The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7014: Who is it, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Huh? What elixir?"

Liu Ruxia was still immersed in the shock that Jiang Yun actually knew who she was, so she didn't hear what Jiang Yun said later.

Jiang Yun had to repeat it again: "The pill that the red wolf sent over to save Zhige!"

"I didn't ask for it at the time, and he didn't take it back. He threw it on the ground and was picked up by you."

Only then did Liu Ruxia come back to her senses, she nodded lightly and said, "I remember, that pill is still there!"

While speaking, Liu Ruxia opened her palm, and there was an extra pill in her palm.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and gently twisted the medicinal pill, looked at it carefully with his eyes and consciousness for a while, then put the medicinal pill on the tip of his nose and sniffed it seriously.

In the end, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I can't tell what effect this medicine pill has."

No matter how high Jiang Yun's medicine refining attainments are, it is impossible for me to know the ingredients of plants and medicinal herbs in other worlds.

"But if the red wolf didn't lie, then this medicine pill will definitely help your injury, and it may even save your life."

"So, whether to take it or not, senior consider it for yourself!"

Jiang Yun doesn't know about Liu Ruxia's injury now, but it's definitely not optimistic.

And Liu Ruxia, as a cultivator in the source realm, looked at the entire Daoxing world, and there was no medicine pill suitable for her to take.

Therefore, Jiang Yun thought of the medicine pill sent by the red wolf.

The red wolf comes from the world where the transcendental powerhouse was born.

The cultivation level of that world, the rank of medicinal herbs, etc., naturally far exceeds that of Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, the red wolf is strong and has a high status in their world, so the medicinal pills and instruments he carries, as long as it is related to cultivation, will definitely not be ordinary.

Now, Jiang Yun hoped that the red wolf did not deceive himself.

However, Jiang Yun was not sure, he handed the medicinal pill to Liu Ruxia again, waiting for Liu Ruxia to choose.

And Liu Ruxia didn't think about it at all, she opened her mouth and directly inhaled the medicine pill into her mouth.

After the medicinal pill was in his stomach, Liu Ruxia said, "My life is almost gone, what else is there to consider!"

"I'm already like this anyway. Even if it's a poison, it won't hurt me."

"Use a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

"What if the red wolf didn't lie!"

Can live, no one wants to die...

Seeing the hope that she could survive, Liu Ruxia certainly would not refuse.

Jiang Yun didn't respond to Liu Ruxia's ramble, and just stared at her face firmly.

Jiang Yun couldn't tell the effect of the medicine pill, but the change in Liu Ruxia's complexion could naturally reflect the quality of the medicine pill.

Just after a few breaths, Liu Ruxia's originally pale face turned a little more rosy!

"excuse me!"

Jiang Yun apologized to Liu Ruxia again, and he had already stretched out his finger and lightly placed it on Liu Ruxia's wrist.

There was no way, Jiang Yun's consciousness could not see the condition of Liu Ruxia's body at all, so he could only judge Liu Ruxia's current physical condition by looking, hearing, asking, and cutting, the oldest doctor's method.

Liu Ruxia's eyes that were originally a little sloppy, now have a little more energy, and also said: "Don't say, this medicine pill should really work, I feel much better, and the wounds in my body are healing."

"Put me down!"

Jiang Yun put Liu Ruxia down, but his fingers were still on Liu Ruxia's wrist.

After waiting carefully for a while, Jiang Yun retracted his fingers and said with a smile on his face, "Red Wolf didn't lie to us."

Liu Ruxia's physical condition has greatly improved compared to just now.

Moreover, this is the case when the medicinal power of the medicinal pill has not been fully dissolved.

After a while, when all the medicinal power is absorbed by her, her injuries will not be healed, but at least this life will definitely be saved!

"The red wolf is really generous!" Liu Ruxia nodded again and again: "I am afraid that even in their Taoist world, this medicinal pill is invaluable, even if it is said to be thrown away."

Jiang Yun admitted: "Although Red Wolf is a foreign monk, his personality and attitude towards us are different from most foreign monks."

"If possible, I really don't want to be an enemy of him."

Jiang Yun has only seen the red wolf twice.

For the first time, the other party acquiesced in allowing Haotian to hand over the mirror of the Five Elements Haotian Mirror to himself, and also let him see his parents and teachers in prison.

This second time, he sent out another life-saving medicine pill.

These are the kindness of the Red Wolf to Jiang Yun!

"Okay, since senior is fine, then I can rest assured!"

Jiang Yun suddenly took two steps back, clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed deeply to Liu Ruxia: "Thank you for your life-saving grace, Senior!"

If Liu Ruxia didn't take the initiative to take the initiative to stop Jiang Yun from Ji Kongfan and Taigu Sanling's attacks just now, Jiang Yun would really worry about his life.

Therefore, Liu Ruxia is truly a life-saving grace to Jiang Yun.

Liu Ruxia waved her hand indifferently and said, "Thank you, thank you, I should save you."

"By the way, didn't you say you know who I am?"

"Tell me, who am I?"

Jiang Yun straightened up and said, "Senior, let's find my soul clone first!"

"I'm worried that if it's later, the Master of All Spirits will find him first."

"It's okay!" Liu Ruxia smiled confidently: "Since I can't die now, as long as I don't fight the Master of All Spirits head-on, it's not that easy for him to find us and your soul avatar!"

When the words fell, Liu Ruxia took a deep breath, and suddenly raised her head to look at the sky, and strange runes appeared in her eyes.

Jiang Yun silently stood aside, watching Liu Ruxia.

After a while, Liu Ruxia stretched out her palm, pointed at the knife, and waved it gently towards the sky, and even spit out a word: "Cut!"

From Jiang Yun's eyes, whether it was Liu Ruxia's wave or the sky she was looking at, it was empty and nothing.

However, now that Liu Ruxia's identity is known, Jiang Yun can also understand what the other party is doing now.

Liu Ruxia's palm fell, and her ruddy face turned pale again.

Obviously, what she did just now increased the load on her body.

Liu Ruxia turned her head to Jiang Yun and said, "Okay, now apart from you and me, no one can know the location of your soul avatar for the time being."

Jiang Yun pondered: "Senior, my soul clone should also be in a certain world."

"And these worlds are arranged by the Master of All Spirits and cannot be moved."

"Even if he can't detect the location of my soul avatar, as long as the worlds find it, he can definitely find it!"

Liu Ruxia's expression suddenly stiffened: "What you said makes sense, I really didn't expect so much."

"Okay, then we'll go find your soul avatar first."

"When you're on the road, tell me who I am!"

It is not difficult to see that Liu Ruxia is very curious whether Jiang Yun really knows his identity.

"Now, send me back to your Dao world!"

"I can't use my power too much yet."

Jiang Yun nodded, raised his hand and sent Liu Ruxia back to his Taoist realm.

And he naturally continued to rush towards the position of his soul avatar according to the direction of the line at the chest.

Just as Jiang Yun took a step, Liu Ruxia's voice transmission couldn't wait to sound out: "Boy, you can say it!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said with a voice transmission: "A long time ago, in the dream domain, I once met a tribe!"

"This ethnic group is not strong, there are more women than men, and all the previous patriarchs have been held by women."

"However, they have a special ability to control the law of fate!"

"This clan is called the palm edge clan."

"They should be the descendants of the seniors!"

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