The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7049: Tianzun chooses, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun disappeared!

Whether it was his guardian avenue, or the original body, including the red wolf he always held in his hands, they all disappeared together.

After he and the guardian avenue, together with the three origin dao bodies, punched in the darkness, his whole person disappeared extremely abruptly.

Not to mention the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance and the Lord of Heavenly Stem, even if they were always not far away, and the Heavenly Venerate who was keeping an eye on Jiang Yun with his spiritual sense, there was no omen or perception of Jiang Yun's disappearance.

However, instead of being in a hurry, Tianzun smiled slightly.

Because Tianzun naturally understands that Jiang Yun has successfully integrated his consciousness into the Daoxingtian map, and just performed teleportation.

"Where did Jiang Yun go?"

In the Immortal Realm, the face of the Lord of Heavenly Stem showed a look of surprise: "At this time, he suddenly disappeared, did he escape from the battle?"

"It's just that even if he can escape from the immortal world and escape the entire Daoxing world, it won't change anything."

For Jiang Yun's disappearance, the Heavenly Stem Lord was just a little surprised, but he didn't care too much.

Because his main purpose is the treasure on the tree demon.

Jiang Yun disappeared, as long as Tianzun is still there, as long as the tree demon is still alive, he doesn't care.

The eyes of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance narrowed slightly, but his eyes turned to the Dao Zun who had always closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist, I believe you should know better than us, why Jiang Yun disappeared, and where did he go? where?"

Dao Zun didn't open his eyes at all, he just replied slowly: "He hasn't disappeared, he's still in that Daoxingtian map."

Sure enough, at this moment, Jiang Yun took the red wolf and reappeared in the original position.

Although this Daoxingtian map is a Daoist thing, it is only a fake after all.

The rules of space within it were easily broken under Jiang Yun's attack with his own Taoism.

After breaking the rules of space, Jiang Yun immediately noticed that the invisible barrier that had previously blocked his consciousness disappeared without a trace.

Without the obstruction of this barrier, Jiang Yun's consciousness naturally merged with the Daoxingtian map smoothly.

He even tried teleportation.

Don't look at him from disappearing to reappearing, just a few breaths of time have passed, but just now, he has already gone to the place of the Jiang clan in the bitter realm!

And he also discovered that the geographical distribution in this picture is actually the same as the original dream domain.

In the real dream realm, the four realms have been merged into one and become a whole, but in the dream realm here, there are still four divisions of the four realms of suffering and destruction.

His current position is Lei Jintian in the Shanhaidao Domain.

That is to say, in a few breaths of time, he easily crossed the distance between the four major domains of the dream domain, from the lowest Dao domain to the highest suffering domain.

This made Jiang Yuncai truly appreciate the benefits of this Daoxingtian map.

Moreover, his current consciousness is not comparable to Dao Zun, and this picture is just a fake.

If it is the real Daoxingtian map, if Jiang Yun's consciousness is stronger, then Jiang Yun believes that he can even use this map to appear directly in the real domain, appear anywhere in the Daoxingtian map.

Watching Jiang Yun go and return, Tianzun nodded at Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun asked by voice transmission: "Am I telling the truth to all beings in the real realm?"

Tianzun nodded again and said: "Let's start with the game we are in!"


Jiang Yun agreed, understanding that Tianzun is also taking this opportunity to tell all those unknowing creatures the true situation of the real domain.

The consciousness was integrated into the whole picture again, Jiang Yun took a deep breath, and said aloud: "All beings in the real realm, I am Jiang Yun!"

With Jiang Yun's opening, the entire real domain, no matter where it is, even the monks in the space opened up alone, can clearly hear Jiang Yun's voice!

Even, even Ji Kongfan, who was in the vortex space at the moment, respected the human beings, etc., and all the monks outside the world in the immortal world, all heard Jiang Yun's voice in the same way.

All beings in the real domain naturally know who Jiang Yun is.

It's just that they don't know where Jiang Yun is now, and they don't even know. What purpose does Jiang Yun speak inexplicably at this time.

There are also many people among them, and their faces immediately showed surprise.

For example, Shura and Ming Yuyang in Zangfeng space, Xueqing, Xiaoyuer and Yueruhuo in Tianzunyu, etc.!

But no matter who it was, they all pricked up their ears and listened intently.


The Lord of Heavenly Stem in the Immortal Realm, his consciousness swept towards the Immortal Realm, and his face showed a look of stunned expression: "His disappearance just now should be the real possession of the Daoxingtian map, so as to make it his own. His voice can spread throughout the Daoxing world."

"However, at this time, what is he doing to the sentient beings who are Daoxing the world?"

"It can't be to seek the help of sentient beings, right?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, who also understood the reason, nodded and said: "He should have conveyed the choice we gave him to the sentient beings of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, and let them make a choice."

"Hahaha!" The Lord of Heavenly Stem suddenly laughed and said, "This kid is so naive, it doesn't make any difference to whom to choose!"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng stopped talking, because Jiang Yun's voice sounded again: "Everyone, as for the real realm of our life, among you, I believe that some people already know its true face, and some people may not know it yet."

"Today, I will tell you the truth of the world we live in."

"The world we live in, called Daoxing Heaven and Earth, is a unique world."

"And the real realm of our lives is basically a magical instrument called Guantian Temple, which is a game set up by the strong!"

"All of us, including the three, are always living in this game, constantly reincarnating and unable to jump out!"

Then, Jiang Yun briefly explained the real situation of Zhenyu.

Many creatures in the real realm have different reactions when they hear Jiang Yun's words.

Some were extremely shocked, some were terrified, and some were obvious.

However, more people scoffed and didn't believe it at all, thinking that Jiang Yun was fabricating a lie.

However, at this moment, another voice sounded in the ears of all of them.

"I am Tianzun, I can prove that everything Jiang Yun said is true!"

In addition to the opening of Tianzun, in the boundary of the real domain, the figure of Tianzun appeared, watching everyone condescendingly.

Some people may also think that the voice of Tianzun is imitated by others, but seeing Tianzun's figure appear, the expressions on the faces of those who do not believe can't help but gradually turn into shock.

The figure of Tianzun, in the entire real domain, absolutely no one dares to pretend.

Therefore, the presence of Tianzun in person is enough to prove that what Jiang Yun said is true.

Tianzun also said again: "Jiang Yun, you continue to say!"

Jiang Yun continued: "At this moment, Tianzun and I are in a place outside the law, and we have captured two strong people outside the realm."

"And the masters of the two extraterritorial organizations, Hongmeng and Tiangan, showed up in person and gave us two choices."

"Or, let them go, they can act like this never happened."

"If we don't let people go, all the monks outside the territory will attack Daoxing Tiandi."

"Because this choice is related to the safety of our entire Daoxing world, I and Tianzun have decided to give this choice to you, and you will make the decision."

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to continue to explain to everyone the importance of the red wolf and the tree demon, the two extraterrestrial powerhouses, Tianzun suddenly said again: "Okay, don't say any more!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yun watched helplessly at the tree demon who was caught by Tianzun. His head and his entire body exploded, shattering his body and shattering his body and spirit!

Tianzun raised his head and looked at the illusory figure of the lord of the Hongmeng alliance and the lord of the heavens above: "This is my choice to promote the world!"

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