The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7033: Take home the red wolf, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun just faced the Master of All Spirits, although he easily broke the opponent's strongest magical power, the sword of nine rules seemed to have the upper hand.

But Jiang Yun has always been cautious, and does not think that what the Master of All Souls says must be the truth, nor does he think that is all the true strength of the Master of All Souls.

As the master of all spirits, he has been planning for so many years. Now that he has opened the vortex space and officially started to implement his plan, he will naturally consider the various variables that he may encounter.

And his own appearance cannot even be counted as a variable.

A large part of the goal of this game arranged by the Master of All Souls is to plot his own imprint of the ancients, so of course he will assume his own strength as high as possible.

Only the appearance of Xia Ruliu is a variable.

But since the Master of All Spirits already knew about Xia Ruliu's existence, he naturally had to consider that the other party would tell him about him, so that he could understand him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun felt that the Master of All Souls should have other backers.

Besides, Jiang Yun also needs to be careful about that tree demon.

It is true that the other party can't take away the treasure for the time being, but the strength of the other party is probably the same as that of the first class of C, and the stronger point is to be equal to the first class of red wolf armor.

Even, the identity of the other party, if Jiang Yun wants to come, may be the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, or the real person behind the scenes.

In short, the Daoxingtian map, as Jiang Yun's trump card, he must not use it now, so as not to expose it prematurely, so that the Master of All Spirits and the Dryad can be prepared.

Xia Ruliu naturally understood the meaning of Jiang Yun's words, and knew better that the Master of All Souls had changed a lot compared to what he remembered, so he didn't know if the other party still had any trump cards. .

That Jiang Yun kept the Daoxingtian map, just in case, it should be.

At this time, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits saw that everyone had successfully entangled Jiang Yun, and smiled coldly. He didn't even care about Jiang Yun's life or death, and ignored the battlefield here, but turned around and left here.

"Red wolf!"

The figure of the Master of All Spirits suddenly appeared in front of the red wolf!

Since the aura of the Great Dao released by Jiang Yun dissipated, the red wolf began to concentrate on recovering his strength and treating his injuries.

Especially when he was still trying to erase those regular runes that he also realized in his body after entering the vortex space!

These rule runes are the key for the Master of All Souls to control other monks.

The red wolf can not be controlled, but under the rules of the master of all spirits, his strength will still be bound, like a thunder tire, and his realm will fall.

Therefore, only by solving these rule runes can he rely on his own high-level strength to survive here.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Master of All Souls, the red wolf just glanced at the other party coldly, and still lay there, not even intending to stand up.

The Master of All Souls put his hands around his chest and said with a smile, "Red Wolf, let's make a deal!"

"I will borrow your cultivation for the time being. After I leave here, not only will I return your freedom, but I can also cooperate with you Hongmeng!"

"Trust me, I am definitely a more suitable partner than Dao Zun."

"No matter what your purpose is, as long as you ensure my safety, even if you want this way, I can help you accomplish it!"

The red wolf stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and said, "You are cultivating the world. So far, there are only two people who have caught my eye."

"If these two make a deal with me, I would seriously consider it."

"But unfortunately, you are not among the two."

"And, if I guessed correctly, you should borrow my cultivation to deal with these two people."

"So, if you want my cultivation, take it by yourself!"

The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits was not angry at the attitude of the red wolf obviously despising himself, and still kept a smile and said: "Red wolf, I don't want to tear my face with you Hongmeng, so I came to discuss with you."

"Don't think that I am afraid of you."

"Since I can kill Jiayi, I can kill you as well."

"You think about it again!"

"Go away!" The red wolf spit out a word softly, and closed his eyes simply, ignoring the other party at all.

"You forced me!" The smile on the face of the Master of All Spirits finally subsided, and he said coldly, "Then I'll be welcome!"


As his voice fell, a dull explosion sounded from within the red wolf's body.

The red wolf's eyes that had just closed not only suddenly opened, but also countless bloodshots filled his eyes instantly.

Within the seven orifices, there is a constant seepage of blood.

His body was even more arched, and the long hairs were erected all over his body, and he was clearly suffering great pain.

The Master of All Spirits smiled contemptuously and said, "You monks, one by one, can't even take care of themselves, and you are still trying to protect this and take care of that."

"I can't control you directly, but it's not difficult to control that Zhige."

It turned out that the Master of All Souls actually controlled Zhige!

Because Zhi Ge was almost killed by Jiang Yun, the red wolf came to intercede, and after rescuing Zhi Ge, he hid him in his body.

Although he also thought about the possibility that the Master of All Spirits might act on Zhi Ge, there is also a world in his body.

Moreover, he also checked Zhi Ge's situation specially, and he was indeed seriously injured, and even if he was controlled, it was not a threat to himself.

But he did not expect that under such circumstances, the Master of All Spirits would not only still be able to control Zhi Ge, but even let Zhi Ge explode himself!

Zhige, no matter how injured he is, he is also a powerhouse who has broken through to the middle level of the source realm.

And no matter how strong the red wolf is, if a middle-level powerhouse in the source realm blew himself up in his body, the damage to him would be considerable.

The red wolf's body trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth tightly, for fear that he would spit out the broken internal organs in his body if he made a sound.

The Master of All Souls smiled slightly and said, "If you don't agree with your good-natured discussion, you will end up making trouble for this."

"It should be much easier to control you now!"

"The rule of square inches!"

As the Master of All Spirits once again cast the square inch rule on the red wolf, although the red wolf wanted to fight with all his strength, the anger in his eyes retreated little by little until he completely lost his spirit.

It is because the red wolf is too powerful and the physical body is too strong, so it can compete with the rules of the master of all spirits.

But he is now seriously injured in his body, and his defense is weakened, so naturally he can no longer resist.

After seeing that he had finally successfully controlled the red wolf, the Master of All Souls let out a loud laugh: "What about the high-level origin realm, it's not like I was turned into a puppet."

"It doesn't matter if the cultivation base falls, I will help you to forcibly improve it!"

The palm of the Master of All Spirits waved again and again, and a large number of regular runes poured in from all directions and submerged into the red wolf's body.

The current red wolf is a bit like Jiang Yun's soul avatar, almost becoming an empty bottle, allowing the Master of All Spirits to continuously fill in his rule runes.

However, after the aura emanating from the red wolf's body has reached the middle level of the source realm again, no matter how the Master of All Spirits pushes the rule runes into his body, his strength cannot be increased.

The Master of All Spirits let out a long breath and said, "As long as those thunderbolts don't enter the body, the middle level of the source realm is enough."

However, when he wanted to use the rule runes to control the red wolf's actions, he found that the red wolf's body still had a strong repulsive force, which made it impossible for him to control it perfectly.

The Master of All Spirits sighed and said: "It really deserves to be a high-level source, he is about to die, and it is still so difficult to control."

After pondering for a while, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits sighed and said, "Then I can only control him by stealing the house."

"Fortunately, it's not a loss to seize a high-level powerhouse of the source realm."

The voice fell, and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits took a step forward and stepped directly into the body of the red wolf.

When another moment passed, the red wolf's eyes regained their agility.

The red wolf stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and said with a sneer, "Jiang Yun, I'm here, let's see how you deal with me this time!"

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