The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6546: Snow dance funeral, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Surrounded by five strong men, facing the strong pressure released by the iceberg, Jiang Yun's face was still calm, without showing the slightest fear.

He also looked at the Bingji Supreme Humanity and said, "I sneaked into the Bingji Sacred Mountain. Although I was reckless, the source of Bingze was not damaged. I have already left with the Frost Clan, so the Master wouldn't have to kill me. ?"

"If the Master is worried that I will sneak into the holy mountain again, then I can make an oath to promise never to set foot on the holy mountain again!"

Master Bingji smiled coldly and said, "I know I'm afraid now, but unfortunately it's a bit late."

"If you don't kill you, if this matter spreads out, wouldn't people think that I am easy to bully, and everyone will follow your example and sneak into the holy mountain, and my holy mountain will no longer have a peaceful day. "

"As for the oath, I never believe it, I only believe the words of the dead!"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said: "You and I are both from the real domain, and we have a grudge against the three, and we are on the same front. There is no need to fight to death because of this trivial matter!"

"Joke!" The Bingji master laughed loudly: "Almost everyone in the entire extrajudicial land has hatred against the three gods."

"According to what you mean, we are all a family. Should we still love each other, be friendly and help each other!"

Jiang Yun of course understands that even if everyone has a common enemy, before the enemy does not appear, or before they really face the enemy, most people only care about their personal interests.

This is human nature, and even the Supreme cannot change it.

Jiang Yun also gave up and continued to persuade, nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll learn about the ancient rules of ice from the Master!"

However, the Master Bingji shook his head and said, "Just because of you, I haven't the qualifications to let the Master take action."

"Elder Han, the four of you will take him down!"

"Don't worry, let go and do what you do, and Master Ben will give you a raid in person!"

Don't look at the high-level look of Bingji, and it seems that Jiang Yun is not in his eyes at all.

But in fact, instead of despising Jiang Yun at all, he attached great importance to it!

How can a person who can pass through the ice layer of the holy mountain without a sound and go directly to the source of ice, how can he be weak, there must be something special about him!

Therefore, he wanted to use the hands of Elder Han and other four people to test Jiang Yun's strength first.

Even though the four elders Han knew the purpose of Master Bingji, they did not dare to disobey.

What's more, the self-destruction of Jiang Yunhun's avatar just now caused them to be slightly injured. They were all disgraced and embarrassed, so they also wanted to kill Jiang Yun to vent their grievances.

As for whether Jiang Yun's strength will be too strong, and they will kill themselves and others in turn, they are not worried.

Because there are people on the ice who are swept aside for them!

Elder Han took the lead in raising his hand, and two snowflakes poured out from her sleeves. Under the flying, they quickly condensed into two white jade belts, like spirit snakes, and rolled towards Jiang Yun.

When the elder of Hanshanmen raised his hand, the sky was also filled with snowflakes.

Every snowflake flashed with a sharp cold light, turned into a snow blade, and fell towards Jiang Yun.

Between the other two shots, one person transformed into an ice dragon, and the other condensed the ice into a long spear.

The four true-level emperors, regardless of whether they understand the ancient rules of ice or not, but because they practice the power of ice, their attack methods are also related to ice and snow!

Jiang Yun's eyes were only looking at the oncoming snowflakes. Although his face was calm, there was a flash of reminiscence deep in his eyes.

Even Jiang Yun didn't move at all, just looked up at the snowflakes, as if he was not under attack, but enjoying the snow scene.

It was not until the snowflake was about to come to him that he raised his hand. In the palm of his hand, a few more snowflakes appeared at some point, and he gently rubbed it with his fingers.

"Snow Dance!"

Along with the two words, Jiang Yun blew lightly, and the few snowflakes in his palm suddenly flew up, as if he had consciousness, dancing around Jiang Yun in the air.

Don't look at it, it's just the dancing of a few snowflakes, but it is clearly with a powerful force that makes the snowflakes that are blowing in the sky all dance with these snowflakes.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the snowflakes danced wildly, a thunderous sound came from within, condensing into a snowflake storm!

"Bang bang bang!"

The two jade belts shot out of Elder Han's cuffs just touched the snowflake storm, and immediately exploded, turned into snowflakes again, and joined the storm.

Ice Dragon, Ice Lance, and other two other true-rank great emperors attacked, and even the ice surface under everyone was also shattered, turned into snowflakes, and joined the storm.

The addition of these snowflakes made the volume of the storm rise, and it continued to climb and skyrocket, as if connecting the heaven and the earth.

Jiang Yun stood in the center of the snowstorm, keeping his palms open, standing quietly.

Crazy flying snowflakes, still Jiang Yun.

A static and a moving, this extreme contrast also formed a kind of momentum, and the coercion released by the iceberg that was condensed from the ancient ice, faintly competed!

Through the flying snowflakes, Jiang Yun calmly looked at the four true-order emperors outside the storm.

Although Jiang Yun didn't have the slightest expression on his face, the hearts of the four real-level emperors such as Elder Han involuntarily raised a sense of fear.

The attack of the four of them not only did not have any impact on Jiang Yun, but also turned around, assimilated by Jiang Yun's magic, and used by Jiang Yun!

This can at least show that Jiang Yun's accomplishments in the power of ice and snow are equally powerful.

The next moment, Jiang Yun, who was still, suddenly moved.

His palms, which were always open, slowly closed, and two words came out of his mouth again: "Funeral!"


The snowstorm surrounding Jiang Yun immediately swept away towards the four of them including Elder Han. The speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, they had already arrived in front of the four of them.

Although the four of them were apprehensive in their hearts, but there was Supreme Ice Master swept aside, they did not turn around and escape, but raised their hands again, preparing to work with the four of them to break the snowstorm.

However, when a snowflake fell on each of the four of them, their expressions changed drastically.

Because, they suddenly found that their bodies were unable to move.

It seems that it is not a snowflake that falls on them, but a snowy mountain!

Immediately afterwards, the snowflake storm had hit, and more and more snowflakes fell on them, completely submerging the four of them, until all the snowflakes formed a huge tomb, burying the four of them.

Snow dance funeral!

This is a technique that Jiang Yun learned in the Xue Clan, and it has been displayed by him again today. The power is not known how many times stronger than before, so that it can easily deal with four real emperors!

Jiang Yun's palms hadn't been fully closed, and he looked at Bingji Shangren and said, "Do you want to continue fighting?"

Until now, Jiang Yun still hopes to resolve the grievances between him and Bingji.

Although the Bingji Master said that he was plundering the formation for the four of them, he just watched from the beginning to the end and did not help.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Master Bingji smiled slightly and said, "Your strength is indeed good, but you are still no match for Master Ben."

"Besides, it's useless to threaten me with the lives of the four of them!"

"Today, even if you say go to hell, you're going to die!"

At the same time as he spoke, Bingji reached out his hand to point under Jiang Yun.


The ice surface under Jiang Yun suddenly cracked, and countless ice blades stabbed at Jiang Yun from the inside.

Jiang Yun's palms finally closed at this moment!


The snow tomb exploded, turned into snowflakes again, and rolled back towards the countless ice blades.

At the same time, in the depths of the sea eye of the True Domain Boundary Sea, a crack of about a zhang size appeared.

Ji Kongfan carried Xuanyuan Xing and stepped in first, followed by three extrajudicial powerhouses behind him, turning back to the extrajudicial place!

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