The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7008: seal here, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun stepped out of the so-called exit crack, he was already in another world.

This world, with blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, overgrown vegetation, full of vitality, has not suffered the slightest damage, it is completely like a paradise.

However, Jiang Yun did not look at the scenery here, but looked at a figure standing above the sky.

It was a middle-aged man, with a dignified appearance, his body was intact, his eyes were piercing, and he was staring at Jiang Yun condescendingly!

Although the man's appearance is young, it is not difficult to see that his appearance is very similar to that of the old man.

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to confirm the identity of the other party, Liu Ruxia in the Taoist world has already spoken softly one step at a time, saying word by word: "Wan, Ling, Zhi, Shi!"

Yes, this man is the true teacher of all spirits, the one in Liu Ruxia's memory!

Before, when Jiang Yun asked Liu Ruxia if the character of the Master of All Souls had changed, Liu Ruxia didn't tell Jiang Yun anything.

That is the teacher of all spirits, and in front of outsiders, he will never appear in the image of an old man!

At this moment, seeing this figure that completely overlapped with the Master of All Souls in his memory, Liu Ruxia naturally understood that all Jiang Yun's guesses were correct.

The Master of All Souls was indeed calculating Jiang Yun, so that the treasure condensed a self and acted in a play, so that Jiang Yun could take the initiative to give him the imprint of the ancients!

"Just, why?"

Liu Ruxia softly expressed her inner doubts like a dream.

Although it proved Jiang Yun's guess, she still couldn't figure out why the Master of All Souls did this!

The avatar he made with the treasure can compete with the red wolf and the high-level powerhouse of the first-class source realm, so the strength of his own real body can only be stronger.

Even, it should be only one step away from the detachment of the strong.

With such a powerful strength, what is the need for the imprint of the ancients?

Is it possible that with the imprint of the ancients, he can take the last step and become a detached powerhouse?

Furthermore, Liu Ruxia couldn't figure it out either. How did Jiang Yun find out that the Master of All Souls was plotting against him, and where did he notice something was wrong?

Almost everything Jiang Yun has experienced, Liu Ruxia has experienced the same.

Only when Jiang Yun obtained the thunder in the so-called first treasure from the prisoner dragon, Liu Ruxia did not witness the whole process with his own eyes.

Could it be that because of those thunderbolts, Jiang Yun became suspicious?

These questions do not need Liu Ruxia to ask Jiang Yun.

Because, the Master of All Souls standing in the air has already taken the initiative to say: "Jiang Yun, I have heard your name for a long time, and I have also observed you secretly for a long time, but I really did not expect that everything I carefully arranged was still not able to work. lied to you."

"I'm curious, how did you find out?"

"I recalled it seriously just now. After I appeared, it didn't seem to show any flaws anywhere!"

"Don't tell me, just because of your intuition, because I don't know your master."

"I'm really not him, even if I don't imitate him, it's normal, it won't make you believe so firmly, I'm scheming against you!"

The opening of the Master of All Souls made Liu Ruxia completely give up.

Jiang Yun still didn't react in the slightest surprise. He looked up at the other party and said, "Your biggest flaw is that you shouldn't imitate my master!"

"Although it's the first time I've seen you, I've heard something about your character, including some of the things you've done."

"And everything I've heard about you is negative!"

"Your character is arrogant and arrogant, and you will do anything to achieve your goals."

"You can treat a living foreign monk as a corpse, suppress it forever, and then use his power to create spaces one by one."

"Actually, even if so many people commented on you like this, I'm still skeptical about these comments."

"I always think that when they evaluate you, they have subjective emotions, or they are bewitched by others, and they will maliciously slander you."

"I only believe what I see and feel."

"However, after I stepped into this vortex space, everything I experienced made me realize that those evaluations of you are not wrong at all."

"Wait!" Hearing this, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits waved his hand and interrupted Jiang Yun's words: "What you have experienced in this vortex space is no different from what other people have experienced, why did it change yours? What's the idea?"

Jiang Yun laughed and said: "Because, all the monks who died in this vortex space, their cultivation will be absorbed and swallowed by you!"

"You opened this space, attracted a large number of monks to enter, and formulated various rules. In the final analysis, you hope that they will all die here, so that their cultivation can be absorbed by you, thereby strengthening your own strength."

"This alone is enough to prove that you are cruel!"

"And what you do, in any world, will be tolerated by others!"

The Master of All Souls smiled slightly and said, "How can you be sure that I can absorb the cultivation of those dead monks?"

Jiang Yun pointed at himself and said, "You said that you have observed me secretly, then you should know that I am a Taoist cultivator, just like most cultivators outside the realm."

"However, I have also dabbled in the various cultivation paths created by you and Tianzun."

"Especially regarding the rules and runes, I am far more sensitive than others."

"In the beginning, I really didn't find anything, but when I saw your avatar pieced together with the treasure, I sensed some regular runes possessed by the dead monks on him."

"Also, you want my ancient imprint, but the ancient imprint prevents me from stepping into this vortex space!"

"I only stepped in here after I sealed the seal of the ancients."

"The imprint of the ancients was given to me by my master. At any time, he is silently protecting me."

"If you are not a threat to me, if this space is not dangerous to me, the imprint of the ancients cannot prevent me from stepping here."

"You shouldn't even look like you care about me, but at the same time, you turned my third senior brother into a puppet and searched my third senior brother's soul!"

"My master, has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, protecting shortness!"

"He would rather become a puppet himself than turn his disciple into a puppet, and he won't hurt his disciple one cent!"

After the Master of All Spirits listened carefully to what Jiang Yun said, he frowned slightly and said, "I always feel that the reasons you said are still a bit far-fetched!"

"Is there any reason you didn't say it?"

Not only the Master of All Spirits, but also Liu Ruxia in the Taoist realm also felt the same way.

Even Liu Ruxia knew clearly that Jiang Yun really had doubts about the Master of All Souls because of the thunder that was absorbed in the first so-called treasure!

But Jiang Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "These reasons are enough."

"In short, I think that when my master stripped you out back then, I'm afraid he didn't hide you, but sealed you here."

"Even, you should be just a memory, without any cultivation."

"However, you are not willing to be sealed here, so you try your best to break free."

"It is possible that you discovered that treasure can be used by you to help you absorb the cultivation of others."

"Even, the death of the monks in the extrajudicial land may allow you to gain some benefits, and this will allow you to gradually gain some strength until you have the ability to open this space!"

"However, if you want to truly break free from the seal, or if you want to achieve any other purpose, you must have the mark of the ancients!"

"So that's what you did in front of me!"

Jiang Yun's remarks really shocked Liu Ruxia. She didn't even think that when the Master of All Souls took out the memory, it would be sealed here!

As soon as Jiang Yun's voice fell, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits said with emotion: "I have been trapped for too long, I really don't know your master, I don't know you."

"I also underestimated you. Your analysis of me is almost completely correct!"

"Since you don't want to give me the imprint of the ancients, then I can only kill you and see if I can absorb you, along with the imprint of the ancients!"

"My good apprentice, die!"

The Master of All Souls suddenly raised his hand and slapped Jiang Yun with his palm.

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