The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6661: will succeed, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Watching Jiang Yun's figure go away, Ming Yuyang said softly, "You said, can he succeed?"

Shura, who was on the side, nodded heavily and said, "Yes!"

"Ha!" Ming Yuyang's face showed a light smile and said: "You don't even ask, what is the success I'm talking about, so sure?"

Shura also smiled slightly and said, "There is no difference. If you understand his experience, you will know that he will succeed in the end."

"He will find the base camp of Yanji Pavilion, and he will become the so-called detached powerhouse, jumping out of this game, or even out of this world."

Ming Yuyang was silent for a moment and then said: "I will leave temporarily after the matter of Yanji Pavilion comes to an end."

Shura said unsurprisingly: "Be careful!"

"Your road to invincibility is not that easy."

"Haha!" Ming Yuyang laughed and said, "I didn't expect that one day, you would also care about me."

Shura said lightly: "I don't care about you, it's the person who doesn't want Jiang Yun to guard, one less."

Ming Yuyang turned his head slowly, gave Shura a deep look, sat down cross-legged, and stopped speaking.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has entered the depths of the world sea.

He also asked Shura and Ming Yuyang. Although they had followed this cultivator in Yanji Pavilion many times, and each time they had failed, the other party seemed to have never noticed their follow.

Of course, even if the other party noticed it, it was impossible for him to find Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun hid directly in the space and kept at least a hundred miles away from the other party. He just stared at the other party with a divine sense and followed from a distance.

This method was also used by Shura.

However, no matter how far apart they are, their memories will be lost, and they will not remember what they have seen.

The middle-aged man's flying speed is not fast, and it can even be said that he is walking in a leisurely courtyard, looking left and right from time to time, just like admiring the scenery, he is not in a hurry.

However, Jiang Yun noticed that in the process of moving forward, he would change direction at intervals.

At first, Jiang Yun could still remember where the man changed direction according to some islands that existed above the sea.

However, when the man walked hundreds of thousands of miles away, within the range of Jiang Yun's consciousness, he could not see an island at all.

Although there are many islands in the boundary sea, because the area of ​​the boundary sea is so large, it is normal that there are no islands in a large area.

But there is no island as a marker, only the vast sea water, even people who are familiar with the sea, can't tell the direction at all.

Take the current Jiang Yun as an example, if he were asked to find the residence of the ancient spirit, or the location of Cangfeng, he would not be able to find it at all.

But the strange thing is that the cultivator in Yanji Pavilion is still able to change his position continuously.

Jiang Yun really couldn't understand what the other party used to identify the direction.

Later, Jiang Yun simply stopped thinking about these issues, and just stared at the other party.

When the day passed, a message jade slip on Jiang Yun's body lit up.

"Senior Ji!"

Jiang Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ji Kongfan to be able to contact him, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that it should be where he is now, which is relatively close to the Human Respect Domain.

These days, Jiang Yun is also thinking of contacting Ji Kongfan and asking about Yuwen Lanqing and Shen Lang, but considering that Ren Zun is very strict in monitoring the human world.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun did not contact him.

Ji Kongfan's voice showed a hint of exhaustion: "I'm sorry, I haven't rescued the two of them yet."

"However, don't worry, since the last time Ren Zun left and came back inexplicably, it has become mysterious."

"Although I don't know what he is busy with, his attention has shifted, not on you."

"With my secret care, Yuwen Lanqing's situation is much better than before."

Jiang Yun naturally trusted Ji Kongfan.

After hesitating for a while, he also told Ji Kongfan the content of the voice transmission that Jiang Shan had given him, as well as the thoughts of himself and Shura.

In any case, Ji Kongfan is not only qualified to know about this, but, just like many people have high hopes for Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun also has hopes for Ji Kongfan.

Even Jiang Yun felt that if he was most likely to find his own way of detachment, or the person who escaped from this situation, it was not himself, but Ji Kongfan.

On the other side of Yu Jian, Ji Kongfan fell into silence.

Obviously, this news also shocked him a lot, making him unable to react for a while.

Jiang Yun didn't rush him, until Ji Kongfan's voice finally sounded again: "I see, just as you think, all we can do is to improve our strength as much as possible."

"Okay, put this aside for now, where are you now?"

Jiang Yun replied: "I'm following the monks of Yanji Pavilion to find the base camp of Yanji Pavilion."

"Well?" Ji Kongfan was obviously taken aback and said, "Shura and the others haven't found the base camp of Yanji Pavilion yet?"

Jiang Yun simply explained the bizarre experience of the two Shura: "It should be that there is a power of forgetting near the base camp of Yanji Pavilion, which affects them, so I will try it this time."

"Oh!" Ji Kongfan changed the subject and said: "It seems that, for a while, you will not be able to go to the Primordial Spirit."

"They just contacted me again, saying that the ominous premonition in Taigu Buling's heart is getting stronger and stronger, and they want to discuss with me, and they have recently entered a place outside the law."

"I still said that, I don't want them to enter, so I said that you have come back and will go to them after a while."

"Wait until they see you and talk about it later."

"If you can't make it in a while and they rush me again, then I can only let them enter the extrajudicial place, but I can only enter three at most, not all of them."

"With three, I can barely suppress them."

Although Ji Kongfan's status as the master of the law is not real, he has naturally found some people who can be used by him.

For example, the fake venerables he brought into the real realm last time and attacked the end of the earth.

Therefore, let the three ancient spirits enter the land outside the law, even if they really want to take the land outside the law, at least it is within the scope that Ji Kongfan can compete with.

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said, "I was thinking, is it possible that Taikoo Bu Ling's ominous premonition is actually the same as Jiang Shan's reminder to me?"

"If you really don't want them to enter the extrajudicial land, then consider telling them the news as well."

"Even if they can temporarily escape the threat of the three statues and the so-called ominous premonition, if they can't get out of this situation, they will eventually die."

"Tell them this news, maybe they can get rid of the idea of ​​entering the extrajudicial land!"

Ji Kongfan pondered for a moment and said, "I said that they may not believe this news, so you should tell it!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Alright, I'm here, it shouldn't take too long, I'll find them when I'm done."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly saw that the monk of Yanji Pavilion actually accelerated the speed of his flight.

"Senior Ji, let's talk about it later, it should be about to the base camp of Yanji Pavilion."

Ji Kongfan was extremely blunt, he didn't respond at all, and immediately ended the subpoena.

And Jiang Yun also increased the speed and narrowed the distance between him and the other party.

The two were one after the other, and after they flew thousands of miles away in an instant, the cultivator of Yanji Pavilion suddenly stopped.

He saw that in front of him, on the open and boundless sea, the sea water suddenly and slowly spun, and the area covered was getting bigger and bigger, until a vortex of a hundred meters in size appeared.

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