The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6533: glacial holy mountain, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Jiang Yun had indeed decided to kill the man in black, normally, he would never end the opponent's life in such a brutal way.

The act of smashing the head of the black-clothed man with one foot just now was not his original intention at all, but because at that moment, his emotions were affected by the negative aura of the extrajudicial land.

Jiang Yun's heart was already full of deep hatred, and after repeatedly fighting with the man in black, his emotions gradually fluctuated, so in the end he still couldn't suppress the pervasive negative atmosphere around him.

Jiang Yun continued: "Even when I'm emotional, I'm affected by the negative aura. The cultivator who lives here all year round is naturally more deeply affected."

"It's no wonder that this man killed me directly after seeing me. Obviously, it was because he was always surrounded by all kinds of negative auras. Under the subtle influence, his emotions were already very unstable."

"In this way, although this extrajudicial place is created by ancient rules, in fact, there are also risks."

"In normal times, emotions are occasionally affected, but it's not a big deal, but if you lose your mind when dealing with people, it's very dangerous."

"Senior Ji Kongfan reminded me that it's best not to enter the extrajudicial land, probably because of this reason."

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions again.

Although Jiang Yun did not control the act of killing the man in black, but the killing had already been done, so Jiang Yun would not feel guilty.

Looking at the man's corpse, Jiang Yun said to himself: "Since he came only as a clone, his deity must also know that I have appeared."

"He threatened me just now, saying that he would publish the news that I came from the forbidden land and tell all the monks in the extra-law land..."

"Now that his clone is dead, I am afraid that his deity will really do this."

"Forbidden land, it must be very curious for the monks in the extrajudicial land."

"If they knew that I was from a forbidden area, they would definitely try to catch me!"

"The most appropriate way is to find his deity and kill him."

"It's a pity that I don't even know his identity, and it's even more impossible to know where his deity is."

"However, it's nothing. There are many monks in this place outside the law. As long as I change my face a little, even if I meet other monks again, they are unlikely to recognize me."

"What's more, I won't stay in this extrajudicial place for long."

"Now, I'll find someone to inquire about the whereabouts of Senior Ji."

"If Senior Ji is in a place outside the law, I will let him send me directly to the real realm."

"If it doesn't matter, I will find a place to wait for him for a while, I believe he should be back soon!"

The place outside the law, although it is not a prison, it is definitely not easy for the monks who are in it to leave this place.

From Jiang Yun's understanding, so far, excluding Ji Kongfan, there are at most three monks who have left the place outside the law.

Chiyuezi, Liuli and Jijie Emperor.

Even though Jiang Yun was an ancient disciple, it was impossible for him to leave the land outside the law with his own strength.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun's consciousness looked at the black-clothed man's body again, wanting to see if there was anything like a map on the man's body.

After all, Jiang Yun was unfamiliar with extrajudicial places and didn't know anything about it.

If he could have a map, at least he would be able to avoid some wrongful journeys.

It's a pity that on the man's body, in addition to a few medicinal pills and some immoral instruments, there is a teleportation formation stone and a token, which are somewhat useful to Jiang Yun.

This is also normal, the man is just a clone, it is impossible to bring anything good.

The reason why Jiang Yun was able to judge that he was just a clone was naturally because the power of the rules exerted by the other party was not very strong.

Although Jiang Yun does not know the rules of ice, the rules of water he understands are above the real world.

In terms of level, it must exceed the ancient rules!

Ice is one of the forms of water.

Therefore, when the man in black covered Jiang Yun's body with frost using the rules of ice, Jiang Yun used his own rules of water to easily turn the frost into water, and realized that the man was just a clone.

After all, as long as you comprehend the ancient rules, that is the ancient emperor, who is extremely powerful, second only to the pseudo-zun.

And of the ancient emperors Jiang Yun had come into contact with, none of them were much stronger than this man.

At this moment, Jiang Yun turned to look at the token in his hand, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This token turned out to be polished with ice, and an ancient frost character was engraved on the front and back, which should represent the identity of this man.

Jiang Yun didn't care what the man's identity was, and he didn't want to kill his deity again, but the material of this token made Jiang Yun very interested!

Because, within this token, there is actually an aura of rules that is not too light, which is clearly the source of the rules!

Just like the cloud pool in the real domain cloud pool world, the ice of this token should also come from the source of ice rules!

Jiang Yun can directly comprehend the corresponding rules by devouring the source of the rules.

If you can find the source of the rules, then Jiang Yun will devour it, and you will be able to comprehend the rules of ice!

Looking at the teleportation formation stone found on the man, Jiang Yun fell into contemplation.

It is not difficult to speculate that this teleportation formation stone should be able to lead to the place where the male deity is located.

As long as you crush the stone, you can find the man's deity.

If you can kill the other party again, then you can solve your troubles in the extrajudicial land once and for all, and you don't have to change your face.

But the deity of the other party, as the great emperor of ancient times, who sees the other party by himself is very likely not the opponent.

"No, just before he died, he told me not to kill him. He said that in this extra-lawless place, once the soul is lost, it will never be restored."

"That is to say, I killed his clone, which is equivalent to wounding the soul of his deity!"

"Facing an ancient emperor with a wounded soul, maybe I can have some chance of winning!"

"Furthermore, I'm afraid the other party would never have imagined that I would dare to find him!"

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun finally decided to go to the place where the opponent's deity is located, not to kill the opponent's deity, but for the source of the rules!

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun raised his sleeves, and a flame was released, wrapping the man's body and burning it to ashes.

Then, Jiang Yun crushed the formation stone!

In the extreme north of the land beyond the law, there is an iceberg, the size is extremely large, like a giant standing in the sky, standing in the gap.

This iceberg, known as the Holy Ice Mountain, contains the ancient source of ice, so it is very famous!

It is indeed like Yunchi Realm. A large number of monks come here, hoping to understand the rules of ice.

And the size of the Ice Extreme Mountain is too large, even more than an ordinary world, so all monks who can withstand the cold live on top of the iceberg.

Over time, more and more monks came here, making this icy holy mountain seem to have become a world, and there are sects and ethnic groups on it.

Halfway up the mountainside of the iceberg, there is an ethnic group with an extremely common name, the Frost Clan.

At this moment, deep in the clan of the Frost Clan, a man in black was frowning tightly, pacing back and forth, and said to himself, "I didn't expect that this time I actually kicked the iron plate."

"The cultivator who came out of this forbidden area is so strong that my clone has no power to fight back, and was easily killed!"

"The clone has a family order and a teleportation stone. Will that guy come directly to me?"

"Now, my clone was killed and my soul was damaged. If he came, I might not be his opponent."

"It seems that others need to be invited to deal with him!"

Just when the man thought of this, Jiang Yun had already come to the vicinity of the Bingji Sacred Mountain!

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