The world's number one pianist

Chapter 190 I think I understand piano?

[Recite the URL three times silently. Do you remember it? If not, I will ask again in the next chapter. It is best to share it on Facebook for me]

Everyone's eyes are focused on He Shen in the center of the concert hall. They don't know who He Shen is...

Except for a few people, such as Li Tongyun and others...

Google search TWKAN

At this moment, most people at the scene don't even listen to the piano.

Not to mention knowing He Shen...

But next, they will know He Shen...

Everyone, all of them!

On the electronic display screen on the stage, it shows the first piece that He Shen will play next.

Beethoven, "Pathetique Sonata"!

Performer: He Shen!

Before, He Shen discussed with the crew about what piece to play in this concert.

The crew said that if possible, it would be better to play all the pieces in this movie.

This is more in line with the nature of this press conference.

Naturally, He Shen would not refuse!

He Shen closed his eyes, placed his fingers on the piano keyboard, and took a deep breath.

Bang... Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang...


The sound of the first sentence of the music instantly rushed out from the piano.

The emotions depicted by the music rushed towards everyone like a flood.

Sadness, grief, sorrow...

Pain, discomfort, despair...

In these countless negative emotions, there is always a power...

This power leads to hope!

The scene was extremely quiet...

Everyone was stunned...

The people in the audience couldn't believe that such an attractive work in front of them was actually... played by a piano?

Many people have heard of the piano, but the piano is actually a very boring instrument for them.

The sound of the piano is boring and can't make people feel excited.

The piano looks too noble and is not in the same class as ordinary people like themselves.

Therefore, they prefer to listen to ordinary works that repeat the secondary melody phrases and make people extremely brainwashed.

After all, these music can make them feel happy faster...


Now, at this moment...

They looked at He Shen on the stage, listened to the piano on the stage, and were instantly shocked...

This sound, this feeling...

Obviously, they had never heard this piece of music before, and it should be a work that requires a very high threshold of appreciation.

At this moment, in He Shen's hands...

There is no need for any appreciation threshold at all!

He Shen disassembled everything in this music, showed it to everyone, and told them that this piece of music should be listened to in this way.

The heaviness of the music, the conflict of the music, the ups and downs of the music, the emotions of the music...

All kinds of miscellaneous things, these audiences sitting on the stools felt that they could understand them all.

This gradually became very easy to understand...

Music itself exists to convey emotions.

Classical music has become increasingly cold and has been shelved by countless people because of the complexity and diversity of its emotions and the countless different interpretations of the same phrase.

Unwilling to listen to it more.

But now, these people can begin to understand...

Why do some people like to go to concert halls and listen to the performances of pianists.

This feeling is completely different from the sound played by online music players!

This feeling is really great!

"Fuck, am I listening to... classical music?"

"No, the classical music I listened to at home was not so attractive. Why is this so attractive now?"

"Hiss, scary, the emotions I felt, in his hands, were rubbed by him, and rose and fell at will, this feeling..."

"Yes, my emotions too, I thought it was the emotions I felt when the performer played, but now it seems that it should not be..."

"Me too, I also thought it was the performer's emotions before, I was still wondering why this pianist could convey emotions so well, now it seems that he should be influencing our emotions..."

"Scary, scary... so scary! This kid will become a great man!"

"What are you talking about? Have you read too many second-year novels?"


Everyone looked at He Shen sitting in the middle of the stage, and their eyes couldn't help but become more and more shocked. They could only whisper with the people around them and carefully discuss everything He Shen played.

Don't control your mood too much.

This feeling of excitement and discomfort was too strange...

Therefore, they could only communicate in a low voice and follow the corners of other people around them to gradually cover up their inner shock...

Ji Mengting, who was standing backstage at the concert hall, was also shocked. She was stunned and looked at He Shen on the stage. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Zhang Wei and Li Hua, the two unlucky guys, saw Ji Mengting stunned and took a small step forward, patted her shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

"Hello? Sister Ji, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly frozen in place like this?"

"You...didn't you hear the improvement of Teacher He?"

Ji Mengting pointed at He Shen who was on the stage, her eyes revealing disbelief.

"If I remember correctly, the piece played by Teacher He was actually quite average, because this piece was not his main performance direction."

"Basically all of us in the school had to say that Teacher He's main performance direction was Chopin, and his goal was also Chopin..."

