The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6338: Strength rolling, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sixth thousand three hundred and thirty-eight chapters are crushed by strength

At this moment, although the huge waves were rolling and roaring and shaking the sky, above this sea eye, everything else seemed to have stopped using a hold technique.

Regardless of the surrounding sea water or the nearly ten thousand sea monsters, even the elders of the sea and the old ghost Qiu who had just stabilized their figures, they all remained still.

Their gazes stared at the top of the giant wave, Jiang Yun above the top.

They could clearly feel that Jiang Yun now had something more than when he stepped into the eyes of the sea before.

But they couldn't say what it was.

They only knew that under Jiang Yun's indifferent gaze, they didn't dare to face Jiang Yun's gaze at all.

Even, in their hearts, there was an inexplicable sense of awe that seemed to be hidden in the depths of their souls, as if they were born with them.

It seems that Jiang Yun at this moment is the king of their sea monsters, the king of the sea, and the king of all water in the world!

Don't talk about shooting against Jiang Yun, nearly 10,000 Sea-Monsters didn't need Jiang Yun to speak at all, they had already bowed their heads one after another.

What's more, it was directly transformed into the true appearance, knelt down towards Jiang Yun, and gave the most pious gift.

Old Ghost Qiu and Elder Hai, the two monsters also had the same feeling in their hearts, but their strength as true-ranked emperors still supported their bodies and will, preventing them from kneeling down.

But even so, their bodies trembled slightly uncontrollably.

They can ignore the inexplicable sense of awe in their hearts, but they can't ignore the unscathed appearance of Jiang Yun!

Nearly ten thousand sea monsters have magical magical powers, especially including the full blow of at least four true-ranked emperors of them.

This level of attack, replaced by them, is the result of death or injury.

But Jiang Yun is intact!

What kind of strength is needed to do this?

Jiang Yun still stared at them indifferently, watching their reactions in his eyes, knowing that they were in awe of the huge waves under him, the sea water that had existed for countless years in the eyes of the sea. It is the purest water power in the world!

However, they are in awe of themselves.

Therefore, the self at this moment is a giant wave, the embodiment of the power of water!

The combined blow of nearly 10,000 Sea-Monster powerhouses is indeed amazing, but in the final analysis, it is all formed by the power of water, which is insignificant compared to the seawater in the entire sea eye.

It's like a mountain, smashed into the sea.

Even if the mountain is high and big, and falls into the sea, at most it will set off a wave, and it is impossible to hurt the sea itself.

After staring for a short time, Jiang Yun finally slowly said: "Kai-mon, I have no grievances with you, but you are bent on putting me to death!"


As soon as Jiang Yun's voice fell, amidst the boundless huge waves beneath him, suddenly violently rolled and surging again, and there was a roar and roar.

This represents the anger of the sea, and it also caused all the sea monsters except for the elders of the sea and the old ghosts to kneel down, shaking all over, and what's more, directly vomiting blood and exploding.

The reason why they are like this is not only because of their inner fear, but also because of the powerful pressure released from the huge wave.

That is the pressure from the depths of the eyes of the sea!

Strong as the spirit of the ancients, under this coercion, it can only withstand a depth of ten thousand feet at most, not to mention these sea monsters.

Moreover, this is Jiang Yun's mercy, otherwise, the pressure of the sea will be released, and the sea monster present will be able to die in an instant.

Even Han Ruo, the true emperor, knelt down in the same way.

However, at this moment, she gritted her teeth, plucked up all the courage, and said boldly: "My lord, we dare not be your enemy. It is Elder Hai, Wang Chuan and Old Ghost Qiu who forced us. Shot on you."

"If we don't take action, they will kill us."

Han Ruo knew that if he couldn't tell the truth anymore, he might all die in Jiang Yun's hands.

The expressions of Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu changed abruptly.

It was not that they had never thought that other sea monsters would betray themselves, but the huge shock that Jiang Yun's appearance brought them was that they all ignored this.

