The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6337: Out of the sea, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sixth thousand three hundred and thirty-seventh chapter rushed out of the sea

Because there is no passage of time in the land of luck, although Jiang Yun feels that it has taken a long time to enter it, in fact, the time outside is nothing more than a passing breath.

Above the eyes of the sea, nearly ten thousand sea monsters are still waiting.

Among them, the expressions of Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu were the most anxious.

The eyes of the two demons were staring at the vortex on the sea, wishing to jump into it, and Wang Chuan, to see when Jiang Yun could appear.


Suddenly, Wang Chuan's voice rang in the ears of all the sea monsters.


Without waiting for his voice to fall completely, a huge thunder-like roar has also been heard from the eyes of the sea, easily overshadowing his voice.

All the sea monsters couldn't help but squinted their eyes in a hurry.

However, under the influence of the increasingly loud thunder that was constantly approaching the sea eye, all the sea monsters only felt that the sound did not sound in the sea eye at all, but exploded in their own heads.

The slightly weaker sea monster was directly shocked by the sound and flew out, bleeding from the seven orifices.

The stronger ones, the body also trembles violently, and has to run the whole body cultivation base, trying to resist the voice.

It's not that they don't want to leave here far, but Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu are not letting them leave.

Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu, as true-rank emperors, naturally would not be affected by the sound, but their complexion also changed drastically.

Jiang Yunlian's figure hasn't appeared yet, just by relying on the released voice, he can shock and affect so many sea monsters.

Could it be that Jiang Yun has understood the rules of water in the eyes of the sea?

But even if you understand the rules of water, you shouldn't have such a great power.

Although shocked, the two demons hadn't panicked yet.

Because the vortex that Wang Chuan had transformed had already speeded up its rotation at the same time as the sound came, it was clear that it was also preparing to launch an attack.

There are hundreds of rivers in the sea, and nearly 10,000 sea monsters' most powerful magical attacks have been gathered. They don't believe that Jiang Yun can contend!

The avatar of Wang Chuan that has always been hidden in the sea-eye's position, has already seen the depths of the sea-eye, Jiang Yun, who is rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed!

At this moment, Jiang Yun, although he could not comprehend the rules of water, but because of his luck, the sea in the eyes of the sea gave him a warm feeling.

This is what surprised him.

Even if he didn't incarnate as a water monster, these sea waters regarded him as his own kind, as a part of himself.

Jiang Yun is them, they are Jiang Yun.

Since Jiang Yun is going to fight the Sea Monster, they are naturally unconditional and full support!

At the beginning, the huge wave under Jiang Yun was only a few hundred meters in size, but as he climbed upward, more and more sea water was added, and the size of the huge wave continued to grow.

When Jiang Yun was only a hundred feet away from the exit of the sea eye, even he himself could not calculate how much the huge wave under him had grown.

In other words, he doesn't need to calculate at all.

Because the huge waves under him already contained all the seawater in the entire sea eye.

Jiang Yun stood on such a huge wave, expressionless, staring at the vortex transformed by Wangchuan indifferently.

At this moment, Wangchuan finally made a move!

The magical powers of nearly ten thousand sea monsters that had just been frozen by him using the rules of water all returned to normal in an instant.


With Wang Chuan's hand reaching out, all the attacks, wrapped in the whirlpool, had already rushed towards Jiang Yun.

He wanted to strike Jiang Yun head-on.

As for himself, he shook his body, separated from the eyes of the sea, and stood in the air.

At the sudden appearance of Wang Chuan, all the sea monsters were slightly startled, and they didn't understand how he got out of the sea well.

Old Ghost Qiu asked anxiously: "Elder Wangchuan, what do you mean?"

Wangchuan said faintly: "Don't worry, I wrap up those attacks with a clone. When necessary, I can make the clone blew!"

Hearing Wang Chuan's explanation, the sea monsters couldn't help secretly saying that Wang Chuan was too ruthless.

With a combined blow of nearly 10,000 Krakens, he was not yet safe enough, so much so that he was about to explode a clone.

When they wanted to come, Jiang Yun was truly bound to die.

But only Wang Chuan knows that he is standing here at this moment, not knowingly, but fearful!

Because his avatar hidden in the depths of thousands of feet, the moment he saw Jiang Yun, suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Although it was just a clone of him, the strength he possessed was also comparable to the extreme rank, but it disappeared so easily.

And then, the surging sea water in the eyes of the sea was also extremely wrong, making him even feel a sense of danger in his heart.

Although he didn't understand why he felt this way, no matter how strong Jiang Yun was, he couldn't be stronger than the combined attack of nearly 10,000 Krakens.

But he was originally a demon of pure water, and his sensitivity to water far exceeded that of other creatures.

Therefore, his real purpose for getting out of the sea eye is to facilitate himself. Once something special happens, he is so able to withdraw and leave!

"Boom boom boom!"

Finally, under the eyes of the sea, there was once again a loud noise that was countless times more terrifying than before.

This time, even the powerful sea monsters could no longer bear them, and they were all shocked and flew out.

And in the eyes of the sea, there is a huge fountain that suddenly soars into the sky.

This fountain is not made of sea water, but made up of countless giant trees that fell into the eye of the sea before!

The roots of these giant trees can form a part of the earth.

But now the root system of the giant tree, together with the body, all sprayed out of the eyes of the sea.

This scene is really spectacular.

"Have you killed him?"

Elder Hai waved his sleeves, and after smashing a giant tree rushing in front of him, he asked loudly.

It takes so much impact force to rush out so many giant trees.

The impact force must have been caused by the magical powers of nearly ten thousand sea monsters that hit Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Elder Hai was naturally asking Wang Chuan for the result.

However, as Elder Hai asked this question, Wangchuan, who was almost hit by these giant trees, had retreated hundreds of meters away, but did not answer at all.

At this moment, Wang Chuan, the face that had always been calm, showed a rare look of fear, suddenly turned around, and galloped towards the secluded boundary of the sea, and ran away without a trace in an instant.

However, at the moment he fled, he did not forget to transmit the voice to Elder Hai: "I have blew my clone, and Dongfang should be dead. I will go down to the sea eye to see. You guys find a way to stop these giant trees and come down with me. Will make peace, just in case."

Elder Hai agreed loudly, because all his attention was focused on the eyes of the sea.

In addition, the branches and leaves of a large number of giant trees blocked his sight, so that he did not know that Wangchuan had escaped.

Elder Hai also yelled, raised his hand, and patted the giant tree that was still spitting out.

As the pinnacle of true rank, the strength of Elder Hai is beyond doubt.

After the palm of his hand was photographed, countless giant trees flew out to the distance.

With the disappearance of the giant tree, the water surface of the sea eye instantly returned to calm.

Elder Hai did not notice the suddenly calm water surface at all. He just said to Old Ghost Qiu: "Old Ghost Qiu, Wang Chuan has already gone to the sea first. You and I will make peace with him as soon as possible, just in case. ."

Although Old Ghost Qiu didn't want to go, he didn't dare not listen to Elder Hai's words. He could only bite the bullet and jumped towards Haiyan with Elder Hai.

But at this moment, another roar like a monster beast suddenly heard from the eyes of the sea.

Amid the roar, a huge wave suddenly rose from within the eyes of the sea, and directly knocked the bodies of Elder Hai and Elder Qiu into the air.

This group of huge waves, as high as ten thousand feet, rose out from the deepest part of the sea eye like a dragon.

And at the top of the giant wave, stood a expressionless human race man, with a face full of solemnity, watching Elder Hai, Elder Qiu, and all the sea monsters!

Jiang Yun finally rushed out of the sea!

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