The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6534: Thirteen clans, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the darkness of the gap, there is a huge white iceberg standing, and anyone who sees it for the first time will be more or less shocked.

But Jiang Yun was just a little surprised!

He originally thought that he would be sent to a world through the teleportation stone formation, but he did not expect to see an iceberg.

Although the iceberg is indeed majestic and steep, the Hundred Thousand Mang Mountain where Jiang Yun lived when he was a child is not inferior to the iceberg except for its size.

Later, the Shiwanmang Mountain was also placed in the boundary of the Shanhai Dao domain by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, in the face of this icy holy mountain that can't see the end at a glance, Jiang Yun has a sense of trance that he has seen one hundred thousand Mang Mountain.

Soon, Jiang Yun also recovered, and said to himself: "The iceberg displayed by the man in black just now is obviously an imitation of this iceberg."

"And this is more and more proof of my speculation that the source of ice should be hidden in this iceberg."

"Even, this iceberg may be the source of the ice, and it was gradually derived from the release of the cold over the years."

"If the source of every ancient rule in the extrajudicial land is so huge, then it can be explained that there is a reason for the aura of rules in the boundary of the extrajudicial land!"

Although Jiang Yun's location is at least hundreds of thousands of miles away from the iceberg, Jiang Yun can clearly feel the chill emanating from the iceberg, as well as a faint smell of rules.

"However, in this way, it is convenient for me."

"I don't have to look for the deity of the man in black at all. As long as I step on the iceberg and find a place where no one else is, I can try to understand the rules of ice."

The area of ​​the Ice Pole Sacred Mountain exceeds the size of one world.

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, it was too easy for him to find a place where no one was there.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun changed his appearance, he swayed and walked towards the iceberg.

In order to avoid being discovered by others, Jiang Yun also deliberately hid in the dark.

As the iceberg got closer, the chill grew stronger.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun could still ignore these chills, but when he finally came to the edge of the Ice Extreme Sacred Mountain, he had to run his cultivation to resist the chill.

"Even my strength needs to rely on the cultivation base to resist the cold. The cultivator who has lived on this iceberg for a long time is constantly operating the cultivation base."

"For a long time, even if you can't understand the rules of ice, it is very beneficial for the growth of your own strength."

"It can also be seen from this that the master is really doing everything he can to improve the strength of the monks in the extrajudicial land!"

Jiang Yun thought about it in his heart, and when he was about to set foot on the iceberg, he suddenly noticed a huge coercion, blowing towards him.

Jiang Yun didn't care either, thinking that this was the pressure of the iceberg, and just wanted to force a breakthrough, but a white light suddenly lit up on his body.

The moment the light lit up, that coercion disappeared without a trace, and Jiang Yun stepped onto the iceberg without any obstruction.

Jiang Yun flipped his wrist, and there was an extra token in his hand, which was what he had obtained from the avatar of the man in black before.

Obviously, the material of this token, or the breath of the source of the rules contained in it, can resist the pressure released by the iceberg.

This is a good thing, but Jiang Yun has to worry about whether the deity of the man in black will know his position with the token!

And if the token is crushed or thrown away, Jiang Yun has to worry about whether he can withstand the pressure from the iceberg.

"My body should be able to withstand it!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun was just about to crush the token, but suddenly a flower appeared in front of him, and a figure appeared in front of him.

This is a middle-aged woman.

Jiang Yun was slightly taken aback by the appearance of the woman, thinking that the man in black already knew his position and found a helper to deal with him.

But when the woman saw Jiang Yun, her face showed surprise and said, "You are new here..."

Before she could finish speaking, the woman's eyes saw the token that Jiang Yun was about to crush, her brows frowned, and she changed her mouth to say, "Why did you come to my Hanshan Gate from the Shuang tribe?"

Hearing the woman's words, Jiang Yun's heart moved and he understood.

This iceberg has obviously been occupied by many monks, and even further divided their respective territories.

The location that I chose belongs to the Hanshan Gate.

And this woman must be someone from Hanshanmen. She returned through the teleportation array, and has nothing to do with the man in black.

After thinking about this for a moment, Jiang Yun clenched his fists to the woman and said, "I had a conflict with someone before and was chased and killed, and I came here by mistake after I panicked."

Maybe Jiang Yun's attitude was still polite, maybe here, being chased and killed often happens, so the woman obviously believed Jiang Yun's words, and said with a slight expression: "Since you have all returned to the holy mountain, then you still have What to be afraid of."

"It is almost impossible for outsiders to forcibly break through the restrictions that our thirteen clans have jointly set up."

"If someone can break through the ban and set off an alarm, it's not that you are being hunted down, but that the powerhouses of our thirteen clans are chasing each other."

The woman's remarks once again revealed a lot of information to Jiang Yun.

It turned out that the coercion I felt did not come from the iceberg itself, but from the joint arrangement of thirteen clans.

In other words, on this iceberg, there are thirteen sects and families!

Jiang Yun was also secretly glad that this woman appeared too timely.

If it was one step later, he would have already crushed the token of the Frost Clan.

And once it is crushed, it should immediately set off an alarm, causing the thirteen clans to send strong men to deal with them.

This token, the real function, is used to prove identity!

"In this way, my previous idea will not work."

"This token will definitely make the man in black detect me, and he will find someone to hunt me down."

"Then the safest way now is for me to strike first and find him immediately!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said to the woman, "Senior is right, but the younger generation is timid, and now I will turn back to the Frost Clan."

"For any interruptions, please bear with me."

After speaking, Jiang Yun chose a direction at will, and was about to leave, but the woman said again: "You Shuang people are halfway up the mountain, you are going wrong."

"Yes yes yes!" Jiang Yun patted his forehead with a wry smile and said, "My courage is too small, and I haven't recovered yet."

"Thank you very much, farewell!"

Jiang Yun turned around, and finally walked away in the direction pointed by the woman.

The woman glanced at Jiang Yun's back and shook her head, but felt that Jiang Yun's courage was indeed too small, but she was not too strong, and also went to her own sect.

Jiang Yun's consciousness locked on the woman, making sure that she did not doubt herself, then he let out a sigh of relief, speeding up, and rushing forward.

"Thanks to that woman's weak strength, at most it is the Great Emperor of the Kong Rank. If I encounter a true rank or a fake venerable, I'm afraid I won't be able to fool me."

Jiang Yun didn't have the heart to look at the scenery of this holy mountain for the time being, but used his speed to the extreme, trying to find the deity of the man in black in the shortest time.

After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Yun finally came to the middle of the mountain, and in his consciousness, he also saw a continuous building complex.

Jiang Yun slowed down, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "That's the Frost clan!"

"Every door is closed, not even a single person can be seen. I'm afraid that man is already waiting for me!"

Jiang Yun smiled coldly, and his consciousness turned to look at the ice surface under the building and said, "There is the breath of the source of ice there!"

"Devouring the source of ice, and letting the way of ice demonstrate the Dao twice, I should be able to understand the rules that are above the real domain, and improve my strength."

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