The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7031: will be back, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, under the cutting of countless small knives as thin as a cow's hair, although Jiang Yun could not see the line of fate, he could clearly see that the colorful rays of light shrouded in the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits, which were harmonious His body parted quickly.

It feels like the Master of All Souls is shedding its skin!

It has to be said that Xia Ruliu's technique of severing fate is really incomparably mysterious.

This memory of the Master of All Spirits, whether it was sealed or imprisoned, spent a long time in this space before merging himself and the treasure together little by little.

However, now, under Xia Ruliu's severance technique, the treasure was forcibly stripped away from the Master of All Spirits so easily.

Countless years of hard work and hardships are not as good as someone else's knife!

Thinking about it is a little helpless.

However, Jiang Yun is also clear that this is because the Master of All Spirits has not been able to truly integrate with the treasure after all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't want to take the initiative to give him the mark of the ancients.

Furthermore, Xia Ruliu's fate-cutting technique seems simple, but she herself is not easy.

In the Taoist world, Xia Ruliu's face was pale, and among the seven orifices, blood was constantly being rescued, and his body was trembling slightly like a pendulum.

Seeing Xia Ruliu's appearance, Jiang Yun sighed inwardly, and he owed more and more to the other party.

If it wasn't to help herself, Xia Ruliu could completely cut off the last bond between her and the Master of All Souls and leave gracefully.

The process of cutting edge is slow to say, but it is actually extremely fast.

Just as Jiang Yun was thinking about it, the treasure was almost completely separated from the body of the Master of All Spirits.

But at this moment, a loud roar came from the mouth of the Master of All Spirits.

"I promise you!"

Hearing that the Master of All Spirits suddenly shouted such a sentence inexplicably, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and his eyes flashed coldly, and he turned his head to look at the darkness in the distance.

In the direction Jiang Yun looked in the past, there should have been a tree demon who was always hiding there.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's eyes were empty.

A figure appeared beside the Master of All Spirits.

At this time, the sword of fate also finally cut off all the fate between the treasure and the master of all spirits, completely separated from the body of the master of ten thousand spirits, and suspended in the air.

Therefore, this suddenly appearing Human Reverence opened his mouth and sucked hard at the treasure, and grabbed the treasure.

Immediately afterwards, his figure moved in the other direction, rushed out, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

From the sudden appearance of the figure, to the moment he swallowed the treasure, and then the peach, the whole process was completed in one go, and the speed was extremely fast.

So much so that even the Master of All Souls did not respond!

After he came back to his senses, looking at Jiang Yun who was standing there, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Hahaha!"

"You calculated so much, didn't you just want to get this treasure!"

"I didn't expect now that the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!"

"The treasure that is about to be obtained, but it was snatched away by others, are you very distressed!"

Although the Master of All Souls was also distressed that the treasure was taken away, as long as it didn't fall into the hands of Jiang Yun and Xia Ruliu, he felt comfortable.

The Master of All Souls was still laughing at first, but gradually, he discovered that Jiang Yun's face was always calm.

Even, with a calm look, he didn't care that the treasure was taken away by others.

This stopped the laughter of the Master of All Spirits, looked at Jiang Yun, and said word by word: "You, you already know?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "I knew earlier that I couldn't tell, but I always had doubts about him, so I discussed it with Senior Xia in advance and set up this game for him."

"Also, I asked him to deal with you before. Although it was a temptation to him, it was also to release him from my Taoist realm, so that he could have a chance to take action."

"Now, it's finally tested out!"

Naturally, the person who secretly requested cooperation with the Master of All Souls and stole the treasure was the tree that Jiang Yun met long ago, and exchanged the Bone-Bone Vine Seed to hide in Jiang Yun's Dao Realm and seek shelter. Demon!

As a foreign monk, Jiang Yun has an instinctive suspicion of the tree demon.

Jiang Yun is also considering, if the other party really has a problem, what will be the conspiracy.

It was not until he learned of the existence of the treasure that Jiang Yun realized that the other party should have come for the treasure.

But the treasure was merged by the Master of All Souls again.

If the other party wants to get the treasure, either they will take away the master of all spirits.

Or, it has the ability similar to Xia Ruliu, which can separate the treasure from the master of all spirits.

But the tree demon didn't move for a while, so Jiang Yun and Xia Ruliu discussed a plan.

Xia Ruliu will cut off the relationship between the Master of All Souls and the Treasure, and see if the other party will make a move.

If he doesn't make a move, then the other party will naturally have no problem, and Jiang Yun will no longer have any doubts about him.

The Master of All Souls also recovered, but then laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, Xia Ruliu has been very stupid since she was a child, I didn't expect you to be as stupid as her!"

"Now you have indeed tested it out, but the treasure has been robbed by him!"

"And his strength, at least not weaker than you and me, you still haven't chased!"

"However, you shouldn't be able to catch up. I'm afraid he has already left the land outside the law and went to the immortal world!"

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around and said: "This vortex space should be closed by you. Without your permission, it will not be so easy to forcibly leave."

"Otherwise, Ding Yi couldn't have rescued Jia Yi before, and he would still be caught up by you."

"In addition." Speaking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly spread out his palm and said, "I don't know if you can see the line of fate."

"If you can, you should be able to see that after Senior Xia cut off the relationship between you and the treasure, there are several lines of relationship between me and the treasure."

"It's not an ordinary treasure, it can breed the Dao, but it doesn't just need a few drops of blood to make it recognize the master."

"There are these lines of fate, so..." Jiang Yun slowly closed his palms and said, "He will come back!"

"You guys!" The smile on the face of the Master of All Spirits has solidified, and there is a look of resentment in his eyes, staring deeply at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun and Xia Ruliu are not stupid, but they have prepared extremely Zhou Xiang's plan.

What's more, even if there is no connection between Jiang Yun and the treasure, it is indeed impossible for the tree demon to leave with the treasure.

Although the Master of All Spirits agreed to cooperate with the other party, how could he not guard against the other party, so instead of releasing the blockade on the vortex space, it increased it!

Without the consent of the Master of All Spirits, even if the tree demon is a high-level powerhouse of the source, it is impossible to break the blockade and leave successfully in a short period of time.


Sure enough, before the Master of All Spirits could speak again, he heard a loud noise from afar. Obviously, the tree demon was trying to break the space in order to get out of here.

The Master of All Spirits smiled coldly, ignored the voice, and just looked at Jiang Yundao: "You restrained my cultivation realm, and Xia Ruliu helps you, your strength is indeed beyond mine."

"However, now that this tree demon has been added to help me, do you think you can beat the combination of you and me?"

"By the way, not only the two of us, but also Earth Zun, Human Zun, Prison Dragon and many others you are familiar with!"

The voice fell, and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits suddenly shouted: "Come!"

Suddenly, one figure appeared in this darkness!

Ji Kongfan, Earth Venerable, Human Venerable, Primordial Three Spirits, Prisoner Dragon, Sand Spirit, and a few unfamiliar faces Jiang Yun had never seen before!

Obviously, the Master of All Spirits summoned all the people he could control in this vortex space.

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