The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6366: Mr. School, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jian Sheng suddenly made this request, although Gu Bulao was a little surprised, but he could understand his reason.

Jiansheng wanted to go to the real world to find Situ Jing!

Although Gu Bulao was willing to complete Jiansheng and Situ Jing, Ji Kongfan said that he could only take three people to the true realm, but now that the three candidates have been determined, it is impossible to change.

After a moment of hesitation, Gu Bulao simply told the truth, telling the story of his choice of Ming Yuyang and said: "Well, let me take you to see Ji Kongfan and ask him his opinion."

"If he can bring one more person, then you will go with him, if not, then you will stay temporarily this time."

"Perhaps, there will be another chance next time."

Jiansheng once again held his fist at Gu Bu Lao and said, "Thank you, Senior Gu."

Gu Bu Lao also stopped talking nonsense, rolled up the two of them with his big sleeves, took them away, and returned to Jiang Gongwang's residence.

Seeing that among the two people with Gu Bulao, there is no Ming Yuyang, but there is an extra sword student, so Shura and the others are naturally puzzled.

Gu Bu Lao said to the crack in the land outside the law: "Ji Kongfan, Jian Sheng said that he also wants to go to the real world, I don't know if you can bring one more person."

After Ji Kongfan was silent for a while, his voice sounded again: "If it's someone else, definitely not, but Jiansheng, I will try my best!"

When everyone heard Ji Kongfan's words, they thought it was Ji Kongfan who looked at Jiansheng differently, or that the two had a good personal relationship.

But in fact, only Ji Kongfan knew this. He agreed to take Jiansheng with him because he saw the shadow of himself and his wife in Jiansheng and Situ Jing.

Situ Jing will marry Ren Zun soon.

If you can kill Ren Zun, this marriage will naturally be over, but if you can't kill Ren Zun, let the two meet again!

Jian Sheng also didn't expect Ji Kongfan to agree so happily. He also fisted and bowed to the crack above and said, "Thank you."

Gu Bulao continued: "I went to find Ming Yuyang, but because the other party is in the realm of fantasy, it may take some time, so..."

"It's okay!" Ji Kongfan said lightly: "I'll wait for you to come back!"

Then Gu Bu Lao turned and left, heading to the Realm of Fantasy.

Seeing Gu Bulao disappearing, whether it was Shura or Nightmare, he shook his head slightly, and didn't know whether to say Gu Bulao was lucky or unfortunate.

Although he has four, no, five prestigious disciples, in the end, all five disciples will be sent to the true realm by him.

In the true realm, how far these five people can go, and whether they will be brutally killed is no one can be sure.

But anyway, since this was Gu Bulao's own choice, he would have to bear any result himself.

In Fantasy Realm, Gu Bulao did not go to Ming Yuyang directly, but found the original home!

Today's Fantasy Realm, because of Yun Xihe's killing, and the channel connecting the real realm in the Eye of Fantasy Realm has been completely collapsed, making Yuanjia finally truly become the master of the entire Realm Realm.

Of course, after experiencing the battle between Human Respect and Dreamland, Magic Realm did not dare to despise Dreamland anymore.

Especially the ancient is not old!

Yuan Xiqiao, the owner of the original family, personally received Gu Bu Lao, and after learning of Gu Bu Lao's request, he immediately took him to find the ancestor of the original family, Yuan Fan!

When Ming Yuyang entered the realm of illusion, he was favored by Yuan Fan, and he was drawn into the original home as a guest. Therefore, in the realm of illusion, if someone could know the whereabouts of Ming Yuyang, it was only It could be Yuanfan.

Yuan Fan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Gu found me right, I really know where Ming Yuyang is, please come with me!"

Although Ren Zun could no longer directly interfere with the True Realm of Illusion, the rule fragments left by him still exist, so the True Realm of Illusion is still full of a large number of illusions, but it will not continue to spread.

Yuan Fan came to a world outside of the world with his ancient immortality and said, "Ming Yuyang is in a school inside!"

Gu Bulao looked down and found that there was an illusion in this realm.

