The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6660: no more reincarnation, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Listening to Jiang Shan's intermittent words, Jiang Yun was worried about the safety of the other party on the one hand, but also did not understand the meaning of the other party's words in time.

Although Jiang Shan might not be able to hear his own voice, Jiang Yun said anxiously, "Jiang Shan, how are you, what happened?"

"Tell me, where are you?"

It's a pity that Jiang Shan obviously couldn't hear Jiang Yun's voice, and still said to himself: "Finally, the last time, it will be destroyed, be careful..."

Jiang Shan's voice became smaller and smaller, and his words became more messy. Obviously, his sanity should have been unclear, and in the end, it completely disappeared.

Jiang Yun didn't speak anymore, just stood there, forcibly suppressed his inner anxiety, and waited quietly.

Shura and Ming Yuyang on the side looked at each other, although they knew that Jiang Yun must have heard Jiang Shan's voice transmission again, but they couldn't help.

Until a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Shan's voice still did not sound, Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the dark seam above.

Jiang Yunduo hopes that his strength is strong enough, and that his eyes can directly penetrate this endless darkness and see Jiang Shan who is not known where he is.

And so far, Jiang Yun is almost certain that Jiang Shan must have encountered some kind of danger, and it is even possible that he really encountered misfortune.

After being silent for a while, Jiang Yun retracted his gaze, opened his mouth slowly, and said the content of Jiang Shan's voice transmission just now: "I guess the reason why he wants to send me voice transmission is to remind me. , this round is the last..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun's voice stopped abruptly, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes showed an unbelievable look.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Shura and Ming Yuyang and said, "Jiang Shan should not be saying that our game, no, is the reincarnation we have experienced, and the last reincarnation!"

Just now, Jiang Yun was only worried about Jiang Shan's safety, and didn't care what he said.

But at this moment, after he repeated Jiang Shan's words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The expressions of Shura and Ming Yuyang also changed suddenly.

Naturally, they all already knew that the heaven and earth that everyone was in, strictly speaking, was not the real heaven and earth, but in the Guantian Palace, which required constant reincarnation and rebirth.

They don't know how many reincarnations they have experienced, but what is certain is that even if they die in this reincarnation, even if their souls are scattered, they will appear in the next reincarnation.

However, now Jiang Shan is reminding Jiang Yun that this time is their last reincarnation.

That is to say, if this reincarnation, regardless of whether the person who made the layout achieves his purpose or not, gets everything he wants, the reincarnation will end accordingly.

If samsara really ends, it will be a good thing for all beings in samsara.

But Jiang Yun could hear it clearly. In Jiang Shan's last words, he mentioned destruction and repeatedly told himself to be careful!

Shura murmured: "Will the Guantian Temple be destroyed, or will the world we live in be destroyed?"

Jiang Yun also woke up from the shock and said word by word, "No matter what the destruction is, I'm afraid we will all die."

"Moreover, it is the real death, there will be no reincarnation, there will be no rebirth!"

Jiang Yun's words made the three of them fall into silence.

Because this sentence is really too heavy.

Although they have experienced countless lives and deaths, and they have always struggled to survive, they still hold a glimmer of hope.

I hope that I can jump out of this game and hope that I can gain real freedom.

Especially Jiang Yun, although he has been thinking, if he can leave Guantian Palace and stay out of the game, he may be able to find out that the senior brother, the second senior sister, and even himself are still alive.

However, in the depths of his heart, there is also a last hope quietly hidden, which is the next reincarnation!

Even if he is in this reincarnation, he cannot revive the senior brothers and the others, but as long as there is the next reincarnation, they will still appear.

Perhaps, the senior brother and second senior sister and others at that time were a little more unfamiliar, and they were no longer the ones in this reincarnation, but they were still Dongfang Bo, Situ Jing!

This result is better than their complete death.

But if Jiang Shan's reminder was what the three of them thought, then Jiang Yun's last hope would be in vain.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally said softly: "Since Jiang Shan is in danger, he still has to force me to send a voice transmission to remind me to be careful. That is enough to prove that he is not joking or alarmist."

"Naturally, the destruction he said is complete death for all sentient beings in our world."

Although I haven't been in contact with Jiang Shan for a long time, Jiang Yun has a deep understanding of Jiang Shan's kindness, so in this case, Jiang Shan's reminder to himself, of course, will not be idle and boring.

Jiang Yun continued: "Fortunately, his reminder is very timely, and we still have time."

"As long as the detached powerhouse can be born among us before this cycle ends, or we can break this situation, then we should be able to save the people we want to save!"

"Compared with the previous reincarnation, the only difference is that this time, we have no way out!"

Jiang Yun looked up again, looked at the endless darkness above, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Jiang Shan, thank you, really, thank you very much!"

More than Jiang Yun, all sentient beings in the bureau should thank Jiang Shan.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, I can only hope that you can go home safely!"

Jiang Yun wanted to find Jiang Shan very much, and wanted to help Jiang Shan, but he had no idea where Jiang Shan was now.

All he can do is to bless Jiang Shan here.

At the same time, Shura also came back to his senses, put his hand on Jiang Yun's shoulder, looked up at the seam above with him, and said, "You are right, we still have hope and time. "

Ming Yuyang also nodded and said, "Even if there is no hope and no time, it's no big deal."

"The final result is nothing more than that everyone perishes together!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "That's right, it's not like we haven't died!"

Shura took the opportunity to change the subject and said, "By the way, did you find anything in the soul of cultivator Yanji Pavilion just now?"

As Jiang Yun withdrew his dream power, the monk in the lower Yanji Pavilion had long since returned to normal, covered his head, and returned to the square tower.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "The Seal of Oblivion has no effect on me, but if I forcibly search his soul, his soul will be broken."

"Now only when he goes to the Yanji Pavilion base camp again, I will follow him secretly."

Shura and Ming Yuyang didn't want to follow them anymore, so they naturally agreed with Jiang Yun's proposal.

Then, the three of them sat cross-legged on the top of the island, waiting for the cultivator of Yanji Pavilion to leave again.

Jiang Yun originally thought that while waiting, he could go to the island to find a few emperors with three imprints of rules in their souls, and see if there was a way to erase the imprints through the power of luck.

However, he was worried that Jiang Shan would transmit voice to himself,

If he left this position, he might miss his voice transmission, so Jiang Yun didn't go anywhere, just waiting above the sky.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed, Jiang Yun did not wait for Jiang Shan's voice transmission, but the cultivator left the island again.

After Jiang Yun greeted Ming Yuyang and Shura, he quietly followed behind each other!

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