The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7428: open the way with fire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

If it is said that the flames in this world also have their own master, then this person must be Jiang Yun's fire origin Tao body at this moment!

This sea of ​​flames is not just a collection of flames from one world or one domain, but contains all the flames from one hundred and eight large domains in Longwen Chiding.

However, following Jiang Yun's order from the original Taoist body, they went out obediently, which proved that they had regarded Jiang Yun as their master and did not dare to disobey Jiang Yun's order.

As the flames were extinguished, the sea of ​​flames immediately returned to its original dark appearance, and Jiang Yun, who was looking for Ji Kongfan in it, did not have the slightest obstacle.

His consciousness instantly spread wildly in all directions, completely covering all areas that once belonged to the sea of ​​fire.

Looking at it, Jiang Yun also had to secretly sigh, this time, good luck did not favor Ji Kongfan himself.

Before they walked through the sea of ​​flames for two days without going out, it was not because they fell into an illusion. In fact, they were already very close to the edge of the sea of ​​flames, and they could successfully pass through the sea of ​​flames in a few hours at most. .

If they hadn't stopped at that time and continued to move forward for a while, I'm afraid Ji Kongfan would not be affected by the flames and be ignited emotionally.

However, it is too late to say these now!

At this moment, covered by Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness, the entire sea of ​​flames was empty, and there was no third figure except him and the original Dao body.

This made Jiang Yun's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

It is very possible that Ji Kongfan is already dead.

Although Jiang Yun's speed of reshaping the original body of fire was already very fast, it took dozens of breaths of time, enough for Ji Kongfan to end his own life.

"No, maybe Senior Ji is not dead!" Jiang Yun frowned, and quickly turned his thoughts: "Unless Senior Ji died by self-explosion, otherwise, no matter what method he uses to seek death, he will definitely leave a body behind."

"His body has been reshaped a thousand times, even if he dies, it is impossible for him to be burned by the flames here in just a few tens of breaths."

"And with Senior Ji's strength, if he blew himself up, there would be a lot of noise and movement."

"I didn't hear a sound at all, so he should be alive."

Jiang Yun looked ahead and said, "Then, the biggest possibility is that Senior Ji has actually left this sea of ​​flames and gone to the fourth level."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun carefully inspected the sea of ​​fire again with his spiritual sense, and at the same time waited for the arrival of the fire source Dao body, and immediately continued to rush forward.

As for the sea of ​​flames behind him, in fact, as long as Jiang Yun ordered again, the flames inside could be rekindled.

However, now Jiang Yun doesn't care about these things, he just wants to find Ji Kongfan quickly, so this third level barrier that has trapped the outer monks in the place of origin for countless years has also disappeared.

"Senior!" Jiang Yun did not forget to say to Ji Kongfan's wife: "There is no sign of Senior Ji in this area. I guess he should have entered the next area and should be still alive."

The beautiful woman's voice sounded quickly: "I'm sorry to trouble you, you have to be careful yourself."

The beautiful woman has no idea where they are now, but since even Ji Kongfan can easily lose his mind, it shows that this place must be very dangerous.

Therefore, she didn't want Jiang Yun to run into any danger by looking for Ji Kongfan.

Jiang Yun stopped talking and flew forward.

There is a buffer area between checkpoints, and the distance traveled is not long, so after only a moment, Jiang Yun has arrived at the fourth checkpoint.

The fourth pass, according to Yue Tianzi, is called the Wind Pass.

It is filled with endless kinds of wind, the most dangerous of which is said to be the wind from outside the tripod.

Jiang Yun has personally experienced the power of the original source of thunder and source of fire, so naturally he dare not take this level lightly, and is even more worried about Ji Kongfan's safety.

Therefore, after arriving at the Wind Pass, he rushed in without the slightest pause.

"Hoo hoo!"

In an instant, bursts of strong wind, like thunder, poured into his ears, and the wind blowing from all directions made Jiang Yun unable to open his eyes for a while.

As for the Dao of Wind, Jiang Yun didn't say he had mastered it before, at least he had contact with it, but the original fire last time burned his Dao of Wind completely, even if the whirlpool of Daoyuan gave him the wind again. The origin of the Dao of the Dao, but he has not had time to comprehend it.

This made him unable to control the power of the wind at all.

Fortunately, his strength is strong, and under the diffuse Dao pattern, a protective shield is formed around his body, which can be regarded as isolating the wind.

However, looking at the wind flying all over the sky, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Because there are too many winds, the winds that should have been invisible and colorless here have vague shapes and faint colors.

This made Jiang Yun's eyesight unable to see too far away at all, and the moment his consciousness was released, he was immediately blown to pieces by the wind.

If Jiang Yun just wants to pass this level, if he can't see it, he can't see it, but he still needs to find Ji Kongfan, which will bring him great difficulty.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only brave the blowing of all kinds of strong winds and try his best to move forward.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun could still maintain a certain speed, but when he walked a distance of more than ten thousand feet, the wind that hit his face not only suddenly strengthened, but also had a corrosive meaning, which made him use Taoism The protection formed by the lines is quickly broken.

In this regard, Jiang Yun himself will not have any influence.

Even if he didn't do any protection and let the wind blow on his body, it would take hundreds of years to erode his body clean.

But he had to worry about Ji Kongfan's safety again.

"If we go on like this, when will we be able to find Senior Ji!"

Jiang Yun put his mind to one side, and no longer passively bear the attack of the wind, but with the wave of his sleeves, two fire dragons appeared in front of him, actively attacking the wind in front of him.

Burn the wind with fire, open the way with fire!

Jiang Yun's current fire is truly the ultimate fire in the world. Wherever it passes, all winds will be ignited immediately.

Although it is impossible to burn these winds into nothingness in an instant, once the winds are ignited, they will not be able to continue to blow, and Jiang Yun will not be hindered from moving forward.

Therefore, Jiang Yun kept waving his big sleeves, releasing fire dragons one by one, opening up a windless path for himself in this wind pass.

In fact, Jiang Yun's approach is unwise.

Attacking the wind with one's own strength, the wind will not disappear completely, it will only be restrained temporarily, and the energy source will continue to be generated, but the monk's own strength will not only be consumed, but it will not be easy to replenish it.

Throughout the ages, the monks who broke through the pass of the wind are basically all together, taking turns to resist with the magic tools, talismans and other foreign objects they carry, so as to walk through this pass slowly.

Like Jiang Yun, the strength in his body will be exhausted before reaching the end.

Jiang Yun naturally knew this too, but now he just wanted to go faster and farther away, so that he could find Ji Kongfan quickly.

Just like that, when Jiang Yun walked out here for two days and consumed almost half of the strength in his body, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of him, with a radius of ten thousand zhang.

The endless wind whirled wildly inside it, making a deafening whistling sound. From a distance, the vortex looked like a wind eye.

Jiang Yun also thinks that the wind here should come from the eye of the wind like this.

And looking at the crazy winds inside, Jiang Yun thought to himself that even if he used all his strength, he might not be able to completely burn them, so he could only decide to go around.

But when he was halfway around, the slightly trembling voice of Ji Kongfan's wife suddenly came from inside his body: "Brother Jiang, have you found Kongfan?"

"I feel the breath of the wind of extinction!"

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