The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7013: Picked up medicine, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The voice that sounded in the mirror naturally came from the leader of the Hongmeng!

After listening to the content of the communication from the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance to Haotian, the cold light in the red wolf's eyes was even stronger, and his eyes stared at Haotian: "When did you collude with the fortune-teller?"

The red wolf naturally understood that Haotian was able to break free from the seal, and it turned out that he had secretly made a deal with the leader of the Hongmeng alliance.

Originally this was nothing.

Because the red wolf is very clear, in terms of strength, he can overwhelm the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, but if it is in terms of brains, if they are tied together, they will not be able to play against each other.

For such a big matter, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng should have informed him in advance, just as he had partnered to deceive a certain detached powerhouse back then.

However, he was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, without knowing it.

Instead, Haotian, as a participant, knew everything clearly.

Even now, the two are secretly working together to target themselves.

This is what the Red Wolf can't accept!

Haotian shrugged and said, "Before I was caught by you, he had someone contact me secretly."

"I also heard about your Dao world, and after listening to his plan, I thought it was feasible, so I agreed to cooperate with him."

The red wolf gritted his teeth and said, "That is to say, you were caught by us, including the contact between your young master and Jiang Yun, all of which were planned by you."

"No!" Haotian said with a serious expression: "Jiang Shan doesn't know anything about everything, everything is my decision."

"It's fake that we were caught by you, but the contact between Jiang Shan and Jiang Yun is just a coincidence."

"Even before we met Jiang Yun, I didn't know what was special about him."

The red wolf shook his huge head and said, "Okay, I'm too lazy to ask about the past, I just want to know, you are planning to stop me from leaving, what are you going to do?"

Haotian was silent for a moment and then said, "I don't know either!"

"Fart!" The red wolf bared his fangs and said, "You were caught by us on purpose, didn't you just stop me?"

"If you don't know anything, you will be willing to be at the mercy of the fortune teller and listen to him?"

"Aren't you confident that you can stop me, so you dare not tell me the truth?"

Haotian sighed and said, "Actually, sometimes it's a blessing to not know anything."

"I wish I didn't know anything, but I still know!"

"Now, when you have a chance, you can just stay here and wait honestly. Why do you have to get to the bottom of things and ask for trouble!"


The red wolf let out a low roar, and slowly lowered its body. The long, blood-colored hair on his body gradually turned black, as if someone had splashed a layer of thick ink!

A powerful aura emanated from his body, covering both him and Haotian.

Obviously, the red wolf is about to lose patience and is ready to go directly.

The five colors of light behind Haotian also rose into the sky, and were slightly twisted, as if to condense into a human form, and also exuded a powerful breath, rivaling the red wolf.

However, Haotian still said: "Forget it, let me tell you, in fact, you should be able to think that we are nothing more than occupying the world!"

"If Dao Zun is willing to cooperate obediently, this occupation will be completed peacefully, and there will be no major conflicts."

"If Dao Zun does not agree, then the process is beyond our control."

"Stopping you is because you always disagree with this method. We don't want you to run and cause trouble."

"Okay, I've already told you everything I know."

"If you still want to leave me now, then you can try it out!"

"How could Dao Zun agree!" The red wolf's eyes had turned pitch black, staring at Haotian: "Even if Dao Zun agrees, the creatures in Daoxing Heaven and Earth, like Jiang Yun, can't agree."

"If they resist, what are you going to do?"

Haotian was silent for a moment and said, "Then only, kill them all!"

The red wolf's body was shaking slightly.

Although he really wanted to think that Haotian was lying to himself, he knew very well that Haotian was telling the truth.

Because, this plan, I have already known it for a long time.

This is also the reason why he has always tolerated Jiang Yun.

And for this plan, I do not agree.

For this reason, he also argued with the other party many times, and finally the other party agreed that he would not do it unless it was a last resort.

Red Wolf has always believed that the current situation is far from a last resort.

But I didn't expect that the fortune teller couldn't help it, and now the plan will be implemented.

Moreover, in order to prevent himself from disrupting his plan, he also arranged for Haotian to stare at him in advance.

Now that the fortune-telling plan has been launched, countless back-ups have been laid out to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Even if he wins Haotian now, even if he sees the other party, it is impossible to change his plan, and it is impossible to stop him.

After a long time, the long hairs that stood upside down on the red wolf slowly fell down, and the eyes closed along with it, without saying a word.

Looking at the red wolf that seemed to have aged in an instant, Haotian remained silent and just stood aside.

In fact, how could he be willing to slaughter those innocent creatures in Daoxing Heaven and Earth at will.

However, he has no choice!

The red wolf suddenly turned around and walked towards the prison.

And his voice sounded: "I'm not leaving, you tell him for me, and you say that there is a woman hidden in Jiang Yun's body, and her strength should also be the source realm, I don't know which side is the secret child."

"However, in order to save Jiang Yun, the woman blocked a round of attacks on Jiang Yun's behalf and was seriously injured, so she should die soon..."

Speaking of this, the red wolf suddenly paused for a moment before continuing: "You tell him again, in the future, you don't have to guard me."

"I will stay here and not leave."

"Okay!" Haotian loudly agreed to the distant figure of Red Wolf.

He naturally understood that the Red Wolf had finally compromised.

In the whirlpool space, Jiang Yun hugged Liu Ruxia and was in a world, but his soul clone was not here.

The line extending from his chest is still spreading in an unknown direction.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not dare to stop at all, and while continuing to rush forward, he used his wood power to continuously input Liu Ruxia's body.

And Liu Ruxia's mental state is even worse than before, her eyes started to slacken, she just said softly: "Although I can make the Master of All Souls not know where we are for the time being, he definitely knows. Our goal is your soul clone."

"Also, I also interfered as much as possible with the relationship between the various worlds in this space, so that he could not find the position of your soul clone for a while."

"However, you must be quick, find your soul clone, and devour him and fuse it."

"Only in this way, you should be able to be the opponent of the Master of All Souls."

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded, very fast.

"I have one more thing to ask for!" Liu Ruxia continued, "Although I am not good at fighting people, the path of cultivation I have taken is quite special."

"Unfortunately, I have no disciples, only descendants, and descendants don't remember me anymore."

"It would be a pity if it was lost, so I want to send you my spiritual insights."

"If you have a chance to meet my descendants, help me pass it on to them."

Jiang Yun crossed a world again, looked down at Liu Ruxia and said, "Senior, leave it to them yourself!"

"Your descendants, their people are not very prosperous. If the seniors can go back, they will definitely be very happy and can live better."

Liu Ruxia said with a wry smile: "Where do I still have time..."

Before the words were finished, Liu Ruxia suddenly said, "You, do you know who my descendants are? Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Yun's figure suddenly stopped. He didn't answer her question, but remembered something: "Senior, what about the medicine pill thrown away by the red wolf you just picked up?"

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