The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7030: slash of fate, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Whether it was the Master of All Souls or Xia Ruliu, because they didn't know Jiang Yun's past, they heard Jiang Yun's words and thought that Jiang Yun was just being stubborn and deliberately angry with the Master of All Souls.

But in fact, Jiang Yun did not lie!

Back then, when he was in the realm of illusion, he was under the rules of human respect and understood his own rules. In addition, as a Taoist cultivator, the rules became Taoist rules.

His rule is indeed to break all the rules!

After Jiang Yun's voice fell, he did not use any magical powers in the face of the oncoming nine swords of rules, but just clenched his right hand into a fist.

Together with the guardian avenue behind him, he punched the nine swords of rules with one punch!


Jiang Yun and the fist guarding the avenue slammed into the nine swords of rules at the same time.

Immediately, the Nine Ruled Sword, which was regarded by the Master of All Spirits as his strongest supernatural power, broke apart inch by inch, re-turned into countless single rule runes, and danced wildly in the air.

The master of ten thousand spirits' self-possessed arrogance and majestic appearance, at this moment, is already gone!

Instead, his eyes were widened to the extreme, his mouth was also opened into a circle, and his face was full of incredible colors.

Xia Ruliu had almost the same expression.

If Jiang Yun blocked the sea of ​​runes with the way of protection just now, they could barely accept it, then now Jiang Yun easily smashed the sword of nine rules with one punch, which is beyond their understanding.

Others don't know the power of the Nine Ruled Sword, but Xia Ruliu and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits know it very well.

Moreover, not long ago, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits used this sword of nine rules to kill the clone of Jiayi, the strongest in the ten days of dryness!

But at this moment, facing Jiang Yun, whose strength is obviously inferior to Jiayi, this strongest supernatural power seems to have become a joke!

It was still the writing old man who said softly, "The rules are lower than the Great Dao!"

"Although this kid was born in the Daoxing world, he has already touched the edge of enlightenment, which is equivalent to jumping out of the Daoxing world by himself."

"Don't talk about the rules in the world, even the rules of the vast majority of Taoism, there is no restraint on him!"

"The power of the avenue, the power to break the rules, what's so surprising!"

After Jiang Yun smashed the sword of nine rules with one punch, his figure kept moving, and he had already come to the front of the Master of All Spirits. He also raised his fist and smashed it towards the opponent.

The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits was shocked, but his response was not slow. At the same time, a stern look flashed in his eyes, but he also raised his fist to greet him.

Obviously, he still wants to verify how strong Jiang Yun is now.


The fists intersected, and the two bodies retreated in unison.

However, this time, Jiang Yun only retreated a dozen feet away, while the Master of All Spirits retreated a hundred feet away!

In terms of pure power alone, the Master of All Souls is no longer as good as Jiang Yun!

After Jiang Yun stopped, he did not continue to pursue the victory, but flicked his palm, and countless lines of lines filled out, turning into thunderbolts, surrounding the Master of All Spirits in all directions.


Under the roar of thunder, all the thunder rolled towards the Master of All Spirits.

Without waiting for the thunder to hit the opponent, Jiang Yun's hands were like butterflies wearing flowers, constantly appearing with various Dao powers, turning into Dao attacks, and rushing towards the Master of All Souls one after another.

Xia Ruliu, who has been watching Jiang Yun and the Master of All Souls fighting all the time, knows that Jiang Yun is a treasure ready to lead the Master of All Souls.

Since Jiang Yun has clearly told the Master of All Spirits, the function of the treasure is to nurture the Dao.

Then, at this moment, he attacks the Master of All Souls with the power of the Great Dao, and the Master of All Souls is likely to use the treasure to fight back.

After all, the Master of All Souls is still relatively unfamiliar with the power of the Dao.

And at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the Master of All Spirits: "It seems that you are about to lose to this traitor."

"Would you like to think about it, you and I will cooperate."

"I killed Jiang Yun for you, you and I will leave this Guantian Palace."

