The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7766: a change, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun's physical body has been completely condensed.

But his soul did not return to the body, but still sat in the soul blood, continuing to absorb the light ball and heal the soul injury.

Xue Ling raised his wrist and swiped lightly with his finger, creating a gap.

He put his wrist next to Jiang Yun's mouth and said, "The process is very simple, just drink my blood!"

For the blood spirit, Jiang Yun can be trusted, so naturally he opened his mouth without any hesitation at this moment, and a stream of blood immediately flowed into his mouth.

After the blood entered, it immediately dispersed, like a big river, turning into countless tributaries, flowing towards Jiang Yun's entire body.

Xue Ling also explained: "Because Jiang Yiyun's blood is not much in your body, and my blood is higher than his, so it is equivalent to washing his blood directly out of your body."

"Punch the body first, and then the soul."

"Finally, your soul will return to the body, and you can wash it again, and that's it!"

Jiang Yun nodded, knowing that although the process was indeed very simple, looking at the entire cauldron, only the blood of the blood spirit could do it.

Xue Ling then said: "Furthermore, the first two processes should be very painful for you."

"Especially the pain of the soul is worse than that of the body, so you have to be mentally prepared!"

Jiang Yun nodded again.

When Jiang Yiyun appeared before and laid down the **** rune for him, he felt the heart-piercing pain.

He even let himself pass out.

Now that he wanted to completely remove his blood from his body, he would naturally have to go through that pain again.

However, compared with the free body that can be obtained from now on, this pain is nothing.


After only a few breaths, a trembling sound suddenly came from Jiang Yun's body.

His body also became tense in an instant, his palms clenched into fists, and the great pain was like a tide, sweeping towards him.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's current physical state is at its peak, so even though the pain is more severe than before, at least he can still try his best to keep himself awake and not pass out.

In order to distract attention, he also deliberately looked at his own body.

It can be clearly seen that Xueling's blood is flowing in every part of his body, extremely soft.

However, as long as it touches the blood belonging to Jiang Yiyun, a powerful force will be released immediately from the blood of the blood spirit.

It felt like countless metal brushes protruding from the blood, vigorously scrubbing the place stained with Jiang Yiyun's blood,

While removing the blood, it also wiped out the flesh and blood in his body.

At the same time, Jiang Yiyun sat cross-legged on the ground in a space with nine doors standing at an unknown location, and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was resentment on his face, he gritted his teeth and said: "Sure enough, that blood spirit has already started to help Jiang Yun clean up my blood!"

Although Jiang Yiyun wished he could go to the place where the blood spirit was right now to stop the blood spirit.

But unfortunately, just outside this space, there is a huge nine-petaled flower floating quietly.

On top of it, there are nine powerful spiritual senses, which are continuously released, scanning the surroundings.

Naturally, Bei Chenzi contacted the nine tripods and made up his mind to find Jiang Yiyun this time.

And no matter how strong Jiang Yiyun was, he couldn't be a match for ten of them, so he had no choice but to hide in this place and compete patiently with them.

However, Jiang Yiyun quickly calmed down.

He spread out his palm, and a drop of golden blood appeared in his palm.

Looking at the blood, Jiang Yiyun said coldly: "Even if you can erase my control over Jiang Yun in this life, you cannot erase my control over Jiang Yun in the previous life!"

"One day, you will come to me again."

"What's more, I still have a big reliance, and I should be able to regain control of Jiang Yun."

"I just hope that Bei Chenzi and the others can leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yiyun folded his palms together, closed his eyes, and ignored other things.

In the soul ruins, looking at Jiang Yun, who is gritting his teeth and refusing to make a sound, despite his distorted expression, and who is enduring the pain, the blood spirit nodded secretly.

Xue Ling opened his mouth, intending to say something, but in the end he only said in his heart: "Although it is indeed painful now, after the pain is over, you will have unexpected and huge gains!"

In this way, after three days and three nights, the blood spirit finally helped Jiang Yun completely remove the blood left by Jiang Yiyun in his body.

Next, it was Jiang Yun's soul!

And the pain brought to Jiang Yun by soul washing was indeed more severe.

Moreover, because the golden blood was hidden in Jiang Yun's soul at the beginning, the amount of blood contained in the soul was larger, and it took more time to clear it.

This time, it took a full nine days for Xue Ling to feed Jiang Yun with his own blood three times in a row, before finally removing Jiang Yiyun's blood as well.

Seeing Jiang Yun whose complexion was extremely pale, Xue Ling reached out and patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "Take a break!"

"So far, we have more than half of the success."

"After your soul returns to the body, do it again, and you're done."

Jiang Yun didn't even have the strength to speak, so he nodded slightly and closed his eyes.

Although Jiang Yun wanted to rest for a while, considering that the blood spirit had to prepare for the ninth catastrophe, after only half a day, the soul returned to the body.

When the soul entered the body, Jiang Yun could clearly feel that his strength had improved compared to before.

This is naturally the benefit of devouring the soul lotus.

After feeling it for a while, Jiang Yun said to Xue Ling: "It's ok!"


Blood Spirit agreed and stood up.

This time, instead of squeezing the blood out of his wrist, he reached out and grabbed at his chest, grabbed a blood ball, and threw it above Jiang Yun.

The blood clot was only the size of a human head, but the blood flowing out of it was like a waterfall, pouring towards Jiang Yun's body.

The blood entered his body. Although Jiang Yun could still feel some pain during this process, it was much easier than before.

And amidst this relaxation, a cry of surprise suddenly came from within his body.

Looking at the sound, the sound comes from the original fire!

Although the blood spirit also suppressed him, it didn't completely kill him.

But at this moment, after the blood of the blood spirit poured in like a waterfall, not only did he wake up, but even a flame rose up, wanting to make a final gamble.

It's a pity that his newly ignited flame weakened in an instant, and it will soon be extinguished.

Jiang Yun didn't think too much about this, but thought that the blood spirit was too strong.

But only the original fire knows that Jiang Yun's body is undergoing a change!

This change, to put it simply, is the transformation of the creatures inside the cauldron to the creatures outside the cauldron.

The most direct consequence of this change is that Jiang Yun's power can finally truly affect any creature outside the cauldron, including the original fire.

If we talk about it in more detail, then the benefits brought by this change to Jiang Yun, in the cauldron, Jiang Yun has the power to contend against the nine detached powerhouses outside the cauldron.

Even if it is placed outside the tripod, it will be earth-shattering!

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