The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6278: Non-youth, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Yao Yuanzi's strength is much stronger than Jiang Yunlai, but in regard to the three masters' treatment of the Dreamland, he knows far less than Jiang Yun.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun heard Yao Yuanzi guess that Di Zun's attack on Dreamland at this time was related to Ren Zun's proposal, he immediately understood.

The Second Sister herself is Xunxiu monument, and has the ability to travel to the dreamland freely.

Ren Zun proposes to the Earth Zun and wants to marry the Second Senior Sister to go back. It should be to take advantage of the Second Senior Sister's ability to go to the Dreamland again.

As the father of Second Senior Sister, Di Zun naturally knew Ren Zun's true intentions, so he deliberately agreed to Ren Zun's proposal, but he planned to attack Dreamland in secret before Second Senior Sister married Ren Zun!

It is indeed a better way for the earth-zun to go to the dreamland than the other two.

In addition to the second elder sister, there are also elder brothers!

The big brother is the spirit of Sijingzang.

Several powerful people have reminded Jiang Yun that it is impossible not to lay a hand in the Four Realms Zang with the character of Di Zun.

That Divine Master might also be able to go to Dreamland with the help of Senior Brother.

In a word, after understanding the purpose and method of the Earth Zun, Jiang Yun knew that the only way he wanted to save the Dreamland was to stop the Earth Zun.

And the only two other Supremes who can stop the Earth-Zun.

Jiang Yun looked up at Yao Yuanzi, and asked calmly, "Senior, what do you think of this matter?"

Even if Yao Yuanzi is a good friend with his master, he is indeed a good person, but this does not mean that he will value the creatures of Dreamland.

Yao Yuanzi shook his head and said, "I really want to go to Dreamland to find my old friend."

"But I don't want this kind of war to happen."

"Once the war begins, whether it is in the dream domain or in the true domain, there will inevitably be a large number of life casualties."

Jiang Yun couldn't tell whether this was what the demon Yuanzi said in his heart, and then asked, "So senior, can I stop it?"

Yao Yuanzi smiled bitterly and said: "Earthzun has always said that one is not two, let alone such a big event, he has already decided, how can he stop it."

Jiang Yun deliberately thought about it for a while and said, "Then what if we tell Ren Zun this matter and let others stop it?"

Yao Yuanzi immediately shook his head without thinking: "No!"

"Tell Ren Zun, I'm afraid the two of them will unite."

"Renzun has just returned from the dreamland, he must be thinking about revenge in the dreamland again. If he knows that the landzun is going to attack the dreamland, he will ask to go together no matter what price he pays."

"Moreover, until now, only five people at most know about you, including you."

"If the respected person knows, the leaker must be among the four of us."

"With the character of Di Zun, the four of us will be killed first."

Jiang Yun stared at the demon yuanzi firmly and said: "But if you don't tell the respect, once the respect knows afterwards, can Senior be able to escape?"

"At that time, Ren Zun will inevitably still anger seniors, and blame seniors for not telling him such important things."

Yao Yuanzi frowned and said, "I respect the anger against me?"

But immediately, Yao Yuanzi stretched his brows and smiled and said, "It looks like you know a lot of things."

"Didn't you, you also heard that my demon yuanzi has betrayed the earth-zun and took refuge in the human-zun?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Yun calmly stared at Yao Yuanzi: "Senior is to avenge his friends, and there is nothing wrong with taking refuge in the respect."

Yao Yuanzi smiled and shook his head and said, "I do want to avenge my old friend, but I don't know how to rely on respect."

"Ren Zun's character is more cruel than Earth Zun. Of the three Zun Zun domains, the Zun Zun domain is the most chaotic. I can't hide in time, so how can I go to him?"

"If I really want to betray the Earth Venerable, then I might as well take refuge in the Heaven Venerable!"

"Tian Zun is much stronger than Human Zun in any aspect."

Speaking of this, Yao Yuanzi stretched out his hand and pointed around and said, "Here is what I prepared for my old friend's revenge!"

Demon Yuanzong!

Yao Yuanzi united all the monster monks as much as possible, and the purpose of creating the Yao Yuanzong was to avenge Nan Ion!

