The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6547: ice and snow, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!


After the seemingly weak snowflake and the sturdy ice blade collided together, there was a crisp cracking sound.

The two exploded at the same time, turning into a snowstorm that covered the sky.

In the wind and snow, Jiang Yun's figure was like lightning, and the electricity shot out. He came to the front of the ice man, and directly raised his fist and smashed it down.

Although Jiang Yun was buried with Xue Wu and defeated the four real emperors in one fell swoop, he knew very well that he was not as good as the Supreme Ice Master in terms of strength and control over the power of ice.

Therefore, he still chose to use his own physical strength to test the opponent's strength.

Seeing Jiang Yun's earth-shattering punch, Master Bingji sneered, and even raised his fist to greet him.

However, the moment he raised his fist, his palm, along with the entire arm, had become crystal clear and turned into ice.

Obviously, what the Ice Supreme Man used was not the power of the flesh, but the power of ice.


Jiang Yun's fist and Bingji's fist collided.

Although Jiang Yun's physical strength is like a storm, madly rushing into the opponent's body, but he can clearly feel that it is full of strong resistance.

It seems that there is a thick iceberg ahead, constantly consuming Jiang Yun's power.

It has to be said that the people on the ice are already at their peak under the control of the power of ice.

Turning the body into ice made Jiang Yun's body power unable to break through.

Naturally, Jiang Yun could also feel the icy chill and the powerful suction coming from the top of Bingji's fist.

The suction pulls his fist, allowing the chill to continuously pour into his body.

Jiang Yun's fist was instantly covered with frost, and it also turned into ice.

If Jiang Yun's reaction is a little slower, or his strength is too much worse than that of Iceman, then the whole person will soon become Iceman.


All the blood in Jiang Yun's body boiled at this moment, as if it had turned into hot magma, driving away the chill and melting the suction.

Jiang Yun also took the opportunity to withdraw his fist, and with a slight shake, the frost on his fist disappeared.

Seeing Jiang Yun get out of trouble, Master Bingji let out a grim smile, stretched out his hand, and the iceberg behind him suddenly rose into the air and smashed towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun wanted to hide, but the ice surface under him also exuded a huge suction force, which firmly sucked his body.

This made Jiang Yun simply give up dodging, and when he was about to shake the iceberg, the iceberg suddenly became illusory and re-turned into countless runes, shrouding Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun only felt that there was a flower in front of him, all the runes in the sky disappeared, and even the darkness around him and the people on the ice were gone.

He was actually in a world.

Underneath it turned into a heavy snow-covered earth, and when he raised his head, the sky was shining with white light, which was condensed from solid ice.

Ice, snow, form a world!

"Master Bingji's effect on the ancient rules of ice is really stronger than that of Shuang Qingsuo."

"This is the world condensed with those regular runes."

Jiang Yun immediately understood the magical power displayed by the Bingji Master.

Suddenly, all the snow covered on the earth, as if it had life, rose up toward the sky.

On the other hand, the ice sky was just the opposite, falling toward the ground.

The sky and the earth are approaching Jiang Yun who is in the middle at a very fast speed.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this sudden change.

Even the magical powers that turn the world upside down, he can also use it.

As the snow rose, most of Jiang Yun's body was covered with snow, which made him feel heavier than ten thousand tons, unable to move, and could only wait for the incomparably hard ice sky to fall.

The Bingji Master who was outside this realm, together with Elder Han and other five people, clearly saw the situation in the realm.

Elder Han gritted his teeth and said, "Master, don't let him die too happily."

Before Jiang Yun's Xue Wu funeral, although the power is not bad, it is naturally impossible to kill the four real emperors in one fell swoop, but it only caused a certain degree of injury to the four.

However, this was enough to make the four of them hate Jiang Yun.

In particular, Elder Han, on that originally beautiful face, was blasted by the snow grave with countless sharp snowflakes, which cut hundreds of wounds, making her now look like a ghost.

Those snowflakes contain the power of snow, even if Elder Han is a true emperor, he cannot heal those wounds.

Therefore, she just wanted to smash Jiang Yun into ten thousand pieces!

Master Bingji glanced at Elder Han and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, I won't kill him easily."

"His origin is unknown, and he hides a lot of secrets. It's a pity to kill him like this."

"I just want to catch him first, and after I figure out his secret, I will hand him over to you, at your disposal!"

This icy world was originally the Great Emperor's Law of the Supreme Ice Man.

After he became the Great Emperor of the Ancients, the power of this method was upgraded to a supernatural power.

For this magical power, Bingji is naturally full of confidence, even the ancient emperor of the same rank, once caught in it, it is difficult to escape.

Elder Han nodded and said, "Thank you, Master!"

At this time, Jiang Yun, who was unable to move under the ice and snow, suddenly closed his eyes.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yun seems to have given up resistance.

But they did not see that there were ripples-like water lines on Jiang Yun's body, which was covered with snow.

The ice sky and the snowy land also increased their speed, and finally slammed into each other!

Master Bingji laughed and clapped his hands: "Okay, it's solved!"

However, not waiting for the voice of the Ice Pole to fall, the ice and snow that collided with each other suddenly exploded, making a surging sound of "crashing".

Yes, the sound of water!

Whether it is ice or snow, all of them have turned into clear water, forming a huge lake.

Jiang Yun, standing in the lake unscathed, stared at Master Bingji.

"The rules of water!"

Master Bingji's expression changed abruptly, and at a glance it could be seen that Jiang Yun was using the rules of water to turn all the ice and snow into water.

It is not surprising that Jiang Yun can master the rules of water, but the rules of water make it impossible for him to turn his ice and snow into water!

After all, what he casts is the ancient rule of ice.

The ancient rules, no matter what kind of power and level, are absolutely higher than ordinary rules.

Even, even if Jiang Yun comprehends the ancient rules of water, he shouldn't convert his ice power into water so easily.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand, and all the water immediately boiled, releasing a large amount of water mist, rising up!

The amount of fog is too huge, and it gathers in the air, and it is too late to dissipate, thus condensing into a large number of clouds.

The clouds formed a continuous sea, and under the collision with each other, there were even golden thunders, looming and looming!

The process of all this seems to be slow, but it only happens in less than ten breaths.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was surrounded by fog and clouds, and whose figure was also looming, Master Bingji's expression finally became solemn!

Because, at this moment, facing Jiang Yun, there was a sense of danger in his heart!

It was at this moment that the entire extrajudicial land suddenly vibrated slightly.

Although Jiang Yun and Master Bingji both felt the vibration, neither of them dared to be distracted, and still stared at each other firmly.

And in the gap between the two of them, about hundreds of thousands of miles away, a huge crack appeared, and several figures came out one after another.

Naturally, they were Ji Kongfan and the others who had returned from the real realm.

Every time the passage to the real realm is opened, the entire extrajudicial land will send out such a vibration.

When everyone walks out of the cracks and the cracks close, the land beyond the law will return to peace.

Ji Kongfan said to the other three strong men, "Thank you for your hard work!"

The three of them didn't speak, Qi Qi clasped his fists at Ji Kongfan, and turned to leave.

Ji Kongfan was carrying Xuanyuan Xing, and he was also ready to turn his own territory.

But Xuanyuan Xing, who had not responded for more than a month when he just raised his foot, suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up a little, looked in a certain direction, and said two words softly in his mouth: " Fourth!"

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