"But now look!"

Ji Mengting pointed at He Shen in front of her, and the shock and admiration in her eyes could not be stopped at all.

"Without relying on any other teachers, Teacher He Shen, he just directly relied on analyzing the score and music, from our strongest performance state to a state that we can't reach! A state I have never been in!"

"In this state, if I keep studying a piece of work and play it for several years, maybe I can barely play it? I don't know, I can feel a barrier..."

"But, Teacher He, he played, he seemed to have only worked hard for more than half a month, nearly a month, in such a short time, our Teacher He reached this state..."

"I know Teacher He is very strong, I really didn't expect that Teacher He could be so strong!"

Ji Mengting's expression was extremely complicated. She looked at He Shen's performance and really didn't know what to say for a while.

This strength was too terrifying, so terrifying that she had nothing to say.

It was also because of this that she was more and more yearning for He Shen.

Admiration, longing...

These two emotions merged together in Ji Mengting's heart, making her have no idea what she felt about He Shen...

Perhaps, because He Shen was too powerful and always by her side, this caused her to change her mind about He Shen a little bit?

After all, admiring the strong is a feeling that most people have.

Ji Mengting sighed slowly, walked to the side, and found a seat to sit down.

She predicted in her heart that He Shen's piece, which she had only practiced for a month, should be similar to her piece that she had practiced for half a year...

She didn't expect that He Shen's piece, relying directly on the teacher's own understanding of music, rushed to a height that she couldn't understand.

This feeling...

Xu Yuqi shook her head, not knowing what to say.

Now, she could only continue to sit there and appreciate He Shen's performance.

Ji Mengting no longer had any desire to learn anything from He Shen's performance.

After all, this thing was completely incomprehensible.

She could only imitate, imitate He Shen's ideas about music.

It was impossible for her to fully understand this piece without He Shen's help.

Zhang Wei and Li Hua, who were standing on the side, also looked at each other and honestly found a place to sit down.

This thing also exceeded their expectations and psychological tolerance.

They could only give up, give up hearing anything from He Shen's performance.

Instead of trying hard to listen to He Shen's details, it would be better to just sit there and enjoy the music.

Music, after all, is still something that people enjoy.

Music that cannot be enjoyed by people cannot be called music at all...

That, can only be called, noise!

The crew members standing backstage and preparing to appear looked at each other, their eyes full of uncertainty.

"Wait, I seem to remember that when Teacher He Shen accompanied us before, it didn't seem like this? His strength seems to have increased a lot?"

A staff member suddenly spoke up. He was a lighting engineer of the crew. He came here today just to hang out with the crew.

Unexpectedly, his speech directly made other people, such as the director, photographer, and several actors, nod unconsciously.

The director touched the stubble on his chin, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Sure enough, the strength shown in front of us before is not all of Mr. He's strength!"

"Mr. He may have read the entire script carefully and dubbed according to the identities of the heroine and the hero at that time!"

"A piece of music that is not perfect..."

"This is more in line with the identity of the hero and heroine, all of whom are college students!"

"Sure enough, this is Mr. He! Mr. He is really strong!"

Other people also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I really didn't expect that Mr. He's strength could be so strong. His strength is simply the strongest among the people I know..."

"That's right, his strength is really too terrifying. For a moment, I really don't know what to say..."

"Hiss, I have begun to admire Mr. He a little bit now. The Chinese classical music world has produced such a god-like talent!"

"I'm afraid, when will our Chinese entertainment industry be able to produce such a god-like talent?"


Everyone couldn't help laughing as they talked. There are so many talents in the Chinese entertainment industry...

But these talents are really just talents...

Xu Yuqi watched these people praising He Shen, her eyes narrowed with laughter, like crescent moons.

The actor stood aside, watching everyone praising He Shen and Xu Yuqi laughing there. He couldn't help but walked over, poked Xu Yuqi's waist gently, and asked in a low voice.

"Sister Yuqi, why do I feel something is wrong with you? Everyone is bragging about Teacher He, why don't you speak? I remember you were not the most famous He bragging before? Why don't you speak today?"

Xu Yuqi gave the hero a chestnut on the head with a smile and whispered.

"Because the highest state of He Chui is to let everyone around him become He Chui and watch them blow!"



