The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7009: save Jiayi, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The moment the Master of All Souls raised his hand, Jiang Yun suddenly took a step backwards.

Originally, after Jiang Yun entered this world, the previous space cracks had disappeared, which was equivalent to completely cutting off Jiang Yun's retreat.

However, as Jiang Yun retreated, the space crack appeared behind him again.

Obviously, Jiang Yun also left behind and prepared a way of escape for himself.

This made Liu Ruxia secretly admire it, and she didn't even notice that when Jiang Yun kept this space crack.

Jiang Yun's foot that moved towards the rear just happened to step into the space crack with great accuracy, returning to the broken world.

At the same time, a surprised voice also sounded: "Jiang Yun, where have you been?"

The voice naturally comes from Red Wolf!

When Jiang Yun left, although the red wolf did not stop him, his consciousness was paying attention to Jiang Yun's every move, and he saw Jiang Yun stepped into the space crack from this position and disappeared without a trace.

However, when he arrived here, the space crack had already healed.

And he was preparing to smash the space by himself, but unexpectedly, the space crack appeared again.

Moreover, Jiang Yun even got out of it.

Hearing the voice of the red wolf, Jiang Yun did not respond at all, but stretched out his hand, and the crack in the space in front of him had healed again.

After the space crack disappeared, Jiang Yun turned to look at the red wolf and said, "Where's the master of all spirits?"

"It exploded!" Red Wolf shrugged his shoulders and said, "I suspect that he is not a true master of all spirits, but more like a clone condensed from a treasure."

Even if the red wolf's brain is not bright, at this time, he naturally understands something.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, the world I just stepped into is where the true Master of All Spirits lives."

"He wants to kill me, Senior Red Wolf, how about you and me joining forces?"

The red wolf blinked and said, "He really wants to kill you?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun said solemnly: "He needs my ancient imprint, and now I am not his opponent."

Jiang Yun's ancient imprint actually has one of the biggest characteristics, ancient can not be hurt!

However, in this place, the various rules set by the Master of All Souls have great restrictions on the imprint of the ancients.

In particular, Jiang Yun has already sealed the seal of the ancients, so he is not sure whether he can mobilize the imprint of the ancients, whether he is the opponent of the master of all spirits.

Therefore, when he stepped into the exit and entered the world of the Master of All Spirits, he deliberately left his own space rules, so that he could open the space crack again and escape.

Now, the only person who can help him is Red Wolf.

However, in response to Jiang Yun's request for cooperation, Red Wolf's eyes showed vigilance and said: "He is also your master, so he won't really kill you, right?"

Red Wolf had to worry whether this might be a trap that Jiang Yun and the Master of All Souls had dug for him.

The Master of All Souls pretended to hunt down Jiang Yun, making Jiang Yunlai cooperate with him.

If he trusts Jiang Yun and foolishly helps Jiang Yun fight against the Master of All Souls, then if Jiang Yun plots against him from behind, he will be attacked from back and forth, which will be even more dangerous.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "He is not my master, he is just a memory of my master, which was sealed here by my master, and has nothing to do with my master!"

"And if he wants to get rid of the seal, he must ask me to give him the mark of the ancients."

"Now, I saw through his true colors, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to kill me to see if he could forcibly take away my ancient imprint."

The red wolf looked up and down at Jiang Yun, wondering if what he said was the truth.

After a while, the red wolf finally nodded and said: "I can cooperate with you, but first of all, my current state is not very good, and I am afraid that I am not his opponent."

"Furthermore, the purpose of my visit this time is to first want your master's memory, and secondly, to want that treasure."

"You and I cooperate. If it is successful, I won't say all of these two things afterwards, but you must give me at least one!"

I have to say, Red Wolf does have the demeanor of being a senior!

Before cooperating, make everything clear to avoid disputes.

"No!" Before Jiang Yun could speak, Liu Ruxia said anxiously, "Jiang Yun, you can't give him these two things."

