The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7762: wait sixteen years, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Although Jiang Yun doesn't have a heart at this moment, and doesn't need to breathe, but after hearing what Xue Ling said, Jiang Yun held his breath unknowingly, and seemed to feel his heart speeding up. jumped.

So much so that he obviously wanted to say something, but he couldn't even make a sound.

Because, he had a strong premonition that the drop of Longwen Chiding's blood that Xue Ling said had a great relationship with him.

Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, Xue Ling didn't rush to continue talking, as if he was sorting out his thoughts and thinking about how to say it.

After a long time, Jiang Yun barely calmed down, looked at Xue Ling, squeezed out three words from between his teeth: "And then?"

Xue Ling sighed leisurely and said: "Then, I naturally agreed to him."

"However, to take out a drop of Longwen Chiding's blood, you need to have great strength, and even pay some price."

"And I was in a weak period at that time, and I couldn't do it."

"So, after discussing the detailed plan with him according to his request, I took out a copy of all his memories and sent him away."

"After I passed the period of weakness and recovered my strength, I immediately took that drop of Longwen Chiding's blood and finally went to Daoxing Dayu and found Daoxing Tiandi."

"Originally, I didn't care about the so-called situation that Daoxing Tiandi was in."

"I even think that maybe I don't need to bother so much to follow the plan we discussed."

"I just need to use my strength to break the whole situation, and then take Jiang Yun and his relatives and friends to leave Daoxing Tiandi, so that he can enjoy a free life from now on."

"But when I really saw Daoxing Tiandi and understood the whole game, I had to admit that the game looked simple, but in fact the arrangement was too delicate, it can be said to be unimaginable."

"Don't talk about breaking it, there are many hidden secrets that I can't fully see through."

"Even, I noticed that the whole situation should have forces from outside the Daoxing Great Territory added to it."

"Even if Daoxing Tiandi is destroyed, this situation will still exist."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun knew very well that the power that the blood spirit sensed came from outside the Daoxing Great Territory, it should be the nine huge chains, that is, the power of the nine clans.

Xue Ling continued: "Since we can't break the situation, I can only follow the original plan."

"The time I went was also very coincidental. When I entered Daoxing Tiandi, I happened to see the restart of the so-called reincarnation."

"Every time the reincarnation restarts in the entire Daoxing Tiandi, it doesn't actually make everything go back to the starting point."

Seeing that Jiang Yun obviously didn't understand, Xue Ling pondered for a moment, then suddenly reached out and pointed to the river of soul blood in front of him.

Suddenly, part of the soul blood flew into the air and landed in front of Xue Ling and Jiang Yun, connecting end to end and forming a circle.

Xue Ling pointed to this circle and said: "Simply put, beyond Daoxing Heaven and Earth, there is a river of time surrounding it."

"The so-called reincarnation is the regression of the river of time."

Jiang Yun nodded. Haotian, who was from the Five Elements Realm, also told himself that the two most critical methods in the situation where Daoxing Tiandi is located, one is the Five Elements Barrier, and the other is the River of Time.

At this time, the circular river of soul blood began to turn counterclockwise, but it only retreated an inch before stopping.

Inspired by the blood, he said with emotion: "The distance that the river of time flows backwards may not seem long, but to all beings in Daoxing Heaven and Earth, it is the passage of thousands of years."

"If you really let the river of time flow back to the starting point, the time span is really too large."

"Not only is the power of time required extremely large, but it is also very likely to cause instability in time and space and lead to collapse."

"Thus, the river of time just needs to be flowed back to the desired point in time."

"For example, this game is specially arranged for Jiang Yun."

"Then, if you find that Jiang Yun's growth cannot meet Jiang Yiyun's requirements, you only need to turn back the time to the tens or hundreds of years before Jiang Yun's birth to ensure that Jiang Yun will appear."

"During the process of reversing, the memories of all living beings in the entire Daoxing Heaven and Earth will also be regurgitated, and the monk's cultivation will be weakened accordingly."

"Although there may be some special people who can still retain some memories, on the whole, everything in Daoxing Tiandi has indeed returned to a certain point in time."

"And this way of turning back time is by no means like a formation. After it is arranged, the whole game can run on its own, but it needs someone to take the initiative to control it."

"I thought that the person controlling was Jiang Yiyun, but under my secret observation, I discovered that the person controlling is the entire Daoxing World!"

Jiang Yun said softly: "Dao Zun!"

Jiang Yiyun thought very carefully, knowing that he could not monitor all the developments in Dao Xing Tiandi all the time, so he arranged for Dao Zun to control the whole situation.

Xue Ling didn't ask who Zun was, and continued: "Anyway, from the sidelines, the time of Daoxing Tiandi has flowed backwards and stopped when Jiang Qiuyang went to Jiyu."


Jiang Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath.

Yes, when my father left the Jiang clan, went to Jiyu, and created a new Jiang clan, the first self was born not long after.

Then, it is indeed reasonable to let the time of Daoxing Tiandi go back to that time to ensure that he will appear.

Xue Ling continued: "Because Jiang Yun told me where he would be born and what major events would happen before and after his birth, so he stayed there for the time being."

"As a bystander, I have been watching Jiang Yun's birth and his growth..."

Jiang Yun showed doubts on his face, and couldn't help but interrupted Xue Ling again: "Didn't you discuss the plan with Jiang Yun from the last reincarnation?"

"Then why didn't you implement the plan when I was young, why just watch me grow?"

"You?" Xue Ling smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "That's not you, Jiang Yun at that time is still my friend, Jiang Yun from the last reincarnation!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun was even more puzzled.

Since it is the beginning of a new reincarnation, the Jiang Yun born to his parents is not himself. How could he be the Jiang Yun of the last reincarnation?

"Don't worry!" Xue Ling said with a smile: "The reason why I am just watching is because I can sense that during Jiang Yun's growth from childhood to adulthood, Jiang Yiyun's drop of blood also needs time to grow."

"If I made a move during that process, Jiang Yiyun would probably notice it and come here in person."

"Although I am not afraid of him, once he comes, the whole situation may change, and Jiang Yun's plan will not be implemented."

"So I have to wait until Jiang Yun's body and soul are completely finalized before making a move!"

"This wait is sixteen years!"

"On Jiang Yun's sixteenth birthday, I finally waited for his body and soul to be completely finalized!"

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