He Shen didn't know what everyone was talking about, and he didn't care about it at all.

When he walked onto the stage from the backstage, the only challenger he faced was himself.

Pianists have the most difficulty when playing...

He needs to make himself extremely calm and at the same time make the music full of contagion!

While letting everyone around him be influenced by his music, he cannot be influenced by others.

This is a truth that all pianists must understand when playing the piano.

Audiences can be excited…

Passersby can be excited…

Music can thrill…


You must not get excited! You must control your hands and keep your mood at an extremely stable level!

Let yourself not be affected by anyone else!

Let your performance be full of rationality and radiate the brilliance of sensibility!

This is the state He Shen wants to reach!

And this is exactly the state that He Shen has reached now!

He Shen's eyes looked at the black and white keyboard under his hand, and he couldn't help but smile.

Time, through continuous training, will never deceive him.

He Shen’s practice for so long finally paid off!

My own song, Beethoven's "Pathétique Sonata", was sharpened from Level 5 to Level 6 in more than half a month!

This proves something...

I am not anyone’s dog!

Including the system!

The real value of a system is not actually the memory it gives itself...

The main purpose of that memory is to help He Shen break through and save time.

What this system has value for is actually an extremely objective criterion!

Determine your current musical level...

For example, the piece of Beethoven's "Pathétique Sonata" in my hand is at level 6...

If it was my previous understanding, I might just think that I played this piece well.

Then he put it aside and prepared to continue with other things.

But now, after my own work reaches Lv6, I can quickly raise my work to another bottleneck, Lv8...

Allow yourself to stay exactly in the next bottleneck period.

So as to better allocate practice time...

This is the most useful function of this system!

What other functions, in fact, for myself...

All are...


He Shen allowed himself to stand on the other side and watch his performance.

Allow yourself to understand everything you play with the utmost calmness.

Then, convey everything to everyone in the audience!

He Shen's eyes were extremely serious, and everyone in the audience was also affected by He Shen.

No one dared to applaud when He Shen obviously changed the movement and took a break.

The scene and the entire atmosphere were all controlled by He Shen alone.

If you applaud, it will only make the atmosphere of the scene extremely embarrassing.

Just like an extremely beautiful work of art, it suddenly shattered in my own hands.

Not many people are willing to do this...

Even if they are willing to do this, those people are not willing to be the first person to do such a thing!


With the end of He Shen's last few note cadences, Beethoven's "Pathétique Sonata" has come to an end!

He Shen felt the notes slowly falling between his ears, and then he raised his hand after they disappeared without a trace.


Thunderous applause sounded instantly!

No one could hold it back.

They applauded He Shen vigorously, venting their inner excitement.



"It plays so well!"






Everyone didn't know what the special words of appreciation for the concert were. Now they could only vent their inner excitement in this place.

Use your own poor language to appreciate He Shen.

It's not that they didn't want to say more.

But they... really can't think of anything in their brains for a moment...

They can only let their body's instinctive reaction replace their emotional catharsis, and let out the cheers that are most suitable for this piece of music in their hearts.

Even if some people want to express their inner emotions, they probably won't do so in such an occasion, but choose to go home and post on their Moments or Weibo.

After all, when others are cheering, you suddenly say slowly...

"It's like listening to the music of the heavens and your ears are ringing?"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't match the current situation at all, right?

If you say that, you will only be regarded as pretending...

Therefore, everyone is not willing to spend a lot of time thinking about these things.

Now they just want to vent their inner emotions vigorously.

But soon...

He Shen sat down again, and his fingers were placed on the piano keyboard again.


The audience's voice suddenly became smaller, and then disappeared quickly.

In their eyes, there was only excitement.

They didn't expect that He Shen didn't just play one piece, but two pieces, or more?

The press conference they came to now was really worth it!

For the price of this concert, if the flowers were sold directly outside, they would definitely start at a few hundred yuan, right?

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hear a concert of this level!

Only this few hundred yuan price can match the experience that He Shen brought them tonight.

This kind of experience makes them extremely interested in classical music.

Looking at He Shen who was about to continue playing on the stage, everyone's eyes couldn't help but become more excited.

They are now ready to go back directly after the press conference to search for other classical music to see if there are any other particularly good classical music that they can listen to.

They are now very interested in classical music!

[Do you remember that you were asked to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and there may be a surprise]

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