The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6367: Tianzun is here, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Appearing in front of Jiang Yun was a woman in a goose yellow dress. She was tall and beautiful, with a smile on her face that made people look comfortable.

After seeing Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi, the woman immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "The two are Senior Yao Yuanzi and Senior Brother Yu Fengxing?"

Yao Yuanzi also stood up, nodded and said: "Yes, it is us."

After confirming the identities of the two, the woman bowed to them and said, "My name is Lu Xiaoyu, Master's youngest disciple, and Master asked me to pick them up to her residence."

"Senior and brother, if they don't dislike it, they can call me Xiaoyuer!"

Lu Xiaoyu, Xiao Yuer!

These two titles immediately brought Jiang Yun's memory back hundreds of years ago, when he just worshipped Dao Sect!

Lu Xiaoyu, Jiang Yun is asking Daozong’s junior sister!

When Lu Xiaoyu first entered the Dao Sect, because of her weakness, Lu Xiaoyu lost a blue light wolf and sat on the sect and wept. It was Jiang Yun who took the initiative to come forward and help her.

From then on, she regarded Jiang Yun as her elder brother.

In addition to this identity, Lu Xiaoyu also has another identity.

Her ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Qingcheng, was Ye Guchen's disciple and a demon refiner.

Therefore, Lu Xiaoyu later returned to Lu Qingcheng and also practiced the magic of refining demons!

After that, Jiang Yun had hardly seen her again, until Ren Zun attacked the Dreamland, Yuan Ning secretly captured a group of Dreamland monks back to the True Realm.

Among them, there is Lu Xiaoyu!

Jiang Yun only saw his wife Xueqing in the Taikoo Medicine Sect not long ago, but he didn't expect to see Lu Xiaoyu again here now.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that Lu Xiaoyu actually worshipped Wei Yang as a teacher!

Xueqing, when Jiang Yun wanted to come, she worshipped Yuan Ning as a teacher.

And this also made Jiang Yun realize that those Dreamland creatures who were captured by Yuan Ning, after arriving in the true realm, were all taken as disciples by some strong men under Tianzun.

Regardless of Lu Xiaoyu's identity from Dreamland, being able to worship Weiyang Girl's door is definitely a great blessing for Lu Xiaoyu.

Weiyang Girl is the first soul-sculptor, and even three of them have to give her face, so as her disciple, Lu Xiaoyu's status is naturally rising, and no one dares to provoke her.

Although Jiang Yun had recognized Lu Xiaoyu, Lu Xiaoyu naturally did not recognize him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun really wanted to show his identity to Lu Xiaoyu, but he forcibly held it back.

There is no other reason. Lu Xiaoyu now obviously has a very good life.

But once Lu Xiaoyu knows that Yu Fengxing is Jiang Yun, then her peaceful life will be completely messed up, and from then on, she may be affected by herself.

This is not good for her, only bad.

Moreover, Jiang Yun is not sure whether Lu Xiaoyu still retains the memory of Dreamland and whether she remembers that she once had an older brother named Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun just gave Lu Xiaoyu a faint smile, hugged his fists and said, "Sister Lao Lu!"

Lu Xiaoyu continued to smile and said, "You don't have to be polite, Brother Yu."

"Two of you, come with me, Master and her elders are already waiting a little anxiously."

When the voice fell, a teleportation stone appeared in her hand, which was directly crushed, and a ball of teleportation light lit up, covering the bodies of the three of them.

When Jiang Yun walked out of the light, before he could see the sight in front of him clearly, he had already smelled a faint fragrance in the air.

As a pharmacist, Jiang Yun couldn't tell whether this scent came from a certain plant or something else.

But after the fragrance enters the body, it will directly blend into the soul, making the soul feel extremely comfortable.

Jiang Yun naturally understood that this fragrance was specifically aimed at the soul and was used to nourish the soul.

It's like soaking in a soul spring, but it's a bit more clever than the soul spring.

After all, the soul spring is fixed, and you must enter the soul spring or drink the soul spring to be effective.

But under the scent, as long as it is within the range covered by the scent, the soul is equivalent to being nourished at all times.

Over time, the soul will inevitably grow stronger.

And Lu Xiaoyu’s voice rang in Jiang Yun’s ears: "Senior Brother Jade came to the Soul Realm for the first time, so I don’t know. This fragrance is emitted by the soul beast personally cultivated by the master, and it is of great benefit to the soul. ."

"The soul beast is extremely precious, except here, only Master Tianzun has it."

"If Brother Yu is not in a hurry to leave, you can stay here for a while and get a good feel."

Obviously, Lu Xiaoyu knew Jiang Yun's thoughts at the moment, so he specifically explained the source of the fragrance for him.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I have heard about the name of Weiyang's female predecessor for a long time, and it is indeed well-deserved."

"As a monster clan, I have never heard of the existence of soul beasts."

The demon Yuanzi on the side also smiled and said: "Soul beasts, strictly speaking, can't be regarded as beasts at all. It's a kind of soul created by Weiyang Girl using the rules of soul, so you don't know it is normal."

With the fall of Yao Yuanzi's voice, Jiang Yun finally saw the scene in front of him clearly.

As the ancient emperor and the number one soul-sculptor, Wei Yang's position is supernatural, so she naturally also owns a domain, and directly uses the soul as the domain name.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun was not in the realm, but in a world.

In the whole world, the sky is blue and the earth is vast. Not only is the fragrance in the air comfortable for the soul, but everything you can see is refreshing.

Not far away, there is still a city standing tall, and there are many pedestrians coming and going.

Each of these pedestrians exudes a not weak aura, obviously all of them are cultivators, and their strength is not weak.

However, after watching those monks a few more times, Jiang Yun's eyes were slightly condensed.

Because he suddenly discovered that those pedestrians looked human, but they were actually soul bodies!

Moreover, they are different from Jiang Yun's soul into the flesh.

The soul enters the flesh, it is a perfect fusion of the soul and the flesh, but the monks in Jiang Yun's eyes are clearly the soul, but the body is extremely solid.

Naturally, this should also be the work of Weiyang's daughter.

Jiang Yun understood, why there is such a fragrance here, obviously it was specially prepared for these soul bodies.

However, Jiang Yun was also a little surprised. Although Wei Yang is a soul sculptor, there is no need to put so many souls in her own place!

This time, Lu Xiaoyu did not explain to Jiang Yun again, but pointed to the city in front of him and said: "Master is waiting for two in the city, please come with me, both of you!"

Yao Yuanzi nodded, and followed Lu Xiaoyu behind him, walking towards the city.

When passing by the monks, the monks smiled and took the initiative to greet them when they saw the three of them, their expressions were very peaceful.

Even each of them can call out Lu Xiaoyu's name!

Lu Xiaoyu also responded to everyone one by one, just like an old friend who has known each other for many years.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Jiang Yun couldn't help being curious about the Weiyang girl and the city.

This world seems to be completely closed. All the creatures living here are a family and live in harmony with each other.

At this time, Yao Yuanzi's voice transmission suddenly sounded in his ears: "Some of these souls are the relatives of Weiyang's daughter, some are Weiyang's friends, and some are enemies that she personally killed."

"She concentrated all these souls in this city, making them as if they were still alive."

Jiang Yun's heart couldn't help being shocked.

If these souls are only Weiyang's friends and relatives, it can be understood that she is emphasizing love and righteousness, but there are still enemies.

This shows that Weiyang's character is indeed a bit weird.

Following Lu Xiaoyu, Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi stepped into the city smoothly, but at this moment, Wei Yang's voice suddenly sounded in their ears: "Master Tianzun is here, you and Let me meet you together!

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