The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7763: it's not a dream, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

sixteen years old!

Hearing this age, Jiang Yun's body soaked in soul blood suddenly trembled uncontrollably!

Regarding his life experience and origin, Jiang Yun thought he already knew almost everything.

The only thing that puzzled me was the memory of my first life, which was fixed on my sixteenth birthday.

I can remember that in my first life, I followed my parents until I was sixteen.

Especially the memory of his sixteenth birthday, he was even more impressed.

On that day, on a big tree, my father personally carved the sixteenth scratch representing his sixteen years old!

On that day, the gift my father gave me was not the holy relic of the Nine Clans, but the Guantian Palace!

On that day, my father told me that being born in the Jiang family was both my luck and my misfortune.

However, after that day, my memory went blank for a while.

In other words, my own memory, from a man who has grown to sixteen years old, has inexplicably turned into a baby in swaddling.

And I, who became a baby, couldn't continue to grow up beside my parents, but was sent to Daoyu when my parents were preparing to fight with many forces in the Jiyu!

Jiang Yun himself had speculated about this doubt and had an answer.

Because my first life was actually fixed on the day of my sixteenth birthday!

When I was sixteen years old, I should have encountered some kind of accident suddenly and died!

Then, the parents used some methods, such as going to the world of the dead, found their own soul, reincarnated themselves, and became a newborn baby.

However, at this moment, Xue Ling said that he had waited for sixteen years, and when he was sixteen years old, he finally made a move.

This naturally made Jiang Yun realize that his lack of memory was actually related to the blood spirit's attack!

Xue Ling stared at Jiang Yun with scorching eyes and said: "That year, I appeared in front of Jiang Yun's parents, and almost told them all the truth."

"At the beginning, they naturally wouldn't believe my words."

"But I took out the memory of Jiang Yun's last reincarnation and let them watch it."

"Especially at the end of that memory, Jiang Yun told them personally that they must believe everything I said, and they believed it."

Xue Ling paused, and then said: "I told them, if they want their son to get rid of Jiang Yiyun's control, get rid of his identity as a pawn, and get rid of the fate of being eventually replaced by Jiang Yiyun, then they must agree that I will take out Jiang Yiyun. In Yun's body, that drop of Jiang Yiyun's blood!"

"Then, I will send that drop of Longwen Chiding's blood into Jiang Yun's body, and use a special method to ensure that Jiang Yun will not die, but needs to re-enter his mother's body and re-conceive."

"In short, it is to let Jiang Yun reincarnate directly without going through the normal reincarnation."

What Xue Ling said, even Hun Lian, who was listening secretly all the time, was shocked, let alone Jiang Yun.

However, because of the doubts in Jiang Yun's heart, he finally had an answer.

Moreover, this answer is almost the same as his guess.

So, instead, he quickly came back to his senses.

But after pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun had new doubts.

He looked at the blood spirit and said puzzledly: "Since you have replaced Jiang Yiyun's blood with Longwen Chiding's blood, why can Jiang Yiyun still control me?"

"Especially just now you said, let me condense my physical body quickly so that I can take out Jiang Yiyun's blood?"

The two questions Jiang Yun asked made Xue Ling's face look sad again, and he said in silence for a moment, "Because I lied to Jiang Yun's parents!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yun's body trembled, suddenly startled.

Xue Ling sighed and said, "I didn't take that drop of blood from Jiang Yiyun."

"That drop of blood and Jiang Yun, I hid in the blood of Longwen Chiding."

Jiang Yun was startled for a moment, but then his eyes widened suddenly, almost staring at the blood spirit, and blurted out: "That drop of golden blood!"

"Yes!" Xue Ling nodded lightly and said, "I have returned Jiang Yun to the most primitive state by a method similar to returning to nature."

"That drop of golden blood is actually Jiang Yun."

"Jiang Yun of every reincarnation!"

Jiang Yun's body suddenly stood up from the soul blood, and trembled uncontrollably again. After his lips trembled for a long time, he finally squeezed out three words: "Then what about me?"

Xue Ling sighed again: "You should already know the answer, why bother to ask!"

Jiang Yun ignored Xue Ling's words, stared at the other party, and repeated his own question.

"What about me? What the **** am I?"

Xueling said softly: "You are that drop of Longwen Chiding's blood!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun seemed to hear a loud noise in his head, which made him feel that his cognition and everything he insisted on collapsed in an instant!

It turns out that I am not Jiang Yun at all, I am a life derived from the blood of Longwen Chiding!

The so-called parents, the so-called clan members, and the so-called relatives have nothing to do with him.

They are Jiang Yun's parents, Jiang Yun's tribe, and Jiang Yun's relatives!

I have no relatives at all.

No, the only one who can be regarded as his relatives is the blood spirit in front of him who should also be born from the blood of Longwen Chiding!


Under the utter chaos in his mind, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of soul blood.

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes and passed out again!

There is no way, his soul injury has not healed, and now he suddenly heard such a news that completely subverted his cognition, which made him so angry that he couldn't bear it at all.

Xue Ling was not surprised by Jiang Yun's coma, and did not reach out to rescue him, but just watched quietly.

Because he knew that anyone who suddenly found out about his own life experience, and it was still such a bizarre, unimaginable life experience, would probably have such a reaction.

The blood spirit did not save, but the soul lotus on the side hurriedly reached out and sent more light clusters into Jiang Yun's body.

Soul Lotus, who had listened to the conversation between Jiang Yun and Xue Ling from the beginning to the end, although he didn't understand some parts, even he didn't even know the existence of Longwen Chiding.

But, at least he made one point clear.

Jiang Yun and Xueling are really brothers!

Xue Ling, I can't afford to provoke him, so Jiang Yun, of course, I can't afford to provoke him either.

If Jiang Yun was allowed to die here, he would definitely be killed by the blood spirit.

With the influx of a large number of light clusters, after only half an hour in a coma, Jiang Yun woke up leisurely.

And looking at the blood spirit sitting cross-legged in front of him, Jiang Yun slowly showed a sad smile on his face, and murmured: "So, it's not a dream?"

How he wished that the conversation with the blood spirit just now was just an interesting dream he had when he was unconscious!

Unfortunately, this is reality!

Xue Ling still didn't respond to Jiang Yun, but just looked at him calmly with no expression on his face.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, lying in the soul blood, also remained silent.

As for the soul lotus, she didn't even dare to breathe, and remained motionless, silently absorbing the light ball.

Next, the time in Soul Market seemed to stop passing.

Only those light clusters are still flying and cruising fast...

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