The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7050: listen to the gods, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, not only the Lord of Heavenly Stem was stunned, but even Jiang Yun was shocked and stared blankly at Tianzun.

Especially the Lord of Heavenly Stems, his eyes were slightly straight, and with almost dull eyes, he looked at the tree demon that was gradually disappearing.

He always believed that Tianzun and Jiang Yun had absolutely no courage to kill the tree demon and the red wolf, to bear the consequences of all the foreign monks attacking Daoxingtiandi.

But he never imagined that after Jiang Yun told the real situation facing the entire Daoxing world to all sentient beings, Tianzun did not discuss with anyone at all, and even killed the tree demon directly!

Naturally, this also shows that, in fact, Tianzun has already made a choice in his heart.

The shock on Jiang Yun's face gradually turned into enlightenment, and he already wanted to understand that Tianzun deliberately delayed for so long, in order to allow himself to integrate his consciousness into the Daoxingtian map and let himself tell the truth. sentient beings.

Sure enough, Tianzun's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Can't you see it!"

"No matter what choice we make today, these foreign monks will attack us."

"What they want is the real domain, our entire Daoxing world."

"Killing the tree demon and the red wolf now will at least reduce two strong opponents for us in the future!"

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment before opening his mouth and said, "Then how do you explain it to all the sentient beings who promote the world?"

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't know that what Tianzun said was the truth.

However, he always hoped that the foreign monks' attack on Daoxing Heaven and Earth could be as late as possible, so that the sentient beings of Daoxing Heaven and Earth could have more time to prepare.

Therefore, Jiang Yun also accepted the practice of Tianzun.

And what is happening here at this moment, the sentient beings of Daoxing Heaven and Earth are not aware of it.

They are still thinking about which choice to make.

Jiang Yun wants to know what Tianzun is going to do once they know the truth.

Tianzun turned his head and smiled lightly at Jiang Yun: "What to explain to them?"

"Although your strength is not weak, don't forget, I'm still a god!"

"As long as I don't die for a day, my words, in the entire real domain, are the words of heaven, and no one dares to violate them."

"If I'm dead, there's even less need to explain it to anyone."

Jiang Yun has known Tianzun for a long time, and he has also played against Tianzun, but at this moment, the Tianzun in his eyes is the real Tianzun!

The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected!

The strength is at the top of the real domain, let alone in the real domain, even if it is a cultivator outside the realm, few people can be her opponents.

Her choice represents the real domain, the choice of Dao Xingtian and all beings.

At this time, Tianzun looked at the red wolf in Jiang Yun's hands and said, "It's your turn!"

Since she had already killed the tree demon, it was naturally Jiang Yun's turn to kill the red wolf.

Jiang Yun pondered: "I can't separate the Master of All Souls from the Red Wolf. If I want to kill the Red Wolf, I must kill the Master of All Souls together."

"But this memory of the Master of All Souls, I still want to give it to my master."

"As for whether my master chooses to integrate or to give up, that's his business."

No matter how bad the former Master of All Souls was, Jiang Yun still wanted to keep his memory.

Because, only if you have this memory, your master is complete.

Even Jiang Yun is worried that without this memory, the master will be the same as himself before the fusion of the soul clone. When the practice reaches a certain level, he will no longer be able to continue to practice.

Tianzun shook his head and said, "I have already remembered everything about Dao Zun and Zungu."

"Don't worry, even without this memory, Zun Gu can still improve his strength, and even reach the same height as me."

Tian Zun's answer made Jiang Yun slightly stunned, wondering what Tian Zun remembered about his master.

Could it be that, my master, is there any secret?

Tianzun did not continue to explain, but suddenly opened his palm. In the palm of his hand, there was a seed and a group of rays of light containing various colors.

"This is what I got from the tree demon. One is his magic weapon, and the other should be the treasure."

"Give you all!"

While talking, Tianzun threw two things to Jiang Yun with a casual throw.

Until Jiang Yun caught these two things, he still couldn't believe that Tianzun gave these two things to himself so easily!

The seed is good to say, it is the broken bone vine seed, an original Taoist device, which cannot enter the eyes of Tianzun.

But that treasure represents the biggest secret of Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

Even though there is a connection between the treasure and himself, Jiang Yun believes that as long as Tianzun is willing, there must be a way to cut off the fate and take the treasure as his own.

But when Tianzun had already obtained the treasure, he gave it to himself without any rarity.

"Don't be surprised." Tianzun smiled and said: "I have heard about this treasure for a long time, and I know that stepping should be related to the avenue."

"I took a closer look just now, but I couldn't see anything."

"Although I have also been in touch with Dao Xiu, my understanding and cognition of Dao Xiu are still weaker than yours."

"And the whole Taoist world, the person who has walked the furthest on the road of Taoism is you."

"So, the treasure can only play its biggest role in your hands."

"However, the ugly words are ahead!"

Speaking of this, Tianzun's expression suddenly became serious, and there was a hint of chill in his eyes, looking at Jiang Yundao: "Give you the treasure, and you will fight for the prosperity of the world."

"Once you want to escape, or fear the battle, betray the Tao and prosper the world, then even if you have the treasure in your body, I will kill you!"

"Heavenly Venerable!" At this moment, an angry voice sounded: "Even if you release the red wolf, from now on, I will take revenge on you for ten days and kill all the living beings in the world!"

The voice is naturally from the Lord of Heavenly Stems!

The killing of the tree demon, especially when Tianzun gave the treasure to Jiang Yun, made all his hopes in vain.

Therefore, even if Hongmeng is willing to give up attacking Daoxing Tiandi now, he will not be able to do it in ten days.

Tianzun smiled coldly: "I'm here waiting for you!"

Then, Tianzun urged Jiang Yundao again: "Hurry up and do it!"

Up to now, Jiang Yun can't find a way to do both.

He pondered for a while, and with the last glimmer of hope, he asked Xia Ruliu, "Senior Xia, is there still no way?"

"No!" Xia Ruliu sighed helplessly: "Their relationship is too messy, at least I can't separate them."

Jiang Yun also sighed in his heart, and then said: "Then if I destroy this memory of the Master of All Spirits, will it have any effect on you?"

There is a relationship between Xia Ruliu and the Master of All Souls, and it is also the only relationship between her and the entire Daoxing world.

Even this time, Xia Ruliu came back to the real domain to completely cut off this relationship and restore her true freedom. Since then, she will have nothing to do with Daoxing heaven and earth.

Xia Ruliu smiled and said, "If his memory is gone, then the relationship between me and him will naturally disappear."

"You don't have to worry about me, just listen to Tianzun's words!"

"You can doubt Tianzun's character, but she cares about Zhenyu, you absolutely don't have to doubt it!"

It is not difficult to hear that Xia Ruliu has a very high evaluation of Tianzun.

Jiang Yun nodded, looked at the red wolf, and quietly said with a sound transmission: "Red wolf, I'm sorry!"

"To kill your avatar today is also a last resort. When he sees your deity in the future, you and I, let's decide the outcome again!"

Jiang Yun bit his teeth, and when the power of the avenue was about to rush into the red wolf, the red wolf's voice suddenly sounded: "Wait!"

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