The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7427: Nirvana in the fire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"Senior, don't worry!" Although Jiang Yun was equally anxious, he still comforted the beautiful woman softly and said, "Senior Ji should have mentioned me to you."

"In my heart, Senior Ji is just like my own senior. No matter what price I pay, I will definitely find him and prevent him from having an accident."

This is what Jiang Yun said from the bottom of his heart.

The relationship between Ji Kongfan and him can even be said to be that of father and son.

Jiang Yun has long regarded Ji Kongfan as a relative.

After hearing Jiang Yun's assurance, the beautiful woman's mood gradually calmed down.

Obviously, she knew what happened between Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan, so she believed that Jiang Yun would do what he said.

Even, in order not to affect Jiang Yun, she stopped talking, closed her mouth, sat cross-legged in the Taoist realm, and waited patiently.

While chasing after Ji Kongfan in the direction that Ji Kongfan left, Jiang Yun was also thinking about how he could extinguish the emotional fire in Ji Kongfan's body after catching up with Ji Kongfan.

Only by extinguishing the fire of emotions and letting Ji Kongfan's emotions return to calm, can he become normal again and give up the idea of ​​seeking death.

It's a pity that Jiang Yun really doesn't know much about the flame that can ignite other people's emotions, so he can't think of a perfect method for a while, so he can only take one step at a time, and then try to use Taoism such as love and separation .

I don't know if it is because the emotions are ignited by the flames, which can stimulate the potential of others, so that Ji Kongfan's strength has also improved.

Logically speaking, in this sea of ​​flames, Jiang Yun is far more adaptable than Ji Kongfan, and his speed is not affected by the surrounding flames, so he should be able to catch up with Ji Kongfan soon.

But the truth is just the opposite.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun could still see Ji Kongfan's figure in his eyes.

But gradually, Ji Kongfan completely disappeared from Jiang Yun's sight and consciousness!

This is really bad news for Jiang Yun.

With Ji Kongfan's strength, coupled with his current state, if he is determined to die, it only takes a few breaths of time to make him die.

The area of ​​the sea of ​​fire was huge, and Jiang Yun didn't know which direction Ji Kongfan was heading for, and it was almost impossible to find him.

Slightly pondering, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said: "Since I can't find it, then I can only try this method!"


Jiang Yun's eyebrows split, and Huo Yuanyuan stepped out.

The moment he walked out, Dao body sat down cross-legged.

However, Jiang Yun's deity ignored the Taoist body and continued to chase in the direction where Ji Kongfan disappeared.

After Benyuan Dao body sat down, the Dao pattern of fire immediately spread all over his body, completely covering him from top to bottom.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and sucked hard.

The suction released by the Taoist body is like a huge palm, reaching into the sea of ​​flames all over the sky, stirring it crazily.

Immediately, under the suction force, the flames began to condense into a series of fire dragons, swarming towards the mouth of the Taoist body.

The speed of these fire dragons is extremely fast, and under the scrambling to be the first, the flames in the ten thousand zhang area were swept away in an instant, and all of them entered the mouth of the fire origin body.

But even so, Dao Body still thinks this speed is too slow.

Immediately afterwards, all the pores on his body, including the seven orifices, opened up, releasing a terrifying suction force, and continued to absorb the flames of the sea of ​​fire.

This scene, no matter if it is seen by anyone, will definitely feel unbelievable.

Although Jiang Yun had successfully erased the Dark Beast area and the Thunder Sea area before, the area of ​​those two areas was much smaller than that of the Fire Sea.

The area of ​​this sea of ​​fire can be described as vast.

However, what Jiang Yun is doing now seems to be to let the fire source dao body swallow all the flames here.

This is completely unrealistic,

Even if Jiang Yun could really do it, the time needed would definitely not be short.

However, Jiang Yun's fire source dao body didn't seem to have considered these things at all.

The sea of ​​flames around him, under the suction force released by him, continued to pour towards his body continuously.

In less than three breaths, he was the same as Ji Kongfan before, with flames gushing out from the pores and seven orifices of his body, making his whole body as if being ignited, burning blazingly.

The original dao body didn't seem to feel the burning of the flames, and continued to absorb the flames at a crazy speed.

After about ten breaths of time, all the flames in the area of ​​at least 200,000 feet have all submerged into the body of the original Dao body.

And at this moment, the body of the original Taoist body began to melt under the burning of the flames.

If someone can look down at this moment and take the situation of the entire sea of ​​fire into their eyes, then they will find that this huge sea of ​​fire has turned into a raging sea, boiling up.

In other words, centered on Jiang Yun's melting body of fire origin, ripples were set off layer by layer, spreading rapidly towards the entire sea of ​​flames.

This also makes, in the process of melting Jiang Yunhuo's original Dao body, the flames of the sea of ​​fire not only continued to sink into his body, but also the speed at which the flames poured in became faster and crazier.

About five breaths later, Jiang Yun's fire source body had completely melted and was burned into nothingness.

But the flames continued to rush towards the location where the fire source dao body was.

As for Jiang Yun's true self, he didn't seem to notice the anomaly in Huohai, and he was still trying his best to find Ji Kongfan's trace.

And this situation lasted for about ten breaths.

There was a sound of "buzz", and a little golden light appeared at the position where Jiang Yunhuo's original Dao body disappeared.

The golden light is only the size of a particle, but like an endless abyss, it attracts all the flames and sinks into it.

This time, not only the flames in the sea of ​​fire, but even in the cracks of darkness outside the sea of ​​fire, one after another of flames began to emerge, also flocking towards the golden light.

The golden light was quickly inflated by the flames inside, so that it could be clearly seen that a pair of feet were gradually forming in the golden light.

A pair of feet made entirely of flames!

After the feet appeared, it was the legs, the body, the hands and arms, and finally a head with eyes closed!

A complete flame figure!

Jiang Yun!

It's like rebirth from Nirvana in the flames!

This is naturally not Jiang Yun's true deity, but Jiang Yun's remodeled fire source body!

Reshaping the original Dao body is a secret discovered by Jiang Yun himself, and it is also his process of becoming a transcendent powerhouse.

Last time, in the sea of ​​thunder in the intersection area, he successfully reshaped more than half of the Dao body of Lei Yuanyuan with the help of two kinds of thunder from Taoism.

But this time, he did the same thing, and with the help of the two flames of Taoism and magic in the sea of ​​fire, he reshaped his own fire origin Taoist body.

In fact, in the fire cave not long ago, if Jiang Yun could successfully absorb the avatar of the original fire, then he would be able to reshape the original fire body at that time.

As a result, the real source of fire came, and in order to trade with Jiang Yun, all attributes in the avatar were erased, so that Jiang Yun did not reshape the source of fire until today.

After the body was fully formed, Huo Yuanyuan suddenly opened his eyes!

Obviously, the Dao body of the original source of fire didn't exert any power, it just opened its eyes normally, but it seemed as if the power of heaven descended.

What's more, all the flames, whether it's the fire of the Dao or the fire of Dharma cultivation, even the flames of the flames stopped shaking.

Huo Yuanyuan's eyes were full of fire, staring at the surroundings, slowly opening his mouth, and uttered a word: "Mie!"

This sea of ​​flames, which had been burning for an unknown amount of time, was extinguished in an instant under Jiang Yunhuo's original Dao body!

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