The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6494: unique, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Hearing Tianzun's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help laughing and said, "Although I don't know if you are the person who planned it, I really admire this person very much."

"No matter how we struggle, how hard we are in the game, and seek changes and breakthroughs, he always has a way to make everything change and eventually return to the trajectory he set."

"I originally thought that in this reincarnation, I would not encounter the alliance of the three of you again, but now, the three of you are standing in front of me."

"Even, even what you and I said are almost the same."

"Tianzun, since you also remember what happened in the last reincarnation, you should know that you said the same thing to me last time."

"How I answered at the time, now, I still answer the same!"

"I reject!"

Tianzun nodded noncommittally and said: "You refused to cooperate at that time, the reason is that we destroyed the dream domain, killed the people you care about, you hated us, and even maintained this hatred to this day."

"But in this reincarnation, many things have changed."

Tianzun stretched out his hand and pointed to the outside and said: "Beyond this illusion, the dream realm is not only intact, but also continues to expand, to annex the real realm."

"And most of the people you care about are still alive, and there is no deep hatred between us and you."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, then I can guarantee that none of the three of us will attack you and Mengyu again."

"We will also publicly admit that you are the fourth supreme, and the three of us have each divided a part of the area for you as your supreme domain."

"There, you are the supreme existence. You can bring the dream realm and everything in it into your supreme realm. From then on, you can be happy."

"As for everything that happened in the past, as long as you think we owe something, we can also find a way to make up for it."

Speaking of this, Tianzun looked at the earth and human beings on the side and said: "Two supreme, my proposal, do you have any opinion?"

Earth Zun and Human Zun looked at each other.

Although they don't remember the last reincarnation at all, at least they know the existence of the game, and they are more aware of the difficulty of breaking the game.

If Jiang Yun is really Supreme, and he and Tianzun still remember what happened in the last reincarnation, then the success of breaking the game with the cooperation of the four Supremes is indeed much greater.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, both the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable nodded.

Di Zun even said directly: "Yes, Jiang Yun..."

Di Zun just said these four words, Jiang Yun's eyes were already looking at him coldly, and he interrupted his words: "Can you revive my second senior sister?"

Di Zun's expression froze, Jiang Yun continued: "In my heart, the three of you together are not as important as my second sister's hair!"

"So, stop talking nonsense. Today, either you will kill me again, or I will change the results of the past and kill the three of you!"

Tianzun shook his head and said again: "Jiang Yun, have you ever thought about how this game is arranged?"

"Since those of us who are in the game can experience reincarnation again and again, die in the old reincarnation, but are born in the new reincarnation, is it possible that we have never really died at all?"

"When we break this game, maybe we can see that everyone who has died is actually alive and well?"

"You can't let go of your senior sister's death, we can fully cooperate first and break this game."

"If you don't see the people who have died after the game is broken, at that time, it will be too late for you to seek revenge from us!"

"I think, you definitely don't want to be trapped in this game forever!"

For Tianzun's persuasion, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, Jiang Yuncai said softly, "I've thought about everything you said."

"In this reincarnation, I also tried to persuade myself to let go of my hatred temporarily, cooperate with you, and try my best to break through this situation."

"But..." Jiang Yun was silent for a moment, then said: "It's not impossible, as long as you can do one thing!"

Having said that, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, spread out his palm, and suddenly an ordinary leaf appeared in his palm.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun blew lightly at the leaves.

The leaves suddenly broke away from Jiang Yun's palm, flew into the air, and floated in front of Tianzun.

Tianzun was a little puzzled, but he still reached out and caught the leaf. After looking at it, he looked at Jiang Yun and said, "What do we need to do?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "No matter what method you use, it's fine to look around, or use your magical powers, as long as you can find a leaf that is exactly the same as the one in your hand, I can let go of my hatred and make peace with you. You work together!"

"Remember, it's the same!"

Jiang Yun's request made even Tianzun frown slightly.

Because in their view, this requirement is too simple.

Tianzun opened his palm, and a leaf immediately appeared in his palm.

The Earth Venerable and Human Venerable on the side glanced at it. The leaf made by Heavenly Venerate is exactly the same as the leaf made by Jiang Yun.

However, just as Tianzun lifted the leaves he made and just wanted to speak, Jiang Yun had already said, "Tianzun, are you sure that these two leaves are exactly the same?"

"Their size, leaf pattern distribution, thickness and weight, everything is exactly the same!"

Tianzun was slightly startled, looked down at the leaf in his hand, and shook his head gently, the leaf he created had disappeared, and another leaf appeared.

But soon, the leaf disappeared again.

In this way, Tianzun repeatedly created more than ten leaves.

In the end, she stretched out her hand, crushed the leaves just made, looked up at Jiang Yun and said, "I can't find the exact same leaves."

"It's just, I don't understand, what's the point of finding it?"

Earth Zun and Human Zun originally wanted to give it a try.

Especially the Earth Venerable, his assimilation rules should be better at making exactly the same things than the Heavenly Venerate.

But since Tianzun had already given up, he did not speak again.

A lonely smile slowly appeared on Jiang Yun's face and said, "Because, unique!"

"There's not even a single leaf that's exactly the same, let alone someone more complicated than a leaf!"

"Everyone is unique!"

"Even if we have experienced countless reincarnations, each reincarnation will be resurrected from the dead, which is a repetition of the previous reincarnation. It seems that we are still us, but in fact, each of us, in the new reincarnation It is already a new existence.”

"If others don't tell me, I will tell myself."

"I am Jiang Yun, no one can deny this fact, but I am very different from Jiang Yun, who was born in this reincarnation."

"I'm hiding in Jiang Yun's body, watching what he's going through, I'll feel the same way."

"Seeing the familiar faces of my parents, master, brother and sister, although I also have the same feelings for them and care about their safety, I know that they have nothing to do with me. "

"Because, this is not my reincarnation, but this Jiang Yun's reincarnation."

"My home, the people I care about, they are all dead and gone!"

"I'm the only one left in my world!"

"Therefore, I can't let go of this hatred!"

"I'd rather live forever in this game, to avenge them, to see you once, and to kill you once!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes skyrocketed with murderous aura, his eyebrows split open, and the three avatars appeared again.

This time, Jiang Yun didn't hesitate any more, the two incarnations rushed to the Earth Zun and the Human Zun respectively, while himself and the other incarnation rushed to the Tian Zun!

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