The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7032: busy but not chaotic, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Except for Ji Kongfan and the Taigu Sanling, whose eyes were blank and blank, the expressions of the others were normal.

And what they have in common is that everyone is the strength of the primary level of the source realm!

Even Ji Kongfan, who was only at the peak of the supreme, now has a breath that has reached the origin.

"Jiang Yun, what should I do?"

Seeing these people appear, Xia Ruliu couldn't help but transmit the sound to Jiang Yun.

Although her realm is very high, her strength is not enough. She was seriously injured by Ji Kongfan and Taigu Sanling just now.

As for cutting off the relationship between these people and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits, she is even more unable to do so.

Because the way the Master of All Souls controls these people is the rule rune.

There are a large number of regular runes in everyone's body, and each regular rune is owned by the Master of All Spirits, so the lines of karma formed are also countless, and they cannot be cut at all.

Naturally, Xia Ruliu didn't think that Jiang Yun could be the opponent of these people by himself.

Jiang Yun's eyes swept over the people in front of him, but his expression remained calm, and he replied, "It's okay, I had long thought that he would use these people to deal with me."

"Senior can stay in my Dao world with peace of mind, don't come out, I can handle it."

"Don't forget, the Daoxingtian map, I haven't used it yet!"

Hearing what Jiang Yun said, he turned his head and saw the Daoxingtian map that had not been put away by Jiang Yun and was still floating not far away. .

Before, she was always restless, and then all her attention was focused on the fight between the Master of All Souls and Jiang Yun, and she really didn't notice that Jiang Yun had never used the Daoxingtian map.

The Daoxingtian map, although it is only a fake, has seen the power of the real one, so Xia Ruliu has some confidence in it.

At this time, Prison Dragon Supreme frowned, looked at Jiang Yun, and then looked at the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits, and suddenly bowed to the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits and said: "Zun Gu, may I ask what's going on? "

There was no need for the Master of All Spirits to answer at all, and the Earth Venerable had already taken a step ahead, and said with a wicked smile: "What's the matter, do you still need to ask?"

"Jiang Yun, as a disciple, is now a rebel, bullying his master and destroying his ancestors, and colluding with monks from outside the territory to take action against the respected ancient people."

"Now, Zungu can't bear to kill Jiang Yun himself, so let's clean up the door on his behalf!"

Di Zun's words made the prisoner dragon's complexion change, and he hurriedly faced the Master of All Spirits, and then said: "Zun Gu, there must be some misunderstanding in this."

"I have a little friendship with Jiang Yun, he is definitely not like that..."

"Shut up!" The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits interrupted the prisoner dragon rudely: "Let you retain your sanity in order to gain his trust."

"It's good for you, but you were bewitched by him in turn. It's useless to keep your sanity."

The voice fell, and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits pointed at the prisoner dragon at will.

I saw a group of round and square rays of light shining on the prisoner dragon's body, and it was fleeting!

Rule of thumb!

With the disappearance of the light, the look in the prisoner's eyes also fell silent and became extremely empty.

Obviously, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits was dissatisfied that the prisoner dragon dared to speak for Jiang Yun at this time, so he shot directly and wiped his sanity.

Although Jiang Yun was still expressionless, there was a chill in the depths of his eyes.

He and Prison Dragon Supreme are not so deep in friendship, but they admire each other's willingness to imprison himself for a long time for the sake of all living beings.

However, I didn't expect that the Master of All Souls would rudely wipe out his mind just because he pleaded for himself.

At this moment, the Master of All Souls said loudly: "Go, kill this son for me!"

Following the order given by the Master of All Spirits, Prisoner Long, Ji Kongfan and the three immemorial spirits who had merged into one, immediately charged towards Jiang Yun without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, there were Sand Spirit and four strange monks that Jiang Yun had never seen before.

The five people also rushed towards Jiang Yun together.

Earth Zun and Human Zun looked at each other. Although they wanted to wait and see for a while to see how powerful Jiang Yun was now, they had to give up this idea under the eyes of the Master of All Spirits.

Facing the crowd who rushed over, Jiang Yun didn't use the Daoxingtian map, but with a flick of his body, he took the initiative to meet him.

However, instead of attacking Ji Kongfan and the others, he appeared directly in front of Di Zun and smashed it down with a punch.

The people in front of them are all living beings of Taoism.

Not to mention Ji Kongfan and Prisoner Long, there is no grudge between Sha Zhiling and the four strange monks Jiang Yun has never seen before.

They were all controlled or forced by the Master of All Souls before they attacked Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun naturally couldn't bear to hurt them.

Therefore, he can only aim at the earth and human respect first.


Seeing that Jiang Yun was ignoring others and attacking himself first, Di Zun couldn't help scolding secretly.

Cursing and cursing, he didn't dare to be slighted, and he didn't even dare to take Jiang Yun's punch.

Di Zun wanted to dodge, but his figure just swayed, and between Jiang Yun's eyebrows, a yellow spring had rushed out, directly surrounding him.

In desperation, Di Zun could only grit his teeth and raise his fist to meet him.

At the same time, he also shouted: "Everyone, I hold him, you come quickly!"


The deafening bang sounded, and the body of the Earth Venerable, like a kite with a broken string, flew out towards the rear.

This made the face of Ren Zun who was about to rush over couldn't help but congeal.

Jiang Yun's ordinary punch was able to knock Di Zun out.

Although it was not ruled out that Earth Venerable deliberately showed weakness and took the opportunity to stay away from the battlefield, Jiang Yun's strength was definitely stronger than before.

Ren Zun immediately understood in his heart: "No wonder the Master of All Spirits wants to call us here, clearly to let us consume Jiang Yun's power!"

In fact, what Ren Zun thought was still not bold enough.

The Master of All Souls asked them to come, not only to let them consume Jiang Yun's power, but to use their lives to fight Jiang Yun as hard as possible, and it is best to die together.

Just after the figure of the Earth Venerable was knocked out, the strange figure of the ancient three spirits suddenly appeared behind Jiang Yun, without saying a word, and didn't care about the other people gathered around Jiang Yun. The body immediately swelled up, and it was about to self-destruct.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's consciousness was always staring at everyone present, so he reacted very quickly and shouted: "Ding Canghai!"

The body of the Taikoo Three Spirits was immediately frozen, and Jiang Yun rushed forward, three fingers lightly tapped on the eyebrows of the three heads.

Accompanied by a **** arrow, it was like letting out some air for the three ancient spirits, so that their already swollen bodies finally began to shrink under the stillness of time.

But Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and several golden dragons appeared out of thin air, blocking his body.

Draw the ground as a prison, the rules of prison!


And there was a gust of wind howling,

An incomparably huge round wheel appeared above Jiang Yun's head, releasing a strong wind of annihilation!

Ji Kongfan also shot!

At the same time, Ren Zun, as well as others, launched attacks one after another.

In this way, Jiang Yun wanted to defeat these people without hurting them, and the difficulty naturally increased too much.

Xia Ruliu looked very anxious, her hands clenched into fists, she really wanted to rush out immediately and share some of the enemy for Jiang Yun.

However, she was worried that after she went out, she would be severely injured by others.

At that time, not only did he fail to help Jiang Yun, but instead caused chaos for Jiang Yun.

"Daoxingtian map, Jiang Yun, quickly use the Daoxingtian map!"

Although Jiang Yun was already under siege, he was busy but not chaotic, and even had time to respond to Xia Ruliu: "I can't let the Master of All Spirits know that I have obtained the Daoxingtian map."

"That's what I prepared for him and the Dryad!"

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