The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7045: dry branch **** tree, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Facing the two choices given to him by the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, Dao Zun was silent for a moment and then smiled lightly: "You two, although I am about to die, I am not completely confused."

"These two choices, no matter which one I choose, I believe the results will not be different!"

"Although I don't know what happened in the Guantian Palace, let you two come to me together."

"But your real purpose should be to completely control my Daoxing world."

"It's just that because of my status, you guys have to make this trip."

"Even if I expect it to be good, you should all have a way to help me prolong my life, or to prevent me from being implicated?"

Looking at Dao Zun with a calm expression, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng and the Lord of Heavenly Stem are well aware that the other party has indeed guessed the true intention of the two of them.

However, as a Taoist, it is normal to be able to guess these things.

Dao Zun shook his head again and said: "Okay, you two, whether it's polite or threatening, you don't need to say anymore."

"I see that you, especially the Lord of Heavenly Stem, are quite anxious, so if you have any means, just use them!"

"Me, next!"

After speaking, Dao Zun closed his eyes, and there was not the slightest aura fluctuation around his body, and he really gave up resistance.

If other people saw this scene, they would definitely think that when Dao Zun faced the two people in front of him, any resistance was futile, so it was better not to resist.

However, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance believes that the attitude of Dao Zun at this moment is due to other reasons.

"Is it because Jiang Yun's soul clone has been fused by Jiang Yun?"

The head of the Hongmeng Alliance stared deeply at Dao Zun, obviously hoping that he could see through the other party and figure out his true thoughts.

However, that is naturally impossible!

Therefore, after a while, the leader of the Hongmeng alliance withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the Lord of Heavenly Stem and said, "Fellow Daoist, since the Daoist has made the words clear, then if we hide it, it will appear that we are stingy."

"Just trouble fellow Daoists to take action!"

"Okay!" The Lord of Heavenly Stem no longer refused, nodded and said, "I also ask fellow Daoists to step back!"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance took a step into the distance according to his words, standing a hundred feet away, but his consciousness and eyes were firmly focused on the Lord of Heavenly Stem.

After all, he also wanted to know what method this Heavenly Stem Master was going to use to deal with Dao Zun.

The Lord of Heavenly Stem smiled coldly and said: "Dao Zun, offended!"

When the voice fell, he raised his hands and began to make a knot.

Looking at the speed at which his hands formed the seal, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng felt dazzled.

But after only ten breaths, the Lord of Heavenly Stem suddenly raised his hand and waved, and all the seals formed rushed towards the Dao Zun, causing a violent sound of "Boom" under the Dao Zun.

In the loud noise, the body of Dao Zun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly automatically rose upwards.

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance looked at it intently, and a shocking expression appeared on his face.

Under Dao Zun, a tree suddenly appeared, supporting his body.

It's like the Lord of Heavenly Stem planted a seed under the earth, and then used a large number of seals to urge the seed to take root and sprout in a short period of time, break out of the ground, and grow rapidly.

But the ground is flat, with no gaps at all.

The roots of the big tree are not rooted in the earth, but they cannot be seen at all.

This tree is completely black, and the top of the tree is covered with various patterns like star points, densely packed and shimmering with light.

With the strength of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, just a few glances at these lines, can't help but feel dizzy, and dare not look at it again.

The most amazing thing is that this tree has only branches and no leaves!

Moreover, its branches are also extremely strange.

It has only twenty-two branches in total, of varying lengths.

Ten of the branches grow horizontally, while the other twelve branches grow vertically.

Twenty-two bare, criss-crossed branches, with the continuous growth of the big tree, also gradually wrapped the body of Dao Zun, so that he was located in the center of the branches.

It seems that the Dao Zun has just been changed, but the leader of the Hongmeng, who has always been paying attention to the whole process, lost the breath of the Dao Zun immediately after the appearance of this tree and his consciousness.

If it wasn't for his eyes that he could still see the figure of Dao Zun, then he would definitely think that Dao Zun disappeared inexplicably.

However, at this moment, the attention of the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng did not pay attention to Dao Zun, but completely focused on the strange tree.

The aura of this tree, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng also couldn't feel it, and it seemed like it didn't exist.

In this way, after the tree reached a height of 100 feet, it stopped growing and stood there quietly.

Looking around, among the bare trees, there is a Dao Zun with cross-legged eyes and closed eyes.

Other than that, nothing else is special.

Looking at the Heavenly God Lord who had just put down his hands, his simple and honest face was not only covered with beads of sweat, but his complexion was also extremely pale, and he was breathing heavily.

It is not difficult to see that for this big tree to appear, it is also a big price to pay for the powerful Heavenly Stem Lord.

After being stunned for a moment, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance slowly walked to the side of the Lord of Heavenly Stem, and said in a tone of amazement: "Fellow Daoist has opened my eyes today."

"I didn't expect that this sacred tree of stems and branches only exists in legends. Not only does it really exist, but it was even obtained by fellow Daoists!"

Although the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance is also the first time he has really seen this tree, he can be said to be knowledgeable about astronomy and geography.

Not to say that it is omniscient, it is almost the same.

Therefore, at the first sight of this tree, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng recognized the origin of the tree.

Dry branch **** tree!

It is said that the origin of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches comes from this tree!

Of the twenty-two branches of the tree, ten branches growing horizontally represent the ten heavenly branches, and twelve branches growing vertically represent the twelve earthly branches!

It is also said that the sacred tree of stems and branches is related to time and space.

It's a pity that the records about the sacred tree of stems and branches are really too rare, so in addition to knowing the shape of the tree, even the leader of the Hongmeng really doesn't know what this tree does, let alone what it does. The Heavenly Stem Lord will get the Stem Branch God Tree.

However, the leader of the Hongmeng at least understood why the organization created by the other party was called Ten Tiangan.

And this also made another thought flash in the mind of the leader of the Hongmeng.

Since the other party has obtained the **** tree of stems and branches and created ten heavenly stems, will they secretly create a twelve earthly branches?

Hearing the words of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Stem Lord, and he obviously did not expect the other party to recognize the origin of the tree.

After being surprised, a smug look appeared on his face, but in his mouth he said with the same pretentious exclamation: "Fellow Daoist is really brilliant!"

"There are very few people who know about this sacred tree, but fellow Daoists recognize it at a glance and admire it."

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance then said with emotion: "What's the use of recognizing it, and being able to get this divine tree, that's unbelievable."

"Can you give me some pointers, what is the function of this sacred tree?"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems waved his hand and said, "I'm just lucky, I got this tree by luck."

"As for the role, to be honest, I'm not very clear."

"However, fellow Daoists can rest assured that as long as there are all things in the world, as long as you are in this sacred tree, it is equivalent to not being in any heaven and earth."

"In this way, Dao Zun's life can definitely be saved temporarily!"

The role of the Heavenly Stem Lord on the Godly Tree of Stems obviously doesn't want to say more, so he just perfunctory a few words.

The leader of the Hongmeng alliance naturally knew it well, and he stopped asking questions. He changed the topic and said, "Can you control Dao Zun and let him give us a ride?"

"This, I'm afraid it won't work!" The Lord of Heavenly Stem shook his head and said, "If I could control Dao Zun, wouldn't I have taken action long ago."

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng nodded and said, "Since that's the case, let's go to Guantian Temple in person!"

However, as soon as his words fell, Dao Zun, who was trapped by the Godly Tree of Ganzhi, suddenly said, "If you want to speak to the Master of All Spirits or others, I can help you."

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