The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6336: Own way, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Ji Kongfan nodded and did not continue to inquire, but he had already made up his mind in his heart. If Jiang Yun had already obtained this last bit of luck, it would be the best.

If not, then even if he kills the Sea-Monster King, he still needs to help Jiang Yun get this last bit of luck.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, after using all his power to release all his strength, put his palm on the mist, he couldn't help being stunned.

Because the mist, without the slightest hesitation, rushed into his body directly along the palm of his hand.

Jiang Yun is a little unsure. Does this mean that the last bit of luck in this realm is already given to himself?

If so, it's too simple to get luck, isn't it?

So Jiang Yun couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Is it really as I guessed, because I have both the dream realm and the four realms of qi luck in my body, so I attract the Qi of this real realm? transport?"

Just when this thought came to Jiang Yun's mind, the voice of countless people in this space suddenly sounded again: "You do have luck that does not belong to this world."

"But this is not the reason why the last bit of luck chose you."

Hearing this sound, Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far away, a figure appeared.

The reason why the other party is a human figure is because the other party's body is almost transparent, especially the face, as if it is enveloped in a layer of mist, it is impossible to see the other party's appearance at all.

Naturally, this figure, in Jiang Yun's understanding, is the master of this world, or in other words, the spirit of luck.

However, Jiang Yun never expected that the other party would not only show up in front of him, but would also take the initiative to answer his own questions.

At this time, the figure also stepped towards Jiang Yun, and stopped until he reached Jiang Yun's face, and said again: "You can really attract this kind of luck, something else!"

Jiang Yun quickly recovered and looked at the other person and said, "I don't know, how should I call you?"

"Haha!" The figure said with a smile: "Didn't you have guessed it, I am the spirit of luck."

Jiang Yun nodded at him and said, "It stands to reason that I should give a gift to senior, but I can't do it in my current state. I hope Senior forgive me."

One of Jiang Yun's palm was always on top of the mist, letting the mist pour into his body, and he dared not let it go.

The Spirit of Qi Luck glanced at Jiang Yun's palm and said, "It doesn't matter if you do it or not, but you don't actually need to keep this posture."

"Qi Luck is invisible and intangible at all, and even impossible to sense."

"And the mist you see is not just luck, but what I let you see is a kind of visualization."

"Actually, the moment you get the approval of Qi Luck, the last point of Qi Luck in this realm has already been added to you."

Jiang Yun also found out that although these mists were continuously pouring into his body, he neither felt the slightest nor could he see any changes in his body.

At this moment, through the spirit of Qi Luck, he immediately understood, and without hesitation, he withdrew the palm that had always been attached to the mist.

Strangely speaking, just after Jiang Yun's palm left, there was obviously a reduction in fog before that, but he recovered in an instant, becoming as much as before.

The spirit of luck uttered a smile: "Don't you worry that I'm lying to you?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "If you lie to me, I have nothing to do. After all, you are the spirit of luck, you have the final say!"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Yun's answer made the spirit of Qi Luck laugh more loudly: "You are much more interesting than the three people who took away the nine points of luck here."

Jiang Yun naturally understood that the three people mentioned by the other party were three!

After hesitating slightly, Jiang Yun asked boldly: "Since the predecessors have seen three of them, do you know everything about True Realm?"

When Jiang Yun thought about it, the time for the existence of the three statues was already incalculable.

And this spirit of luck has not only seen the three deities, but even the luck of the real realm is considered to be given to the three deities by him, so wouldn't he have existed for longer.

Perhaps he will know about the layout!

However, the spirit of luck shook his head and said, "You don't need to call me senior, and don't think about asking me for news."

"I'm afraid you haven't found out. There is no time here. You can think of me as an old man, or you can think of me as a new life just born."

"Qi Luck does not exist in time and space, and there is no such thing as birth, old age, sickness and death."

"Even, you can treat me as completely non-existent!"

Although the other party's remarks sounded easy to understand, they clearly contained profound meaning.

Based on Jiang Yun's experience, to be honest, he can only think of these, no matter how specific and profound, he can't think of it at all.

However, Jiang Yun understood that he should not ask any information from the other party.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded, and gave up on asking, "Teached."

"The senior said that I can attract luck, not because of the luck that I already possess, but other things. I don't know, can you tell me what it is?"

"This can tell you!" The Spirit of Qi Luck pointed at the guarding palm that was always open behind Jiang Yun, "That's it!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized!


One's own way of Taoism, the way of guarding, these are the reasons for attracting luck!

The Spirit of Qi Luck also continued: "After the three people, before you, there are five more people entering."

"They could have gotten the last point of luck, but it's a pity that at the last minute, luck still didn't choose them."

"The five people, I remember, one is strong in soul, one is strong in blood, one is strong in physical body, one is born in the eyes of the sea, and one is..."

After pondering for a moment, the Spirit of Qi Luck shook his head and said, "I can't remember. In short, the five of them also have their own specialties, but from the perspective of Qi Luck, they are obviously not qualified."

"But you are different. The things condensed in this palm of your hand have never been touched by Qi Luck."

"Therefore, these lucks themselves want to see, if this last bit of luck is given to you, will you bring them some surprises."

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to the words behind the spirit of luck, but was shocked by what the other party said, the five people who entered here before him!

Strong soul, strong blood, strong physical body, the entire true realm, there are only three people who meet these three conditions, Weiyang Girl, Nan Ion and Wu Chenzi!

As for the one born in the eyes of the sea, Jiang Yun is not difficult to guess, it should be the Sea-Monster King!

It turned out that the three ancient emperors and the Sea-Monster King had a chance to obtain this last bit of luck.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to say something, he raised his head and suddenly lost the shape of the spirit of luck.

But in the squirming mist, his voice came out: "There are so many benefits of getting air luck, you can realize it yourself."

"As a winner of luck, you are qualified to use these mists to condense into something that can represent your identity. Stay here!"

Jiang Yun didn't expect that this spirit of luck would come when he came, and leave when he came.

However, he can understand what the other party said.

The three statues condense the heaven, the earth and the statues to represent their titles in the mist, so what should they condense to represent their own identity?

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun suddenly showed a smile on his face and said: "Yes!"

With the surging of mist in front of him, after condensing what Jiang Yun had thought of at an extremely fast speed, Jiang Yun had a flower in front of him, and found that he had left the land of luck and reappeared in the sea eye.

That place of luck also completely disappeared, so that Jiang Yun couldn't feel it.

Jiang Yun shook his head, turned his head and looked at the seawater around his body, a surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a cold light: "Now, it's time to surprise the Krakens!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun grabbed it casually, and the endless sea water suddenly rushed into a huge wave.

Jiang Yun stepped onto the top of the giant wave and rushed towards the top of the sea eye!

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