The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6315: Fight me together, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

As one of the nine tribes under the command of the Yinling Realm Beast, its overall strength is more than that of the current first Demon Sect, the Demon Yuanzong.

The devouring power of their clan is based on the world.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun released the devouring power, the water of the sea eye that he absorbed was almost like a waterfall and galaxy flowing backwards, vast and endless.


The monstrous water, which was far more powerful and majestic than before, not only hit the platform this time, but hit the entire root earth.

In addition to the loud noise that shook the sky, a large amount of sea water had poured out from the cracks in the root system, as if countless fountains had formed.

Because Jiang Yun's swallowing power was still being released, the water from these fountains, after appearing on the ground of the root system, flowed towards Jiang Yun one after another.

The whole process is cumbersome to say, but it actually happens in a flash.

At this moment, Old Ghost Qiu happened to be in front of Jiang Yun.

The large number of fountains naturally hit his body.

Although this level of impact would not cause any substantial damage to Old Ghost Qiu, it did respond to Jiang Yun's words just now, and he could wash his mouth well!

"you wanna die!"

When Old Ghost Qiu roared wildly, he shook his body vigorously.

I saw that on the billowing body, there were very sharp spikes that stretched out from his body.

Each spike is like a sharp blade, easily breaking through the water of the sea eye around him.

And he also rushed towards Jiang Yun with the spikes all over his body.

Jiang Yun was not afraid of any fear, his figure shook, and as he withdrew, the power of swallowing burst out again, causing another huge wave to rise in the sea eye below.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that the immortal leaf in his body seemed to be very angry that the sea monster interrupted its absorption of the power of water, and unexpectedly released a wave of power, rushing to the root earth!

This made Jiang Yun stunned!

If you can control these root systems and even control all those trees through the wood power of the indestructible tree, then you will be invincible in the territory of this sea monster!

However, Jiang Yun forcibly prevented the power of Indestructible Ye.

Jiang Yun is able to deal with the current situation, and he doesn't need to use Immortal Leaf.

After all, the immortal tree is so famous among the monster race, Jiang Yun worried that once it was used, it would be recognized by this group of sea monsters.

What's more, it is best to throw the cards one by one, so as to surprise the enemy again and again.


The seawater gushing from the gaps in the roots was directly pierced by the spikes on Qiu Old Ghost's body.

However, in this way, the speed of Old Ghost Qiu was naturally affected, and it was impossible to catch up with Jiang Yun, who was retreating rapidly.

Old Ghost Qiu was also aware of this, and suddenly stopped, his cheeks bulged, and he sighed fiercely towards Jiang Yun.

In an instant, Qiu Laogui's chubby body dwindled quickly with the long breath expelling from his mouth.

And the power of his breath caused the sea water between him and Jiang Yunhe to be blown away directly, and even the space was crazily distorted.

Moreover, the speed of this distortion is also spreading extremely fast, and he is about to catch up with Jiang Yun and twist Jiang Yun's body in the same way.

Jiang Yun often heard people talk about it, blowing XX to death in one breath.

He didn't expect that today he actually saw such a strong man who could really blow people to death.

However, Jiang Yun could not be blown to death by Old Ghost Qiu!

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and grabbed it around him, and a large amount of sea water immediately filled him around him.

Especially the sea water from the eyes of the sea is continuously added, making Jiang Yun seem to be in a blister.

Whenever Qiu Laogui's breath was about to blow the bubbles, new seawater immediately poured in to prevent the bubbles from exploding.

This also caused the two of them to move silently and fall into a stalemate.

But the crowd around the audience knows that this kind of stalemate is extremely detrimental to Old Ghost Qiu!

Old Ghost Qiu uses his own power, while Jiang Yun uses the power of the surrounding water!

The place where they are now is above the sea eye, and the power of water is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Old Ghost Qiu's own power will soon be consumed cleanly.

So far, everyone can see that Jiang Yun's strength is extremely strong.

Although it is still impossible to judge his specific cultivation realm, it is difficult to compare with most sea monsters just based on the control of the use of water power.

As for Wang Chuan, Han Ruo and others, who were watching the powerful sea-monsters in this battle with their divine consciousness, did not intend to help Old Ghost Qiu.

Although Jiang Yun currently has the upper hand, Qiu Laogui, as a true-ranked emperor, naturally does not have the ability to do so.

They simply took this opportunity to ask Old Ghost Qiu to test and see how strong Jiang Yun really is.

After a stalemate for a while, Old Ghost Qiu also realized that continuing the stalemate would be detrimental to him, so he closed his mouth and his body covered with spikes suddenly spun.

Obviously, Old Ghost Qiu wanted to change his attack method.

But it's a pity that Jiang Yun didn't give him a chance at all.

"It's me!"

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, the sea water circling around him suddenly condensed into a sharp water sword, and it pierced towards Old Ghost Qiu!

The water sword is ten feet long, it is transparent, and it is difficult for people with a little bit of eyesight to find it.

Only at the blade of the sword, there was a cyan dot of light flickering.

Even though Old Ghost Qiu could see Jiang Yun's attack clearly, he still yelled without fear: "If you can pierce my body, even if you win!"

Jiang Yun smiled without saying a word.

The water sword dashed through the space quickly, and when he was about to stab Old Ghost Qiu's body, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

With a wave of the big sleeve of a figure, the endless sea water instantly condensed into a tall shield, blocking the front of Old Ghost Qiu.


The water sword stabbed the water shield.

Although both are made of water condensed, when they collided, there was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

And then, the sound of gold and iron turned into a thunderous sound.


Above the water sword and water shield, there was suddenly a large amount of cyan electric lights, and then they all exploded.

The electric light seemed ordinary, but after its appearance, all the sea monsters within a radius of at least one hundred feet felt a sense of paralysis, and instantly swept their body, making it impossible to move.

There is even a power that makes them thrilled, and even feels that death is coming, covering them.

At this moment, another figure that appeared suddenly slapped towards the place where the electric light was filled with light.

Looking around, the cyan electric light, along with the water sword and water shield that had been exploded, all began to condense rapidly.

In the surroundings of Dianguang, not only the sea water has disappeared without a trace, but even the space has become pitch black.

Until all the electric lights disappeared, many sea monsters realized that the space did not become pitch black, but because that piece of space was all squeezed into nothingness!

All this is to eliminate those electric lights!

Jiang Yun looked up and looked at the two people standing on the left and right in front of him.

One was a tall young man around him, and the other was a mighty man with a lion-nosed mouth.

Obviously, it was the two of them that shot, one blocked Jiang Yun's water sword with a water shield, and one palm pressed the space where the electric light was into nothingness!

Behind the two of them, Old Ghost Qiu had already stopped, with a look of horror on his face, staring at Jiang Yun firmly!

By this time, he naturally understood that the water sword that Jiang Yun had just displayed seemed ordinary, but the cyan light spot hidden in it was terrifyingly powerful.

If you really insist on going forward, then even if you are immortal now, you will have to lose your skin.

At this moment, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "You guys really value me."

"Three true-ranked emperors appeared at the same time, is this going to join forces to fight me alone?"

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