The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7046: Guardian of the Three Sources, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the Daoxingtian map, the atmosphere at the moment is tense!

Jiang Yun, together with his original Taoist body, confronted the huge statue representing the ancient.

There was a solemn look on the statue's face.

Before, when the Master of All Spirits saw Jiang Yun use the Daoxingtian map, instead of being nervous, he looked relaxed.

The real reason is because he knows that this picture will firmly suppress the imprint of the ancients!

The Master of All Souls also never thought that Jiang Yun's strength could be stronger than himself.

In his opinion, the reason why Jiang Yun was able to compete with him, even faintly occupying the upper hand and suppressing himself, was due to his many means, and there was no way to use it.

The power of the Master of All Spirits lies in two aspects, one is the control of the rules, and the other is the power of the ancients!

But when facing Jiang Yunzhi, Jiang Yun has the imprint of the ancient indestructible, so that the master of all spirits can only use the power of the rules, but cannot use the power of the ancients.

This is equivalent to limiting half of his strength.

Only in the Daoxingtian map can he exert his full strength without restrictions.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Yun had actually cultivated the origin of the Taoist body.

Also, there are three!

In this way, even if Jiang Yun does not use the imprint of the ancients, his strength must be extremely powerful, so that the Master of All Spirits has no confidence to win.

However, by this time, he was already on the ropes and had to send it.

Therefore, after a short confrontation, the Master of All Souls finally said: "Jiang Yun, let's decide the outcome with one punch!"

"Eternal strike!"

When the words fell, he slowly raised a palm of the statue, clenched it into a fist, and smashed it towards Jiang Yun.

This punch seems to be incomparably ordinary, and to put it lightly, it doesn't seem to have any power.

However, Jiang Yun, who was attacked, saw the four statues representing the four ancient veins appearing at the same time in the moment when the statue fist swung out.

In the bodies of the four statues, Jiang Yun saw an infinite number of illusory figures.

Even among these figures, Jiang Yun vaguely recognized a few.

For example, Emperor Xuanyuan in the statue of ancient devil, such as Shura in the statue of ancient Xiu...

At this moment, the four statues, together with all the figures in their bodies, also clenched their fists and smashed towards Jiang Yun.

The four ancient veins include the entire real domain, and even all the living beings in the entire Taoxing world.

Jiang Yun didn't know if Dao Zun was one of the four meridians, but even if he was as strong as Tian Zun, he was still in the ranks of these four meridians.

Therefore, this eternal blow seems to be just a punch, but in fact it is a punch of all the creatures of Daoxing Heaven and Earth!

The power contained in this punch can no longer be calculated in any way.

That is no longer power, but a will that is above power!

The master of all spirits, combined with the will of all spirits, wants to kill Jiang Yun!

Looking at the fist that was getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun suddenly muttered: "This can be verified, the strength of Dao and Gu is strong."

"Three sources in one!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yun's three Origin Dao bodies raised their hands in unison. Golden thunder, blue water waves, and red flames emerged from all directions in an instant, endlessly.

And, at an astonishing speed, they poured into the bodies of their respective origins.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three Origin Dao bodies exploded at the same time, and also turned into thunder, water waves and flames.

The thunder of the avenue, the water of the avenue and the fire of the avenue!

Immediately afterwards, they turned and rushed into the body of the guardian avenue and gathered in the palm of their hands.

In an instant, the two palms guarding the avenue have become a three-color blend, water, fire, and thunder, constantly circulating, like a world.

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Yun would use the way of protection to meet Gu's fist, Jiang Yun gently spit out two words: "Guard!"

Guarding the avenue, he stretched out his palms, crossed them, and placed them gently in front of Jiang Yun.

In the face of the eternal blow, Jiang Yun chose to defend and not attack!

Through the palms guarding the avenue, Jiang Yun's eyes calmly looked at the ancient fist that was getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, the fist slammed into the sound of palms!


A boundless wave of air rose from the impact and spread out in all directions in a ring shape.

Whether it was Jiang Yun or the ancient statue, they were all swallowed up by the air wave in an instant. Even the old man and Tianzun who wrote the pen couldn't see the situation in the air wave.

