The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7026: no pain, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Xia Ruliu!" The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits, with a ferocious face, said again viciously, "Since you have already left, why are you coming back?"

"Since you're back, it's fine if you don't help me. Why do you want to help Jiang Yun in turn!"

"Don't you know my current situation?"

Facing the question from the Master of All Souls, Xia Ruliu's face was pale, but she still pushed her chest hard and answered loudly: "Why did I leave, you should know better than anyone!"

"Why am I coming back, you should know too!"

"Besides, you are not the real Master of All Souls at all, just a memory of him!"

"Moreover, you have become more hateful and annoying than the real Master of All Souls, so not only will I not help you, but I will let you return to Master Jiang Yun's soul!"

"Hahaha!" The Master of All Souls laughed in anger at Xia Ruliu's words: "Yes, I am indeed just a memory, but you must know that I am the only one who remembers your past and mine. !"

"Jiang Yun's master, he is a complete stranger to you."

"I am the true master of all spirits!"

Xia Ruliu was suddenly stunned!

Because what the other party said is the truth!

As the Great Emperor of Fate, Xia Ruliu knows better than anyone else that the bond between the two and the Fate, in the final analysis, is still a matter of memory.

Since the true Master of All Spirits had already extracted all his memories, it would naturally mean that all ties between him and Xia Ruliu were cut off.

The person who has lost his memory is not the master of all spirits, but the immortal!

The ancient without the memory of the past has nothing to do with Xia Ruliu.

The person in front of him, although only a fragment of a memory, is closer to the former master of all spirits because he has all the memories.

At this moment, Xia Ruliu couldn't help asking herself, does she really want to help others to deal with the Master of All Souls in front of her?

Seeing Xia Ruliu's stunned expression, the Master of All Souls understood that his words touched the other party, his face showed a gentle meaning, and his voice softened: "Ru Liu, everything you did before, I don't care. Blame you."

"The matter between us, we will have time in the future, and we will solve it slowly."

"Trust me, we can still go back to where we were."

"When the time comes, I will take you and travel through this endless world, and will never be separated again."

"Now, you step back first, I have to deal with Jiang Yun first."

Jiang Yun, who listened clearly to the conversation between the two, finally understood that his speculation was correct.

Xia Ruliu and the Master of All Souls, once, should be a pair of Taoist companions!

It's just that, I don't know what happened between them, so that the two eventually separated.

Xia Ruliu even more resolutely cut off the relationship between her and the entire Daoxing world, all living beings, and left the Guantian Palace, and maybe even left the Daoxing world.

However, perhaps because the strength of the Master of All Souls is stronger than her, or because she still has reluctance in her heart, the relationship between her and the Master of All Souls is not so completely cut off.

The Master of All Souls still retains a memory about her.

And this memory, for Xia Ruliu, is the thread of fate tied to her body.

No matter how high or far she flies, as long as this connection is not cut off, she will never be able to live the free life she wants.

And she should not have the ability to cut the thread without looking at the Master of All Souls.

Therefore, the purpose of her return to the Guantian Palace this time is to retrieve the memory between the Master of All Souls and her, and completely cut the line of fate.

From then on, there is really no connection with Daoxing Tiandi.

To be honest, after understanding the grievances and entanglements between the two, if Xia Ruliu chooses to obey the Master of All Souls at this time and no longer protect Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun will not have the slightest dissatisfaction.

However, after hesitating for a moment, Xia Ruliu raised her head, looked at the Master of All Souls and said, "I admit, what you said makes sense."

"However, you are no longer the one you used to be, or the master of all spirits who has always taken care of me in my heart!"

"For your own selfishness, in order to compete with Dao Zun, in order to break this situation, you have to sacrifice all the lives in the entire Guantian Palace..."

"Enough!" The Master of All Spirits suddenly let out a violent roar, interrupting Xia Ruliu's words, and the expression on his face became grim again: "My patience is limited."

"On the basis of past affection, I have to tolerate you again and again."

"I warn you one last time, if you continue to be obsessed, I'm really welcome."

Xia Ruliu smiled sadly and said, "It doesn't matter, I originally belonged to one of the creatures you wanted to sacrifice."

"Today, if you want to hurt Jiang Yun, kill me first."

"Okay, I will fulfill you!" The Master of All Spirits sneered, raised his hand, but did not use any magic, just slapped Xia Ruliu directly.

Xia Ruliu also stretched out his hand to slash, and wanted to use the technique of severing karma to cut off the karma between himself and the power of the Master of All Spirits.

However, the Master of All Souls obviously knows her power of fate very well, so the speed of her palm is extremely fast.

Hearing a crisp "pop", Xia Ruliu had already been slapped by his slap, and the whole person was beaten and flew out.


The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits didn't even look at Xia Ruliu's state, and without waiting for his palms to be retracted, he raised his feet and stomped down towards Jiang Yun's Dao Realm.


And Xia Ruliu's slight voice sounded again in his ears.

The technique of cutting edge once again cut off the relationship between him and his own power.

"Baby maid!" The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits was completely enraged, and with a flick of his body, he rushed to Xia Ruliu's side.

And Xia Ruliu was ready, and her figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Just when Xia Ruliu was really using his life to hold back the Master of All Souls, Jiang Yun was also frantically making the final breakthrough in his realm.

In fact, his realm could have already broken through and ended.

But because of his whims, not only did it take some time, but it also made him change his original thoughts.

At this moment, a complete circle has appeared in his body.

But it's not half white and half black.

And white and black are mixed together, it looks extremely chaotic, and there is no pattern at all.


Finally, the palm of the Master of All Spirits grabbed Xia Ruliu's neck and pulled her out of nothingness.

The five senses of the Master of All Spirits are slightly twisted: "Your cultivation path and the power of fate are all taught by me. In front of me, you still want to escape!"

"Do you know why I want you to focus on only cultivating the power of fate, because I found out that you have a talent for fate, and because I plan to wait for your fate to be completed, and take your fate as my own. "

"It's ridiculous that you thought I took special care of you and had feelings for you!"

"I am the master of all spirits, how could I have feelings for you!"

"Everything I gave you back then, give it back to me today!"

Hearing the words of the Master of All Spirits, Xia Ruliu stopped struggling, but stared at him with wide eyes.

In the depths of his eyes, there is an unbelievable disbelief!

She didn't know whether what the Master of All Souls said was the truth, or whether she was deliberately deceiving herself.

"It doesn't matter anymore!" Xia Ruliu closed her eyes and said softly, "You are right, everything I have is given to you. If you take everything back, we will be completely cleared."


Just as Xia Ruliu's voice fell, the world suddenly shook violently.

Because Jiang Yun's Dao world manifested at an extremely fast speed.

And, it began to spread in all directions.

Jiang Yun took one step directly from the dream and the Taoist realm, appeared in front of the Master of All Spirits, stretched out two fingers, pointed them as a knife, and moved gently between him and Xia Ruliu. One cut.

His voice also sounded in Xia Ruliu's ears: "Farewell, it's not bitter!"

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