Yao Yuanzi's words greatly exceeded Jiang Yun's expectations, but he did not dare to believe it completely.

Demon Yuanzi continued: "However, my Demon Yuanzong does have demons who have taken refuge in Humans, and there should be quite a few of them. You have not only seen some of them, but also killed a few of them."

Jiang Yun's heart moved: "The sword in the stone, people are slaughtered, Lu Ben heart them?"

When Lu Benxin was able to enter the illusion realm trial, Jiang Yun doubted the people behind him and took refuge in Ren Zun.

"Not bad!" Yao Yuanzi nodded and said, "It should be the sword in the stone who took the lead in the betrayal."

"This time, the friction and dispute between us and the Black Bone Sect and other human clan sects was led by a few of them secretly."

"Of course, it is human respect that really makes them do this."

"Renzun has the greatest ambitions. Since he created the Realm of Fantasy, he has been constantly drawing in the people of the two gods of heaven and earth."

"Especially this time, he lost his soldiers and soldiers in the dreamland, so he let Shizhongjian and the others provoke conflicts and cause friction, so as to weaken the strength of the other two."

"Not only the sword in the stone, like Wenliu, some of the Qingteng couple's men, and even Tianzun, many people were moved by Renzun."

I have to say that these explanations of Yao Yuanzi made Jiang Yun believe a little bit.

Because Ren Zun's casualties in Dreamland are so great, he knows much better than Yao Yuanzi.

Ren Zun really needs to balance the strength between him and the other two as soon as possible.

Yao Yuanzi looked at Jiang Yun and continued, "If I really take refuge in the respected person, then when I see you, I should hand you over to him."

Indeed, Yao Yuanzi had long known that Jiang Yun was Fang Jun.

As for Ren Zun sent Wu Chenzi to capture Fang Jun, he already knew.

If Yao Yuanzi is really a respectable person, then there really is no reason not to catch himself.

Jiang Yun realized that he might have made a mistake.

Through the contact with Yao Yuanzi during this period, Jiang Yun can also see that Yao Yuanzi is extremely kind and treats the monster clan well.

"If the people who colluded with Ren Zun were not Yao Yuanzi, but Shi Zhongjian and the others, that would be good news."

Jiang Yun secretly said in his heart: "Should you tell Yao Yuanzi, we want to kill the respect?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Yun gave up this plan.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stood up and politely said to Ren Zun: "It looks like I blamed the senior."

Ren Zun smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay."

"It's still a matter of business. It is impossible to stop the matter of the Earth Venerable attacking the Dreamland. As for how the Dreamland will respond, I don't know."

"I just want to ask you, in this matter, are you willing to lead the Supreme Emperor on behalf of the Earth Sovereign, or are you unwilling?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said word by word: "Of course I do!"

Yao Yuanzi stared at Jiang Yun for a while and said: "Okay, then if you don't dislike it, you can live with me for the time being."

"Before I set off, I will go to meet the Weiyang girl. When that happens, you can go with me!"

After speaking, Yao Yuanzi turned around to leave, but Jiang Yun called him and said, "Senior, I want to ask you a place."


"It should be a place full of clouds and thunder and lightning."

Yao Yuanzi suddenly said, "You are talking about Yunchi!"

"There is a place where a lot of Brother Lei practiced, and King Que and others often go there."

True Realm really has such a place!

Jiang Yun continued: "I don't know how far the Yunchi is from the Demon Yuanzong, I want to see it."

Yao Yuanzi said: "The distance is a little bit, but the Yunchi is also in the area of ​​the respect. If you speed up, you can get there in about half a month."

"It's just that, regardless of whether you are Fang Jun or Yufengxing, you will be in danger when you go out. I don't know how many people are guarding outside the Demon Yuanzong, waiting for you to appear."

Jiang Yun smiled faintly: "Then I can't stay in the Demon Yuanzong forever because of them."

"That's right!" Yao Yuanzi nodded and said: "With your current strength, not to mention the extreme invincibility, but it is almost the same."

"As for the true emperor, I shouldn't dare to deal with you blatantly."

Jiang Yun clasped his fists again and said, "Then I will go to Yunchi for a trip."

"By the way, if His Royal Highness Situ or Master Dongfang come to me, please ask Senior to let me know."

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