The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6314: Devouring Power, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At the same time as the sound sounded, a round, ball-like old man was taking a big step and rolling towards the man named Wangchuan.

This old man is naturally Old Ghost Qiu!

Wang Chuan frowned when he saw Old Ghost Qiu, and said, "Why are you not in the eyes of the sea?"

Just as Jiang Yun guessed, the true-ranked emperor among the sea monsters, as long as there is nothing wrong with them, almost all of them are in the eyes of the sea, directly absorbing the power of water to practice.

Old Ghost Qiu, as a real-rank emperor, shouldn't be wandering on the ground of this root system at all.

Hearing Wang Chuan's question, Qiu Old Ghost's complexion suddenly sank and said, "Elder Wang Chuan doesn't know anything."

"Then Han Ruo has just brought back a human tribe, and she said it was introduced by the Primordial Array Spirit to come to us to practice the power of water."

"That human tribe, not only has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, but also bold and bold. I tried to test him a few words, and he dared to confront me and Elder Hai."

"He relies on the Primordial Array Spirit to support him, so that we can't do anything to him."

"However, of course I can't bear this bad breath, so I let those little boys find an opportunity later and teach him a lesson!"

A ray of light flashed in Wang Chuan's eyes, and he said coldly, "Human cultivators dare to be so arrogant when they come to our Sea-Monster's territory."

"Where is he now?"

Old Ghost Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the platform and said, "Han Ruo has arranged for him to start absorbing the power of water."

Wangchuan nodded and said, "Go, let's go and have a look!"


Old Ghost Qiu agreed, then turned around and walked towards the platform, and Wangchuan naturally followed closely behind.

Near the sea eye, Han Ruo, who was watching Jiang Yun with his spiritual sense, naturally saw Wangchuan and Old Ghost Qiu meeting, and saw the two walking towards the platform.

This made her frown, and said to herself: "Don't Elder Wangchuan have a mission?"

"How can you come here well?"

"If he also shoots Dongfang, then I can't stop it!"

After hesitating for a moment, Han Ruo shook his head and said, "Forget it, even if he makes a move, at best, he will teach Dongfang a meal and won't kill Dongfang."

"This Dongfang's character is really too arrogant. No matter who he is from the Primordial Array, he doesn't know how to converge when he comes to our Kraken's site. It's okay to let him suffer a little bit."

In the end, Han Ruo gave up his plan to go out and still only followed the development of the situation with his spiritual knowledge.

At this moment, on the platform, hundreds of sea monsters, including Jiang Yun, were sitting there with their eyes closed, absorbing the power of water.

Wang Chuan's gaze saw Jiang Yun, and calmly said to Old Ghost Qiu: "Is that him? How are you going to teach him?"

Old ghost Qiu Yinyin smiled and said, "He came to us for the purpose of absorbing the power of water."

"If I don't let him absorb, see what he can do!"

Wang Chuan understood the meaning of Old Ghost Qiu as soon as he heard it, and nodded slightly without speaking.

After another moment, Old Ghost Qiu squirmed his lips slightly, and saw that on the platform, the forty or fifty siren who were whispering before suddenly opened their eyes, and after looking at each other again, they took a deep breath at the same time!

But Jiang Yun, who was also absorbing the power of water, suddenly felt that he was empty!

The power of water that had been pouring into his own place did not wait to get close to the platform, but was separated by a rush of suction, and then spread to the surroundings.

Jiang Yun's divine consciousness can be seen clearly, and the power of the water that rushes to him is divided into forty or fifty parts, and they respectively flow under the futon of other sea monsters.

Jiang Yun naturally understood that this was the revenge of those sea monsters against him.

Don't let yourself absorb the power of water!

There is no clue to this approach.

Even if the Primordial Array Spirit came to the Sea-Monster to be held accountable for this, they could completely shirk the responsibility, saying that they could not absorb the power of water.

If you change to someone else and encounter this situation, I am afraid that you are really powerless.

Even under the anger, it is possible to attack the sea monster in anger.

That way, they just fulfilled their intentions and gave them a reason to do it.

But it's a pity that these sea monsters met Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun's purpose here is not just to absorb the power of water, but to comprehend the rules of water, and to make his own way of water proving the way again!

Moreover, Jiang Yun's understanding and proficiency in the power of water definitely far surpasses all the sea monsters on the platform!

What's more, Jiang Yun still has the power of wood, and has immortal leaves.

Aquatic wood!

With the disappearance of these water powers, Immortal Ye was dissatisfied, and was still asking for more water powers.

Under this circumstance, as long as Jiang Yun urges Indestructible Ye, it is the Indestructible Ye that takes the initiative to absorb the power of water, and these Sea-Monsters can't take it away.

However, Jiang Yun doesn't need Immortal Ye to help him!

There was a sneer on Jiang Yun's face. He suddenly raised his hand and patted the futon underneath him gently!


With this palm, the sea eyes under the futon suddenly trembled slightly.

And the next moment, the seawater that was originally calm as stagnant water in the eyes of the sea suddenly boiled, directly setting off huge waves.

These huge waves condensed in the air, and a huge water dragon was suddenly formed, directly rushing toward the futon under Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun didn't want to be too public at first, but just wanted to finish the month quietly.

But now, since these Sea-Monsters had done it first, he naturally didn't need to have any worries.

Jiang Yun couldn't absorb the power of water, and it had no effect on him at all.

When the water dragon came under Jiang Yun, the forty or fifty sea monsters were still releasing suction.

Even though this suction force is compared to this huge water dragon, it can't shake its huge body at all.

But Jiang Yun deliberately urged the water dragon, dividing it into forty or fifty small water dragons, and actively followed the suction to rush towards the sea monsters.

Even if it is divided into forty or fifty parts, the amount of water contained in each water dragon is extremely amazing.

The futon has no time to transform them into the power of water.

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by a series of dull impact sounds, all the water dragons directly hit the platform, causing the platform to shake.

And the forty or fifty sea monsters who were struggling to grab the power of Jiang Yunshui had never expected that Jiang Yun would be able to absorb water directly from the eyes of the sea.

Being hit by these water dragons, they were caught off guard, their bodies were suddenly unstable, and most of them were directly thrown off the platform.

"Stop, human tribe, what are you doing!"

At this moment, Old Ghost Qiu suddenly opened his mouth, and at the same time he shook his figure, he was about to rush to the platform and directly attack Jiang Yun.

Those Sea-Monsters didn't know what was going on, but true emperors like Qiu Laogui, Han Ruo, and Wang Chuan could see Jiang Yun's actions clearly.

This was naturally beyond their expectation. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun was able to directly draw the water in the eyes of the sea through the roots of the earth.

Jiang Yun looked at the approaching old ghost Qiu, his eyes skyrocketed, and said coldly: "Your stinky mouth, it's time to wash it!"

As the words fell, a terrifying suction burst out of Jiang Yun's body.

The huge eyes of the sea suddenly boiled, and waves of more violent waves rose to the sky!

Jiang Yun possesses the devouring power of the Yin Spirit World Beast!

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