The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7024: yin and yang swap, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the world where the Red Wolf and the Earth Venerable were fighting against each other, the Red Wolf lay there quietly with scars all over his body, his eyes closed.

Before, he used his own strength to counteract the alliance between Earth Zun and Human Zun.

Although his strength has dropped a lot, it is still not something that can be defeated by forcibly promoted Earth Venerable and Human Venerable.

As early as more than an hour ago, Di Zun Ren Zun saw that the two of them were not the opponents of the Red Wolf, so he simply ran away.

The Master of All Souls is busy looking for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia again.

In addition, the entire vortex space has been closed, so no one disturbs the red wolf for the time being, and the red wolf takes the time to heal here.

At this moment, the breath emanating from Jiang Yun's body also drifted here, causing him to open his eyes suddenly, turn his head suddenly, and look in the direction of Jiang Yun.

In his eyes, a dazzling light gradually lit up, and a word was softly spit out in his mouth: "Dao!"

"This is from Jiang Yun!"

The red wolf did not notice that not far from him, ever since the Master of All Spirits left, he has remained motionless, just like Ji Kongfan who has turned into a statue, and there is a little more in those empty eyes at this moment. He was radiant, and slowly rolled his eyes, also looking in the direction of Jiang Yun!

The fluctuation of breath emanating from Jiang Yun's body is not limited by space at all.

Not only did it gradually fill the vortex space, but it began to spread to a farther and wider place, entering a place outside the law.

In the land outside the law, there are still a considerable number of monks and monks from outside the world.

For the cultivators of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, although they sensed this breath, they did not respond.

As for the foreign monks, after sensing this breath, some people's faces showed confusion, and some people's faces showed excitement.

Whether confused or excited, they all hurried towards the direction of the whirlpool space.

Even in the realm of ancient rules, the three-corpse Taoist who was still imprisoned in the coffin opened his mouth with emotion: "Dao!"

"This kid is so fast!"

This breath continued to spread, entered the Guantian Palace, and entered the chaotic airspace!

Although in the chaotic airspace, there are endless space boundaries that are constantly opening and closing, but they cannot stop this breath.

When this breath, like a breeze, passed over the black-faced old man who had been sitting cross-legged outside the prison set up by Hongmeng, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, and the reaction was exactly the same as the red wolf, with light in his eyes, Whispering in the mouth!

Inside the prison, the deity of the red wolf suddenly stood up, stepped out, came to Haotian, and said in a deep voice, "This is the breath of Tao!"

"This breath comes from Daoxing the world, no, it is in the Guantian Palace, it can only be done by Jiang Yun."

"Jiang Yun is infinitely close to enlightenment, and he is very likely to become a detached powerhouse. Hurry up and inform the fortune teller to let him give up his plan and stop being an enemy of Jiang Yun!"

"Otherwise, the anger of a detached powerhouse will make us pay a painful price!"

Haotian's face was full of surprise, feeling this breath.

Hearing what the red wolf said, Haotian restrained his surprise and said calmly: "He can definitely sense it without notice!"

"But whether he will give up the plan, I think, you should know better than me."

The red wolf said anxiously: "Of course I know that he can also sense it, but you have a special status, and you represent your Dao world."

"If you persuade him, it will affect him to some extent."

Haotian shook his head and said calmly: "Beyond the anger of the strong... I can't bear it in the Five Elements Dao Realm!"

"You!" The cold light in the red wolf's eyes was monstrous, but in the end, he turned and left again.

There was no way, he split up a clone, causing his strength to plummet.

Without strength to back it up, he didn't think he could convince Haotian.

The immortal world, which has always been silent, is now in a state of boiling.

Because all the monks outside the territory have also sensed this breath.

The non-territorial monks who can come here are all Taoist cultivators.

Naturally, they almost immediately recognized that this was the breath of Dao!

In a world where there is almost no Taoist cultivation, there is such a strong Taoist aura, which makes them all rush towards the direction of the breath.

Compared with the excitement of others, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng frowned and said to himself: "This is the breath of Tao, but it shouldn't be!"

"The monks from outside the realm who are in the Guantian Palace today, even if they are red wolves, cannot become enlightened."

"As for the cultivators of Dao Xing Tian and Earth, those who may become Dao are nothing more than Jiang Yun and Tian Zun."

"Tianzun, her character is destined to be difficult for her to become enlightened."

"Then the breath of this road can only be exuded by Jiang Yun."

"Although I don't know Jiang Yun's cultivation realm, his strength is far inferior to that of the source realm."

"Even if there is another great opportunity, even if the treasure in the vortex space is obtained by him, it is absolutely impossible for him to directly achieve the Dao in such a short period of time!"

"However, if he really achieves the Great Dao, it will be troublesome!"

The face of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance turned gloomy.

"No, I can't wait any longer!"

"Just when he really wants to achieve the Great Dao, he must be stopped immediately!"

The voice fell, and on the surface of the body of the Hongmeng Alliance Lord, countless lines began to emerge.

But at this moment, the breath of Dao that permeated all around suddenly began to dissipate!

"Weakened!" The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that I guessed it right."

"He didn't really want to achieve the Dao, but when he broke through the realm, he accidentally touched the edge of enlightenment, so he exuded the breath of Dao."

"Because it is impossible for him to become enlightened directly, his realm has returned to normal now."

"However, since he has had such an experience, his possibility of becoming enlightened in the future is also much greater than others."

The eyes of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance looked at the world where Dao Zun was.

"That is to say, Jiang Yun has fused his soul clone."

"Dao Zun's conspiracy is already half the battle!"

I have to say that the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance is indeed extremely smart, and his speculation is completely correct.

Jiang Yun's breakthrough process was basically smooth.

But after a day passed in the dream, a circle that was almost complete appeared in his body.

Half white represents yang, and half black represents yin.

At this point, it means that Jiang Yun has broken through to the realm of yin and yang, and there is only one last step left.

Moreover, at this time, even if Jiang Yun leaves his hand, his breakthrough will no longer be hindered or changed.

All the power will come naturally and complete the final condensation on its own, making the circle complete.

However, looking at this almost connected circle, Jiang Yun suddenly thought of the power of cause and effect!

From the old man of cause and effect, Jiang Yun obtained the power of cause and effect, and he has the supernatural power of a technique of cause and effect.

The technique of cause and effect is performed by drawing a complete circle to make cause and effect complete.

A question also popped up in Jiang Yun's mind: "The power of cause and effect, how to divide yin and yang?"

"According to the division method of false yin and yang, because of yang, the effect is the cause."

"However, the reason why the technique of cause and effect is performed in a complete circle is because its biggest special feature is mutual cause and effect!"

"Cause can turn into fruit, fruit can also turn into yin!"

"Then it is inaccurate to divide the power of cause and effect into Yin or Yang alone."

"Also, some other forces can actually change back and forth between yin and yang."

"For example, common fires, although the most common ones emit high temperature and flame, are obviously yang attributes, but there are also black, white, and cold fires, which should be classified as yin attributes."

"Water, more complicated!"

"Since the yin and yang divided by this are not accurate, should the yin and yang realm that I set be changed a little more?"

Jiang Yun was in confusion, and he didn't know that, just when he was thinking about these questions, the breath of Tao began to radiate from his body.

In the end, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Since cause and effect can be interchanged, then I will make Yin and Yang also interchangeable!"

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