, are there any gains from this retreat?"

Although Yao Yuanzi said nothing, Jiang Yun knew well that the other party was indeed looking for something to himself.

Otherwise, how could he just open his eyes here when he appeared in front of him.

This shows that he always pays attention to himself with divine consciousness, but he doesn't want to interrupt his retreat, so he has not awakened himself.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Some gains."

"How is the senior with the respect of the earth? The respect is not embarrassing to the senior, right?"

Jiang Yun got rid of He Lianyue and specifically notified Yao Yuanzi, because he was worried that the earth respect would be angry with Yao Yuanzi because of this.

Yao Yuanzi smiled and waved his hand and said: "I am the celebrity in front of the Earth Venerable. The Earth Venerable needs my efforts, and it is impossible to embarrass me."

"Since you have left customs, then I happen to have something to tell you."

"Sit down and talk!"

Jiang Yun directly sat down and said, "Senior, please speak."

Yao Yuanzi turned his head and looked at the three-phase beast said: "You go to other places to guard, don't let people come to disturb us."

The three-phase beast stood up obediently, and left staggeringly.

Watching the departure of the three-phase beast, Jiang Yun's heart couldn't help but shudder.

Even the three-phase beast that has always been favored by Yao Yuanzi has been dismissed. It is not difficult to imagine that what Yao Yuanzi will say to him next must be very secret and important.

Yao Yuanzi waved his hand again and sat opposite Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun could clearly feel that following Yao Yuanzi's wave of his hand, the whole monster mountain suddenly trembled.

Obviously, this is Yao Yuanzi's certain restriction on Yaoshan.

After doing this, Yao Yuanzi slowly reduced the smile on his face, and then looked at Jiang Yun and said, "You and Mengyu are going to be in big trouble."

Without giving Jiang Yun time to react at all, Yao Yuanzi had already said that the Earth Zun was preparing to attack the Dreamland.

"Di Zun said that Shou Lao has another use. According to my guess, it is to let Shou Lao deal with the immortal tree."

"And I am here to rule all true-ranked emperors."

"The candidate to lead the Supreme Emperor has not been finalized yet, but one of the candidates is you!"

After listening to Yao Yuanzi's words, Jiang Yun's mind suddenly became blank!

He never imagined that the earth-sovereign would even attack Dreamland.

Ren Zun attacked the Dreamland, and it hasn't even been ten years until now.

The entire Dreamland, I am afraid, has not fully recovered from the chaos of the war.

If at this time, the earthly deity goes to attack the dreamland again, then even if the earthly respected deity does not go, it is almost impossible for the dreamland to pass.

What's more, the patriarchs of the nine tribes, including Shizu Nanion, are almost all of Dizun's former subordinates.

Although they hate the earthly respect, but in their body and soul, there are marks left by the earthly respect.

As long as the Earth Venerable thought, they would be able to make them obediently, or even turn to the side, to help the Earth Venerable deal with the Dreamland cultivator.

Even if the patriarchs and masters of the Nine Races did not help the Earth Zun, ten true-rank emperors were suddenly missing, and only relying on Asura and the Master, Nightmare Beast, and the former nine emperors, it is equally impossible to be the opponent of the Earth Zun army.

Regardless of King Kui or Qi Longxiang, although they were easily defeated by Yao Yuanzi, it did not mean that their strength would be weaker than that of the Nine Emperors.

Of course, what shocked Jiang Yun the most was that the earthly sovereign still wanted himself to command all the extreme emperors and attack the dream domain!

Seeing Jiang Yun's stunned look, Yao Yuanzi could naturally imagine Jiang Yun's shock at this moment, so he didn't worry about going down and giving Jiang Yun some time to digest the news.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally recovered and ignored the Yao Yuanzi. Instead, he directly asked the mysterious man with his spiritual knowledge: "Senior, do you already know that the earth is going to attack the dreamland? "

In Jiang Yun's thoughts, the mysterious person must already know it, so he will spare no effort to guide his practice since recently, hoping that he can quickly become stronger.

However, the mysterious man said: "I don't know."

"I said that the original future has changed."

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then can Seniors look at the future again, if the Earth Zun really attacks the Dream Realm, can the Dream Realm be turned into a breeze?"

The mysterious man said coldly: "Your question, I can answer you clearly without looking at the future, no!"

"Faced with the respect of the earth, the whole dream domain, there is no chance of winning at all!"

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't know the answer to the question, but he still had a little hope in his heart, hoping that the mysterious man could surprise himself.

But the mysterious man's answer completely extinguished the last fire of hope in Jiang Yun's heart.

Indeed, Mengyu will undoubtedly lose in the face of Di Zun!

Finally, Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the demon Yuanzi and said, "When will the earth-sovereign go to attack Dreamland?"

Yao Yuanzi shook his head and said: "Earth Zun did not give a specific time, but such a battle must make some preparations in advance."

"And now Dizun hasn't notified other people. As far as I know, only Shou Lao, Wen Liu and me should know."

"So, there should be some time."

"If at any time, the Lord of the Earth issues an order to prepare for a battle, or asks you to go to the end of the earth and ask you to fight Helian more, then it means that you are about to set off."

Jiang Yun couldn't agree with the first half of the reason Yao Yuanzi said.

Because he has experienced the battle between Ren Zun and the Dreamland, in fact, the strong side, especially like Earth Zun, doesn't need any preparation at all.

He only needs to take all the true-order extreme emperors under his command, including the powerhouses including the pseudo-exalted, to set off at any time.

However, the second half of Yao Yuanzi's reason made Jiang Yun a little relieved.

The extreme emperor really needs a suitable extreme to lead him.

Regardless of the fact that the strength of the extreme-ranked emperor is far inferior to the true-ranked pseudo-respect, but in such a battle, it is able to play an important role.

It's like when Ren Zun asked Chang Tiankun to command the monks below the true level, which caused the casualties of tens of billions of creatures in Dreamland.

And He Lianyue's strength was much stronger than Chang Tiankun.

"If it really can't be stopped, then I must win the commanding position of the extreme emperor."

As Jiang Yun became the commander, he could at least turn around, and in turn kill the extreme emperors under Di Zun's command.

Although this won't affect the final dream domain's destruction, it is better than Helianyue becoming the commander.

Jiang Yun asked the demon yuanzi again: "Senior, do you know, why did the earthly master attack Dreamland at this time?"

"Also, there should be no channel between the real domain and the dream domain now, right? How is the earthly master going to go to the dream domain?"

Yao Yuanzi sighed and said, "Earth Sovereign didn't say anything about the passage, but since he has decided to attack Dreamland, there must be a way to go."

"As for why you want to attack Dreamland at this time, I guess it may be related to Ren Zun's proposal!"

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