After a long time passed and the air wave began to dissipate, Tianzun gently exhaled a long breath.

Jiang Yun's guardian avenue, the ancient statue has disappeared without a trace.

And Jiang Yun's palm was tightly attached to the red wolf's eyebrows.

Just like the Heavenly Venerate, as long as Jiang Yun's Dao power pours into the red wolf's forehead, he can kill the red wolf and the master of all spirits together.

Obviously, in the fight between the two, Jiang Yun won after all.

However, until now, Jiang Yun still did not want to kill the red wolf, but entered the body of the red wolf with Xia Ruliu's consciousness.

"Senior Xia, please help me see if I can separate the Master of All Spirits from the Red Wolf."

If Xia Ruliu can do it, then Jiang Yun will be able to catch the Master of All Spirits alone and let the Red Wolf go.

Killed a large number of foreign monks, obtained the memory of the Master of All Spirits, and obtained the treasure.

Then the opening of the whirlpool space can also draw a perfect end.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Xia Ruliu's voice of promise just fell, and Tianzun's voice suddenly sounded: "Jiang Yun, be careful!"

With Tianzun's opening, Jiang Yun didn't even have time to think, his body had already reacted instinctively, grabbed the red wolf, and quickly retreated to the rear.

When Jiang Yun retreated, his eyes flashed, but the figure of Tianzun appeared in front of him.

And only then did Jiang Yun see that one of Tianzun's palms was almost completely inserted into the tree demon's head.

Glancing at Tianzun and the tree demon, Jiang Yun immediately looked up.

There, two vague figures suddenly emerged.

Jiang Yunyun had enough eyesight and couldn't see the appearance of the two figures clearly, but he knew that the identities of these two people must not be simple.

Because this is the Daoxingtian map, without your own permission, the other party can enter the map, either with the permission of Dao Zun, or because the strength is too strong, you can completely ignore the Daoxingtian map.

Apparently Tianzun couldn't recognize the two figures either. Like Jiang Yun, she just stared at each other without saying a word.

Jiang Yun and Tianzun didn't know these two people, but the old man in charge saw through their true colors at a glance, and his face also showed a heavy look: "Is this about to start?"

Except for the old man who wrote the pen, Xia Ruliu in Jiang Yun's body looked at the two blurry figures with a look of surprise on his face.

Because, she could see that one of the two was actually connected to Jiang Yun and Red Wolf by a line of fate!

In other words, the other party knew both Red Wolf and Jiang Yun.

Just when Xia Ruliu wanted to tell Jiang Yun about her discovery, one of the two figures said sharply, "Tianzun, let go of the tree demon!"

Tianzun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly: "Who are you!"

And another figure also said immediately: "We are the lord of the Hongmeng alliance and the lord of the heavens!"

Hearing the identity reported by the other party, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly soared, and an ominous feeling rose in his heart.

Because of the high status of these two, it is not necessary to mention it.

It can be said that the two of them are enough to represent almost all the monks outside the territory.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that the two were supposed to be opposites, but now they are standing together and appearing together in the Daoxingtian map.

The meaning of this is very intriguing.

The leader of the Hongmeng continued: "I believe you have also heard of our origins and know the purpose of our gathering in the Immortal Realm."

"Although we are very interested in your Dao Xing Tian and Earth, we have always acted restrained, and we have reached an agreement with your Dao Venerable."

"We dare not say that we haven't hurt your living beings, but we try to avoid conflicts."

"Especially, there will be severe punishments for monks from outside the territory who dare to kill Daoxing heaven and earth."

"But this time, you set a trap and in turn killed many of our foreign cultivators."

"Other monks from outside the territory, they are to blame if they die, but the tree demon and the red wolf, you must let them go."

Jiang Yun did not speak, but Tianzun had already opened his mouth and said, "What if we don't let it go?"

The Lord of Heavenly Stems smiled coldly and said, "Today, if you dare to kill tree demons and red wolves, then what awaits you will be a massive attack by our foreign cultivators against you!"

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