The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6495: Fighting the Three Lords Alone, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing Jiang Yun's sudden action, the expressions of Di Zun and Ren Zun suddenly changed.

Before Tianzun appeared, the two of them joined forces, and some of them were not Jiang Yun's opponents. Now they are fighting alone, one-on-one, and it is even more impossible to beat Jiang Yun.

Especially since they already knew that the current Jiang Yun, who used to be the supreme, didn't even have the confidence to fight Jiang Yun.

They are all supreme, and naturally they know that the strength gap between the supreme and the pseudo-respect is impossible to bridge.

At this moment, the two Supremes all looked at Tianzun, hoping that Tianzun could have a way to deal with Jiang Yun.

However, when they saw that Jiang Yun and an avatar had surrounded Tianzun, they could only bite the bullet and face Jiang Yun's avatar.

The incarnation of Jiang Yun, who rushed towards Human Reverence, did not use any magical powers, but just raised his fist and smashed with pure physical strength.

Ren Zun still used the five rules related to the physical body, and kept banging fists against Jiang Yun.


The sound of the collision of the two fists was like rolling thunder, and it exploded in this fantasy.

Although the wound between Ren Zun's eyebrows is no longer bleeding, the wound has not completely healed.

And Jiang Yun is also injured, but because it is just an incarnation, he is completely holding the posture of perishing together, looking like a madness, and every punch is really powerful.

Under this fierce offensive, Ren Zun simply couldn't stand it. He roared again and again, and kept retreating. He was already at a disadvantage when he came up.

In the respect of the Earth, Jiang Yun's incarnation is the magical power of magic evolved by using the power of various avenues.

The Earth Zun is proficient in the power of assimilation, and can also constantly transform various powers to display the corresponding magical powers.

If you don't know it, the two feel like brothers and sisters in the same sect, and the way of attack is extremely similar.

For a time, the two were evenly matched and evenly matched, and the winner could not be determined for the time being.

As for Tianzun, although Jiang Yun surrounded him with an avatar, Jiang Yun did not mean to despise him at all, he was just trying to test it.

For Tianzun, even if Jiang Yun has experienced two reincarnations, he still doesn't know how strong Tianzun's true strength is.

Even, he doesn't know which is the strongest rule mastered by Tianzun.

That's why he reminded Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated this time, to be careful with Tianzun.

And Jiang Yun's current purpose is also very obvious, that is to temporarily contain Tianzun.

After the Earth Venerable and Human Venerable are resolved, together with the three incarnations, we will fight the Heavenly Venerate together.

However, just as Jiang Yun shot, Tianzun shook his head calmly and said: "I said, I don't want to be your enemy, but you don't listen!"

The words fell, and the eyebrows of Tianzun were also split, and the same three Tianzun walked out of it!

Daohua three bodies!

Heavenly Venerate, he can actually transform into three bodies!

Seeing the four Heavenly Venerates standing there, not only Jiang Yun was stunned, but also Earth and Human Respect.

Taoist three bodies, if it is a spell of other cultivation methods, Tianzun can use it, they will not be surprised.

But this technique is a Taoist technique, and it can only be performed by a Taoist cultivator!

In other words, Tianzun has also mastered the cultivation method of Taoism.

The Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable paid such a high price for Jiang Yun. They wanted to capture Jiang Yun in order to obtain the way of Taoist cultivation!

Now that Tianzun has already done it, doesn't that mean...

The Earth Venerable looked at the Heavenly Venerate, and his eyes were a little dull: "Have you found the way to the Supreme?

Tianzun didn't pay any attention to the inquiry of the earthly respect, but faced Jiang Yun who was stunned there, smiled slightly: "During the last reincarnation, did I not display the three bodies of Taoism?"

"Now, do you want to reconsider what I just suggested?"

"Fight, you don't have any chance of winning!"

Indeed, among the three, the strength of Tianzun is already the strongest, and now there are three more incarnations of the same strength, making Jiang Yun's advantage instantly disappear.