In the illusion, a large number of creatures are living their lives like normal people. There is a school in a city.

In the school, more than a dozen children were sitting on their knees, reading books aloud.

And in front of the children, a man in white clothes with an extremely handsome appearance, holding a book in his hands, also shook his head and read it, his face still showing intoxication.

Naturally, this man in white is Ming Yuyang!

Seeing this scene, even with the immortal concentration, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He never expected that Ming Yuyang could not only live in the illusion, but also become a teacher in the illusion.

Gu Bulao turned his head to look at Yuan Fan and said, "He has always been like this?"

Yuan Fan smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I didn't know where he was before the war."

"It wasn't until the end of the war that he returned to the Realm of Illusion because of his injury, which gave me a chance to follow him secretly.

"I have been here several times, hoping that he can help rescue all the creatures in the illusion, but he said that he can't do it."

Gu Bu Lao nodded and said, "I have work."

Yuan Fan waved his hand and said, "It's all from his own family, what are you polite!"

Yuan Fan had already chosen to betray Human Respect, so now he naturally has to do his best to maintain a good relationship with Gu Bu Lao and other dreamland powerhouses.

Gu Bu Lao stopped talking and stepped into the world below.

And seeing Gu Bulao also directly entered the illusion, making Yuan Fan's eyes suddenly widened.

Ming Yuyang had a hint of surprise in his eyes for the Gu Bold who appeared in front of him, but he immediately sneered and said, "Rever guest, how come Master has time to come to me?"

Gu Bulao didn't speak at all, just staring at him with his eyes straight, and Ming Yuyang was not nervous, and waved to the students who had stopped reading, "Okay, today's class will be over. Here, you go back first!"

"By the way, I may have something to do recently, so starting tomorrow, you will have a holiday, and you will come to class again after I come back!"

More than a dozen children immediately packed their things, stood up, walked to Ming Yuyang's side, and bowed respectfully in turn and said, "Goodbye, sir."

The last ten-year-old boy, after giving a salute to Ming Yuyang, took a secret look at Gu Bo Lao, then hesitated and said: "Sir, will you come back to give us class?"

Ming Yuyang smiled slightly and reached out to touch the boy's head and said, "Don't worry, Mr. will be back!"

After receiving Ming Yuyang's answer, the boy suddenly showed a happy smile on his face, and said loudly, "Then I will wait for the husband to come back."

When the voice fell, the boy jumped out.

At this time, Ming Yuyang finally turned his gaze to Gu Boldly again: "Master Master, you are here to clean up the door, let's change the place!"

When Ming Yuyang wanted to come, since Gu Bulao found himself, he must seize or kill himself.

Gu Bulao did not answer his question at all, but looked at the direction of those children leaving and said: "Among you students, if someone kills other students, even you have to kill, what would you do?"

"Hahaha!" Ming Yuyang laughed and said, "Of course I want to kill him first!"

Ming Yuyang's laughter suddenly converged: "Okay, Master, don't talk nonsense, change a place, let the disciple kill you!"

Gu Bu Lao nodded and said, "Okay, change the place!"

Yuan Fan, who was outside the world, watched the two masters and apprentices helplessly, and easily escaped from the illusion and appeared in front of him.

Gu Bu Lao said to him: "Brother Yuan, I want to take the rebels to leave temporarily, and I will visit you again in the future!"

After speaking, Gu Bu Lao immediately turned around and flew forward, while Ming Yuyang shrugged his shoulders at Yuan Fan, and followed closely behind.

Seeing the two figures gradually out of his sight, Yuan Fan was confused!

Yuan Fandang Gu is his own person, but Gu Bulao did not regard him as his own.

Therefore, it was impossible for Gu Bu Lao to tell him about sending Ming Yuyang to the true realm in front of him.

At the same time that Gu Bulao took Ming Yuyang to the Dreamland, Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi who were on the top of a mountain in the realm Tianzun realm were also the people who finally waited for the Weiyang girl to send.

Seeing this person, Jiang Yun's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and a look of shock flashed across his face.

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