"That is related to the secret of our Dao Xingtiandi."

Jiang Yun ignored Liu Ruxia, but shook his head and said, "No!"

"Whether it's my master's memory or that treasure, I can't give it to you."

"If you and I cooperate and succeed by luck, I can only promise you that this clone of you will leave the extrajudicial place safely and return to your deity."

Jiang Yun of course knew that the importance of these two things to Dao Xingtian and earth, neither of which could be given to monks outside the territory.

The red wolf stuck out his tongue and licked his own lips: "Then don't talk about it!"

"My avatar, I didn't plan to be able to leave alive."

When Jiang Yun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, a cold light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the red wolf, and then the figure disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yun frowned, followed closely behind, and stepped out in the same step to the place where the Red Wolf and the Master of All Spirits fought before.

At a glance, Jiang Yun understood the reason why the red wolf suddenly came back here.

Now here, it is already empty.

The Jia Yi, who was hit hard by the self-explosive force of the Master of All Souls, disappeared.

The red wolf turned his head, looked around, and said viciously: "The power of space."

"If you guessed correctly, it should be Ding Yi, who has been in ten days, who just suddenly entered here and took Jia Yi away!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently, thinking of this possibility as well.

Thinking of Ding Yi, Jiang Yun naturally also thought of Tianzun.

And this is even more good news for Jiang Yun.

Tianzun was the space channel connecting the extrajudicial land and the real domain that was shattered by Ding Yi, and he didn't know where he went.

Now, since Ding Yi is alive, and came here and rescued Jia Yi, then it is very likely that Tianzun is also alive.

After all, the strength of Tianzun is definitely much stronger than Ding Yi.

If Tianzun can also appear here, then he doesn't need to cooperate with Red Wolf, he can cooperate with Tianzun and kill the Master of All Spirits.

As for Ayi and Cingyi being rescued, Jiang Yun didn't feel anything.

The one who came here is also a clone, and even if he were to kill him, it would have little effect.

Ten days of dryness is completely strong, and then find an equal powerhouse to replace.

Jiang Yun looked at the red wolf and said again: "Senior red wolf, if you and I cooperate, at least there is still a chance to defeat the Master of All Souls."

"You and I are fighting each other, then both you and I may die here."

The red wolf shook his head resolutely and said, "Then I'd rather die here."

As soon as the red wolf finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from all directions: "Hehe, that's really great!"

Right in front of Jiang Yun and Red Wolf, the figure of the Master of All Spirits emerged.

Jiang Yun noticed that his hands were actually covered with blood.

Jiang Yun said in his heart, "You killed Jiayi and Dingyi?"

The Master of All Spirits sighed and said, "Just killed a Jiayi, Ding Yi was too cunning, he even hid in Jiayi's body, and he escaped with Cingyi."

"Unfortunately, if I absorb all the cultivation bases of the three of them, then my strength will be even higher!"

Having said that, the Master of All Spirits looked at the red wolf, and there was a greedy look in his eyes: "However, you are much stronger than those two wastes."

"If I can kill you, the benefits I can get are not small."

By this time, the Master of All Souls has made no secret of his purpose.

The red wolf smiled coldly and said, "If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

"How do I feel that you are much weaker than the clone formed by the treasure just now?"

The words of the red wolf made Jiang Yun's heart move.

Jiang Yun was unaware of the difference in strength between the two Masters of All Spirits, but since Red Wolf said so, it should be true.

The true master of all spirits is not as powerful as the avatar that is condensed by the treasure!

And although the self-destruction of the treasure condensed is fake, it is definitely impossible to appear in a short period of time.

In this case, it can better explain why the Master of All Spirits insists on his own imprint of the ancients!

The Master of All Souls nodded and said: "Yes, my strength is indeed weaker, but it is enough to deal with you!"

"However, do you think that the power of the rules, the rule runes, that you have absorbed before, were given to you by my kindness!"

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