The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7765: re-condensed body, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Although Jiang Yun and Xue Ling met for the first time, but because of the inexplicable trust with each other, it was not difficult for him to guess that Xue Ling should also be conceived by the blood of Longwen Chiding.

As the blood spirit said, the two of them can be regarded as brothers.

Therefore, Jiang Yun and Xue Ling didn't feel any barrier, and asked directly: "What's the matter with you?"

Xue Ling didn't hide it, and smiled slightly: "My ninth catastrophe is about to arrive, and I'm going to find a place to pass the catastrophe."

Hearing these words, Hun Lian at the side suddenly showed envy on her face.

Jiang Yun nodded slightly.

When Xue Ling met that Jiang Yun, he was going through the eighth catastrophe.

Later, when a new round of reincarnation began in Daoxing Tiandi, Jiang Yun has gone through a hundred reincarnations and reached today.

Calculating the time, at least thousands of years have passed, and it is normal for the blood spirit to go through the ninth calamity now.

Jiang Yun looked at Xue Ling and said, "Are you sure?"

Xue Ling smiled slightly and said: "After so many years of preparation, there is naturally some certainty."

"The ninth catastrophe will be my last catastrophe. If I can get through it smoothly, then I should leave the cauldron and go outside the cauldron."

"However, before I leave, I need to visit Jiang Yiyun first."

Although Xue Ling has kindness towards Jiang Yun in front of him and regards him as his brother, he also treats Jiang Yun who saved his life as a brother.

Naturally, regardless of whether that Jiang Yun is alive or dead, since that drop of golden blood is still in Jiang Yiyun's hands, he must **** it back.

Before, when facing Jiang Yiyun, he didn't exchange Jiang Yun for that drop of golden blood.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he knows very well that even if he agrees to the exchange, he is still not Jiang Yiyun's opponent.

It is very likely that the other party will kill himself after getting Jiang Yun.

Therefore, only after he survives the ninth catastrophe can he have the confidence to **** the golden blood back from Jiang Yiyun's hands.

Jiang Yun naturally understood Xue Ling's plan, nodded and said: "Okay, I will restore my physical body as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, although Jiang Yun still had some questions to ask, he didn't open his mouth anymore. Instead, he seized the time and actively absorbed the light clusters around him, repairing his soul body.

Of course, in his mind, he was still thinking about his bizarre life experience and his next plan.

"Although I can completely get rid of Jiang Yiyun's control, I am still Jiang Yun."

"I still need to break the situation where Daoxing Tiandi is in, and I need to win the battle between Dao and Law as much as possible."

"The key to breaking the game is the nine chains."

"I can let the guardian dao world continue to devour those chains, and I will go to the place where I should prove myself to see if I can pass the test and become the so-called Taoist leader!"

To be honest, knowing his real life experience shocked Jiang Yun, but after calming down, he realized that this life experience brought him even more benefits!

The most important point is that I am not Jiang Yiyun's chess piece, and I can finally jump out of the chessboard and become a free person.

If you are cruel enough, then you can even live for yourself without any worries!

Fortunately, Jiang Yun couldn't do it!

In this way, when another seven days passed, Jiang Yun's soul injury was 80% healed, and he did not delay any longer, and began to condense his physical body.

Because of the blood spirit by his side, Jiang Yun finally clearly saw Jiang Yiyun's fresh blood spreading into his body during the process of condensing his body.

Those fresh blood, led by the soul blood, quietly extended from the soul, several times thinner than a hair, like the veins of a leaf, forming a network in Jiang Yun's body .

Moreover, they are still mixed in Jiang Yun's own blood vessels.

What's even more frightening is that they don't have any breath fluctuations related to Jiang Yiyun.

Even if Jiang Yun scanned them with his divine sense, he could only feel his own breath, so he thought they were part of his body.

Not to mention that Jiang Yun knew nothing about their existence, even if he knew, it would be almost impossible for him to find them.

Xue Ling pointed out the location of the blood streaks for Jiang Yun, and said: "Your situation is not bad, because Jiang Yun tried to suppress these blood streaks as much as possible, and the number of blood streaks is not too much, so I can disconnect you. The connection with Jiang Yiyun."

"The situation in that Jiang Yun's body is terrible. Every blood vessel, every thread of blood, every drop of soul blood in him is an extension of Jiang Yiyun's fresh blood."

Although Jiang Yun has never seen the situation in Jiang Yun's body, it is not difficult to imagine hearing the words of the blood spirit.

And this made him loathe Jiang Yiyun even more, but also made him a little more jealous.

Because Jiang Yiyun is really scary!

Find the nine detached Nine Clans that restrain the Nine Clans outside the tripod, use the power of the Nine Clans to condense nine huge chains, cultivate Jiang Yun with a drop of their own blood, and even enter the top of the Longwen Chi Ding to seek the dragon pattern...

Everything that a creature born in the cauldron does is unimaginable, beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Bei Chenzi, the detached and strong man who has always been sitting in the cauldron, has nothing to do with him.

Is there anything such a person can't do?

Jiang Yun said to Xue Ling: "Jiang Yiyun has a great possibility, and he has long been a transcendent powerhouse."

"Although I don't know what method he used to hide his own strength, but if his life is really in danger, he will definitely expose it."

"If you're going to deal with him, be careful."

Xue Ling smiled and said: "I also thought of this possibility."

"However, I am an innate spirit conceived from the blood of countless strong men outside the cauldron."

"Once I pass through the Ninth Tribulation, my strength will definitely far exceed other detachments."

"Take a step back, even if I'm still not his opponent, as long as he can be forced to reveal his true strength, then he must leave the tripod."

"Without his existence, whether it's you or Daoxing Tiandi, the entire cauldron will be much more peaceful."

Jiang Yun nodded, admitting that what Xue Ling said made sense.

There is no need to repeat the extraordinary features of Longwen Chiding.

To put it bluntly, to be able to leave your own blood on this tripod, even if ordinary people recommend themselves, I am afraid that they are not qualified.

Naturally, the blood spirit born from such blood must not only be powerful, but strictly speaking, he should be regarded as an innate spirit outside the cauldron.

After figuring this out, Jiang Yun didn't worry about the safety of the blood spirit. Instead, he joked: "They were all born from the blood of the cauldron body. Why is there such a big gap between the two of us?"

Xue Ling also responded with a smile: "Because, when you were still a drop of blood, I erased all the attributes in your body!"

"After all, that Jiang Yiyun also absorbed the blood of the tripod body, and even created unique blood patterns."

"If I let you keep your original attributes, then he may be able to sense it."

"In addition, in Jiang Yiyun's plan, Jiang Yun must have the blood of Haina."

"If you have attributes, there is no one in the tripod who can change your blood for you except me!"

"The last point!" Xue Ling suddenly restrained his smile, and said seriously: "You don't want to experience the horror of three disasters, six disasters and nine disasters."

Speaking of this, Xue Ling suddenly raised his voice and said: "Okay, now, gather your mind and calm down, I will help you regain your freedom!"

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