The heart of the Master of All Souls was shocked by the strange voice that suddenly sounded.

He didn't expect that at this time, there would still be powerhouses that he didn't know about.

However, he immediately thought of where the voice came from.

The Master of All Spirits did not answer, but continued to use the power of rules to meet Jiang Yun's various avenues of attack.

"Tsk tsk!" The voice sounded again: "Why, do you disdain to cooperate with me, or do you still have trump cards that you haven't shown yet?"

"It's not that I look down on you, but this Jiang Yun is very treacherous!"

"Since he absorbed the thunder in the treasure, there should have been a series of plans to deal with you."

"What's more, he still has a Xia Ruliu helping him secretly. I'm afraid you are not the opponent of the two of them."

"You think about it, you have spent countless hours planning for yourself for so many years."

"Now that you have finally gained a powerful strength and possessed the treasure that others dream of, if you just die in the hands of Jiang Yun, in this vortex space that you have set up by yourself..."

"Hehe, then your name will become Daoxingtiandi in the future, no, it's a complete joke among all the heavens and the earth!"

Although the sound of the Master of All Souls and Jiang Yun fighting against each other was deafening, every word spoken by the voice was very clearly transmitted to the Master of All Souls' ears.

The voice also carried a bewitching meaning, constantly shaking the will of the Master of All Spirits.

However, the Master of All Souls knows very well that the so-called cooperation of the other party is not really to help himself, but to take advantage of the fire!


The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits suddenly roared, facing Jiang Yun's seemingly endless avenue attack, suddenly there were groups of rays of light on his body.

The rays of light were colorful and dazzling, shrouding the body of the Master of All Spirits, and it was beautiful.

It is faintly visible, and in the light, it seems that there are all things in the world!

The treasure has appeared!

Obviously, the Master of All Souls finally took out the treasure under the attack of Jiang Yun's Dao that could not be resolved.

Although he is not very clear about the role of the treasure, but when he thinks about it, since the treasure can breed the avenues, it should also be able to absorb these avenues.

Seeing this scene, a look of confusion appeared on Xia Ruliu's face.

Because, she looked at the light of the treasure, just like Jiang Yun who had just faced Jiang Yun, who had aura emanating from her body. In that light, she saw everything.

But soon, the confusion on her face disappeared in a flash, and there was a bright light in her eyes.

"It's now!"

At the same time as she spoke to Jiang Yun, the power that was already ready to be released in her body was released without any hesitation.

Jiang Yun, who heard Xia Ruliu's voice transmission, also immediately opened the Taoist realm, allowing Xia Ruliu's power to rush out of the Taoist realm.

In an instant, around the body of the Master of All Spirits, which was shining with various rays of light, a large sword composed of the power of fate appeared, and at an extremely fast speed, it slashed towards his body at the same time.

The Master of All Spirits sneered: "Xia Ruliu, do you think I don't know that you have been waiting in secret for a shot!"

"Your fate-cutting technique has no effect on me!"

He naturally understands that Xia Ruliu's swords of fate are not himself, but the fate between himself and the treasure.

The voice fell, and a huge mirror appeared in front of the sword of fate.

Strange to say, when the sword of fate was reflected in the mirror, the sword seemed to be frozen.

But Xia Ruliu said softly, "I haven't accomplished anything since I've been away for so many years."

"At least, my fate-cutting technique is more refined than before!"

"The cut of no fate, cut again!"

The knife of fate suddenly exploded, turning into countless knives the size of cow hair, crossing the mirror and continuing to slash towards the Master of All Spirits.

The face of the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits suddenly changed, which was completely different from Xia Ruliu's fate-cutting technique in his memory.

Seeing that he could no longer escape these swords of fate, the Master of All Souls suddenly shouted: "I promise you!"

As his voice fell, in the darkness in the distance, the tree demon, who was always hidden, showed a mysterious smile on his face, and suddenly disappeared from the spot!

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