The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7025: not keeping promises, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The Master of All Souls stared straight at the world in front of him, feeling the gradually weakening aura inside, and said coldly, "Finally found you!"

After finishing speaking, the Master of All Spirits turned to look around again.

He has been waiting for more than two hours in order to wait for the person who is tapping the whirlpool space to enter here.

Originally, he was not in a hurry, but suddenly he felt this unusual aura, letting him know that Jiang Yun must be in the world ahead.

And this breath, even if he is unfamiliar, can produce such a big fluctuation, and he does not dare to take it lightly.

Therefore, he finally gave up waiting, stepped forward, and stepped into the world in front of him!

Not far from him, the old man who had appeared long ago, but was not discovered by the Master of All Souls, had an extra pen in his hand.

While looking at the world, he waved the pen, and quickly wrote something in the void.

Although Jiang Yun is breaking through in his own Dao world, in the real world, he cannot be seen at all.

But the aura of the powerful Dao exuding from his body was like a guiding light, allowing the Master of All Spirits to judge his position at a glance.

The Master of All Souls smiled coldly and said, "It seems that you have already swallowed your soul clone!"

"That Xingtian map, even I was a little bit afraid, and I didn't help you to fuse the soul clone, but I didn't expect that you would be able to defeat it by yourself, but I underestimated you!"

"Integrate the soul clone, improve the cultivation realm, and then fight with me, so that you can have a better chance of winning."

"Your plan is really good, but it was revealed on your own initiative!"

"Now, while your realm hasn't completely broken through, I'll do it first!"

The voice fell, and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits had raised his hand and pressed it down with a savage palm towards the place where Jiang Yun's breath emanated.

Jiang Yun's Dao world is equivalent to another space, and it is almost impossible to see with the eyes alone.

And Jiang Yun's own space power is strong, and Liu Ruxia helped him cut off the fate, so even if he uses his spiritual sense, it is difficult to search.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun didn't expect that in the process of breaking through, he would exude such a powerful aura.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is considered to have pitted himself once!

The palm of the Master of All Spirits easily shattered the space barrier and pressed heavily on the Dao Realm.


Jiang Yun spurted a mouthful of blood directly from his mouth, and even the circle in his body that was almost completely closed almost collapsed.

Because Liu Ruxia was the closest to Jiang Yun and witnessed Jiang Yun's transformation into everything with his own eyes, he was most affected by the breath of Tao.

She always knelt there and worshipped with a pious attitude.

What she worships is not Jiang Yun, but the Tao represented by Jiang Yun!

Even if the breath of Dao emanating from Jiang Yun began to weaken, she still could not wake up from that state.

Until this moment, the palm of the Master of All Spirits pressed the entire Taoist world with a bang, squeezing towards her, finally making her finally wake up.

Seeing Jiang Yun spitting blood, Liu Ruxia naturally understood what was going on, and hurriedly said loudly, "I'll go and help you to delay for a while."

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said in a deep voice, "You don't need to go."

"The tree demon, I'm breaking through, please help me delay some time."

"If you dare to escape, then before I die, I will definitely take you with me!"

The voice fell, Jiang Yun raised his hand and flicked, and the Bone Broken Vine had already flew out with a sound of breaking the sky, and landed in front of the tree demon who was sealed by him.

The arrival of Bone Broken Vine just broke Jiang Yun's **** to the tree demon.

At this moment, although the tree demon held the Bone Broken Vine, it was blank.

Obviously, he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Like Liu Ruxia, he was immersed in the breath of Dao.

The breath of Dao is not limited by the constraints of space, so his induction is also extremely clear.

Before he could come back to his senses, Jiang Yun had already sent him directly out of the Taoist world.

Liu Ruxia is not good at fighting with people, and her injuries have not yet healed. When she is asked to face the Master of All Souls, Jiang Yun has to worry about her safety in turn.

And he was busy breaking through, and there was no way to stop the Master of All Souls, so Jiang Yun could only let the tree demon do it for him.

Anyway, he had always had doubts about the tree demon, so he could just take this opportunity to verify it.

Even if the judgment is wrong, Jiang Yun believes that the tree demon, as the descendant of the strong one, must have a way to save his life.

In this way, the tree demon appeared in front of the Master of All Spirits.

Looking at the tree demon, the Master of All Spirits was slightly startled.

He didn't know the existence of the tree demon, so he suddenly saw such a stranger walking out of Jiang Yun's Dao world, and he didn't react for a while.

As for the tree demon, it has already responded and shouted: "Jiang Yun, you are not keeping your promises."

Calling Gui Ye, his movements were not slow, and with a flick of his body, he plunged directly into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

The Master of All Souls also came back to his senses, snorted coldly, ignored the tree demon at all, raised his hand again, grabbed Jiang Yun's Dao Realm, and shouted at the same time: "Jiang Yun, come out for me!"


However, before his palm fell, a thunderous bang suddenly came from the ground.

Nine incomparably huge vines drilled out from under the earth, like nine flexible dragons, all entangled towards the Master of All Spirits.


The Master of All Spirits was not panicked, but he patted the palm of Daojie, but it also stopped, and turned to wave around.

Immediately, a large number of Rule Talismans appeared in the air, some turned into sharp blades, some turned into flames, and some turned into the river of time, facing the nine vines.

Although the power contained in the Bone Crushing Vine is not strong, it is at least extremely tough as the magic weapon of the powerhouse.

The attacks transformed by the power of various rules, hitting the vines, only stopped them from moving forward, but they were not able to destroy them.

The Master of All Souls was also a little surprised. He didn't expect these nine vines to be so resilient.

However, he also understood that Jiang Yun was deliberately letting people delay the time. Taking advantage of the temporary blocking of the vines, he recklessly reached out and patted the Taoist world.

Under the second shock of the Taoist world, before Jiang Yun spoke, Liu Ruxia couldn't sit still and said, "Let me go!"

Regardless of whether the identity of the tree demon is suspicious or not, facing the Master of All Souls, what he has shown is still the supreme realm.

With the supreme strength, it is simply impossible to hold back the Master of All Spirits.

Liu Ruxia didn't need Jiang Yun's response, she reached out and waved casually in front of her, and her figure disappeared from the Taoist world.

The Great Emperor Yuanfa will hardly be trapped in any space formation.

Before, Liu Ruxia helped Jiang Yun to take a blow from Ji Kongfan and the others, but it was the Dao Realm that left without asking Jiang Yun's consent.

Now that Liu Ruxia has left, Jiang Yun has no way to stop it.

All he can do is continue to seize the time to break through.

As long as he breaks through to the realm of yin and yang, Jiang Yun is confident that he can fight against the Master of All Souls.


After Liu Ruxia appeared, without saying a word, a large sword formed by the rules of fate had already slashed towards the Master of All Spirits, who had raised his hand three times and fell.

The technique of cutting edge can only cut off the edge.

Therefore, her blow only slashed the relationship between the Master of All Souls and its own power.

As soon as the knife fell, the Master of All Spirits only felt that his palm was empty.

Although the power originally accumulated in the palm was still released, it did not attack Jiang Yun's Taoist realm, but fell into this world.

The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits suddenly turned his head, looked at Liu Ruxia, and said with gritted teeth: "Xia Ruliu, do you think that I really dare not kill you!"

Xia Ruliu!

In the Taoist world, Jiang Yun couldn't help but startled slightly when he heard the Master of All Spirits address Liu Ruxia.

Obviously, Xia Ruliu is Liu Ruxia's real name!

The last name is Xia!

Jiang Yun vaguely remembered that he seemed to have a special memory of this surname.

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