At this moment, facing Jiang Yun's gaze that was already looking at the two of them, the instinctive reaction of both of them was to turn around together, rushing out frantically in two different directions.

Seeing the figures of the two fleeing, Jiang Yun didn't worry, because the boundless huge wave under him had already split into two.

Half of the huge waves chased Elder Hai, while Jiang Yun himself was standing on the other half of the waves and chased Old Ghost Qiu.

Among the many sea monsters, the one that Jiang Yun hated the most was this old ghost Qiu.

Ever since Jiang Yun stepped into the ground of the root system, Old Ghost Qiu wanted to search for his soul for no reason, which caused a series of things to follow.

If it weren't for Jiang Yun to enter the land of luck and get the last point of luck, Jiang Yun's final fate this time would really be mortal.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must chase him personally!

The real-rank emperor ran away with all his strength, and logically speaking, the speed was absolutely amazing.

But here is in the sea of ​​bounds, and Old Ghost Qiu is the true emperor among the sea monsters, and naturally the power of water is used to escape.

When Jiang Yun chased him, the sea around him immediately turned into a swamp, making him difficult and slowing down abruptly.

In just an instant, Jiang Yun had appeared behind him.

Old Ghost Qiu was shocked, and suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of Jiang Yun and said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, your lord raises your hand, please forgive me!"

Jiang Yun looked at him coldly and said: "I won't kill you, I will wash your mouth!"

The voice fell on the huge wave under Jiang Yun, and a stream of water suddenly broke out and rushed towards Old Ghost Qiu's mouth.

Although it looked like an ordinary current of water, when the current rushed to Qiu's mouth, Qiu's expression changed again.

With a "bang", the water directly pierced Old Ghost Qiu's mouth, and blood spurted out.

The power of water contained in this current is really too powerful.

Old ghost Qiu wanted to resist, but the coercion from the surrounding sea water was like a chain, firmly entwining his body, making him unable to move at all, and he could only let the huge waves under Jiang Yun's body. In the middle, it seemed to be an endless stream of water, constantly washing his mouth.

Jiang Yun ignored him, turned around and looked at Elder Hai!

Elder Sea was also trapped by the sea and couldn't escape at all.

Naturally, he also witnessed the scene where Old Ghost Qiu was punished by Jiang Yun, his face was pale, and his heart was filled with fright and anger.

Although he has no idea what Jiang Yun has experienced in the eyes of the sea and how he suddenly became so strong, he knows very well that even if he is stronger than Old Ghost Qiu, he will not be the current Jiang Yun at all. Opponent.

Jiang Yun's strength is no longer a strength, but more like a life-level strength, completely crushing all the world's sea creatures, including himself.

Seeing Jiang Yun coming by the waves, Elder Hai tried his best to keep himself calm, his mind rushed, thinking about whether he could save his life.

Begging for mercy, it's definitely useless, it's too late to move the soldiers.

Facing Jiang Yun who had finally arrived in front of him, Elder Hai suddenly raised his hand and slapped his eyebrows.

I saw him pull out a soul, put his hands in the palms of his hands, and knelt down to say: "My lord, I would like to offer my soul. From then on, I would be a slave to the grown-ups."

The sudden move of Elder Hai, let alone stunned Han Ruo and many other sea monsters, even Jiang Yun was stunned for a while.

Although Jiang Yun has encountered many opponents and will choose to surrender when it is a matter of life and death, Elder Hai is the true peak emperor!

In Jiang Yun's view, Elder Hai's strength was not much weaker than that of King Kui under the command of Di Zun.

Such a strong man is so happy to become his own slave!

However, Jiang Yun quickly came back to his senses, knowing that the stronger he was, the more he was actually afraid of death.

When it comes to the cultivation of Elder Hai, he would rather be a slave than die!

Just when Jiang Yun was thinking about whether to accept the servant of Elder Hai, he suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction.

There, there are two auras stronger than Elder Hai, and they are coming!

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