The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7015: Of course I want to learn, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun finally expressed his guesses about Liu Ruxia's identity.

"Senior, it should be the Great Emperor of Fate in the Real Realm, the power of Fate in cultivation!"

The original Jiang Yun, when Jiyu started the domain battle, once went to the most powerful Tiangang first domain among all Jiyu.

There, Jiang Yun met a clan named Lan Rui from the Zhang Yuan clan.

Thus let him know that there are actually monks who can specialize in the practice of fate in this world.

All things in the world, including living beings, are able to have various connections because of the existence of karma.

Especially living beings, whether it is acquaintance with other living beings, or hating each other, it is all because of fate.

In the palm of the family, in charge of the law!

Later, with the help of the Zhangyuan family, Jiang Yun successfully took them to escape the first domain of Tiangang, and placed them in his own set domain.

Now, they are still in the dream realm, and their lives are worry-free.

And there are many secrets about the Palm Family.

For example, they are not the original ethnic group of the first domain of Tiangang, but the first domain of Tiangang brought in from other places, and their origins are mysterious.

Jiang Yun didn't specifically inquire about these secrets, and even after that, he almost never saw them again.

At this moment, Jiang Yun himself felt as if he had passed away when he mentioned the Zhangyuan family again.

What Jiang Yun didn't expect was that he would meet the ancestor of the Zhang Yuan family, the former Yuanfa Emperor in this vortex space!

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, Liu Ruxia, who was a little chatty, fell into silence.

After a while, she opened her mouth to admit: "I thought you were just cheating on me, but you really guessed it."

"Yes, I am the former Emperor Yuanfa."

"However, how did you guess?"

"When I left the Guantian Palace, I had cut off the relationship with everyone, even with everything."

"In the entire real domain, no one should remember my existence!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It's true that no one in Zhenyu remembers Senior."

"As long as they mention the name of their predecessors, no, they mention the four words of the Great Emperor Yuanfa, and they will immediately fall into a state of confusion."

"This confusion won't last long."

"And when they wake up, they will forget that they just mentioned the matter of Emperor Yuanfa."

"However, I'm not a cultivator in the real realm, and the senior didn't cut off the relationship between me and me."

"Therefore, when I heard the title of the Great Emperor Yuanfa from the mouths of Yao Yuanzi and Weiyang Nu, and saw the two of them were in a state of confusion, I remembered the Great Emperor Yuanfa!"

The first time Jiang Yun heard about the Great Emperor Yuanfa, it was in Weiyangnu's soul realm, where Weiyangnu and Yao Yuanzi were chatting.

Wei Yangnu and Yao Yuanzi were both pseudo-zun-level powerhouses, second only to the existence of the three gods of heaven and earth.

Who would have thought that they would fall into a state of confusion just because they mentioned a title, and after sobering up, they could not remember that they had mentioned it at all.

Such a strange thing, when Jiang Yun saw it, was naturally very impressed.

Liu Ruxia said softly: "Weiyang girl, I know, the first soul shaper in the real realm."

"Yao Yuanzi, I have never heard of it."

Jiang Yun can also understand.

Weiyangnu is the great emperor of ancient times, and she became famous very early.

Yao Yuanzi is just like a demon clan.

When Liu Ruxia left Guantian Palace, Yao Yuanzi was still just a little demon, and Yao Yuanzong had not been created, so Liu Ruxia didn't know.

Jiang Yun continued: "As for my true guess of the senior's identity, it was after I used the forbidden technique."

"I meditated and rested at the prisoner dragon. The prisoner dragon was worried that the blood of my life would not recover quickly. It was you, senior, who told him, don't worry, because my body has the origin of the five elements and the immortal leaves."

"You also speculated that I should have merged the inextinguishable leaves and the source of wood together, which can provide me with a lot of vitality and create new blood of life faster."

Liu Ruxia said softly, "Ah", "I remember!"

"At that time, I regretted it after I said it, and I slapped myself a few times, saying that I have a lot of problems. When will it be corrected."

"I thought you didn't hear it, but I didn't expect you to hear it word by word."

"Yes." Jiang Yun said with a smile: "It was after hearing the words of the senior that I finally guessed the identity of the senior."

"My origin of the Five Elements comes from the five origin spirits in the Five Elements Barrier."

"The five of them mentioned it more than once. Before me, there were people in Daoxing Tiandi who entered the Five Elements Barrier and left smoothly."

"However, they not only can't remember who the person is, but whenever they mention this, they will also enter a state similar to confusion."

"At that time, I still felt that their state was a little familiar, and I seemed to have seen it somewhere."

"It's just that I didn't remember it at that time. I didn't realize it until you mentioned the origin of the five elements in my body."

"Their state of amnesia and the confusion of Weiyang Nu and the others are actually the same. It is because the relationship between them and their predecessors has been cut off by their predecessors."

"However, their strength should be too strong, so that they can still vaguely remember some, but they can't remember the more detailed situation."

"Besides that, there are five elements in my body about you, except me and the five spirits of origin. No one else knows."

"However, the seniors can say it all at once."

"Plus, you can know the location of anyone I'm looking for."

"In short, combining all of this, I finally speculated that the predecessor should be the Great Emperor of the Fa who disappeared from everyone's memory."

"And the various peculiarities shown by the predecessors can be explained clearly by the method of karma."

"Because senior can see the relationship between me and others!"

Having said that, Jiang Yun stretched out his finger and pointed to the faint line extending from his chest: "Even, senior can help me reconnect with the fate between me and my soul avatar!"

Jiang Yun said in one breath the reason and process of guessing Liu Ruxia's identity.

After listening to Liu Ruxia, she was silent for a moment, and then sighed leisurely: "I knew that the fault of my words would definitely expose my identity."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and didn't speak again.

In fact, even if Liu Ruxia doesn't talk much, after so many things, Jiang Yun believes that it won't take long for him to guess her identity.

After being quiet for a while, Liu Ruxia said again, "Although I'm not dead, what I just said is still valid."

"I want to pass on the technique of palm edge to you, and you will help me pass it on to my descendants."

"I just don't know, do you want to learn the art of palmarity?"

Of course Jiang Yun wants to learn!

Jiang Yun admired Liu Ruxia's accomplishments in the law of fate.

Cutting off the karma is actually not that difficult, and many experts in the karma realm can do it.

However, if he wants to cut off his own and the huge real domain, the relationship between all living things and objects, let alone achieve it, Jiang Yun dare not even think about it.

Moreover, cutting off the predestined law is not only able to cut off the predestined law between living beings, it can even cut off the magical power of magic, the predestined law between the world and the world.

Now, Liu Ruxia has obviously cut off all the relationships between the worlds in this vortex space, so that the Master of All Souls can't find the two of them and the world where the soul avatar is located.

In particular, Jiang Yun felt that the technique of palm relationship might be able to cut off the relationship between the imprint of the rules that the Master of All Souls left in the bodies of all living beings and themselves.

If the karma is broken, the imprint of the rules should be useless.

Otherwise, how could Liu Ruxia talk about the control of the Master of All Spirits!

Jiang Yun didn't think that the Master of All Souls did not leave a mark of the rules in her body.

And since she was able to get out of the Guantian Palace, she must have obtained real freedom by using the technique of severing fate.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said without hesitation: "Senior is willing to teach me, then of course I want to learn!"

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