With his own strength, Jiang Yun may not be able to win the battle alone, not to mention the earth and human beings.

However, the current Jiang Yun is not thinking about whether he can win the alliance of the three, but how can Tianzun be able to transform the three bodies!

As Tianzun said, Jiang Yun clearly remembered that in the last reincarnation, although Tianzun was powerful, he did not know any Taoist cultivation techniques.

And this reincarnation, no matter whether Tianzun is the same as himself, is from the previous reincarnation, or has the memory of Karma Suhui.

In the memory of Tianzun, the technique of Taoism should not be included.

What's more, this technique of transforming the three bodies was created by his master in the Dao domain, and was only passed on to the third senior brother Xuanyuan Xing.

Even if he knew this technique himself, it was passed down to him by the third senior brother. Where did Tianzun learn it?

Tianzun continued to speak with a smile: "Do you have a lot of doubts?"

"As long as you promise to cooperate with us, join forces to break the game, and tell me how you escaped the last reincarnation and entered this reincarnation unscathed, I will answer your doubts!"

Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked without answering, "Why are you so obsessed with knowing the answer to this question?"

Tianzun shrugged his shoulders and said: "Because, if you know the answer, then when this reincarnation ends, maybe I can use your method to escape the disaster and enter the next reincarnation!"

"In that case, maybe I may break this game!"

This answer of Tianzun seems to be random, but if you go deeper, you can find out that she has already revealed her origin.

Unlike Jiang Yun, she did not come from the last reincarnation!

And because she is worried that there will be another reincarnation, her memory will be erased, so she wants to know how Jiang Yun escaped, and wants to preserve her memory and cultivation.

If she really did it, the Heavenly Venerates in the two reincarnations would become one, and she did not know to what extent her strength would increase.

Perhaps, it is really possible to break this game!

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I said, it is impossible for me to cooperate with you!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun's deity raised his hand and slapped it towards the sky with a palm, and countless water droplets suddenly emerged from the nothingness.

The water droplets exploded and turned into mist, which condensed but did not disperse. In an instant, it covered the entire illusion and devoured everyone.

This is the world of atomization, plus Jiang Yun's water road!

Jiang Yun wants to prevent Tianzun from helping Dizun and Renzun.

In any case, one of them must be killed first.

It's better to be human!

Because this illusion was created by Human Respect.

As long as Ren Zun dies, the illusion will be invalid, and the restraint that Ren Zun has placed on Jiang Yun can also disappear, allowing Jiang Yun to fully recover his true strength.

Jiang Yun's incarnation was not idle either, and summoned countless thunders, condensed into four thunders of rules, and blasted away towards the place where the four Heavenly Venerates stood.

In the fog, Tianzun smiled coldly and said: "If you don't eat or drink a toast, then don't blame the deity for being rude!"


With the sound of Tianzun's voice, an endless gust of wind suddenly blew between the flat ground, and the fog was blown away immediately wherever it passed.

Even, even the thunder of the four rules was also swept by the wind, and it was impossible to get close to the body of Tianzun at all.

And the three incarnations of Tianzun swayed, and rushed to the earth and the human respectively, leaving only her deity to deal with Jiang Yun.

The power of Tianzun was beyond Jiang Yun's expectations.

But Jiang Yun still looked calm, and raised his hand at the same time as the avatar.

The palms of the two avenues appeared above the Heavenly Venerate and fell heavily towards Heavenly Venerable.

Outside of the illusion, the speed of the beast's annexation of the Illusionary Realm has been increased several times again.

In an instant, tens of millions of boundary gaps will disappear in the real world.

Just as Jiang Yun fought against the three gods again, Gu Bu Lao's eyes flashed coldly: "Gu Yao, I found you!"

However, the voice of the nightmare beast sounded in Gu Bu Lao's ears almost at the same time: "I found the location of the illusion!"

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