The world's number one pianist

Chapter 191 Awesome!!! (4/4)

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Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒



Except for the first piece, Beethoven's "Pathetique Sonata" reached the level of Lv6 after He Shen's long practice, and the others were basically at the peak of Lv5.

Unfortunately, most of the audience did not hear much, but just felt that the latter ones were still great.

After all four or five pieces were played, about an hour had passed.

During this hour, almost no one felt the passage of time.

Just listening, time was over

Therefore, when He Shen stood up from the piano stool and bowed to everyone, everyone realized...

Time, an hour had passed.

They looked at the people around them, their eyes were completely confused.

"Wait, an hour has just passed?"

"It's almost been an hour after listening to five pieces?"

"What happened? Why did time pass so quickly?"

"Didn't we just enter the theater?"


Everyone looked at each other, totally unbelieving that just five pieces took up an hour of their time.

However, reality forced them to believe it.

Everyone was still confused until the director and other creators walked out from behind the scenes.

This time was too fast, and there was no feeling at all.

The director looked at the audience and couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

He Shen, as expected, did not disappoint him.

He Shen's strength was very strong, so strong that he was a little shocked when he stood backstage and listened to He Shen's performance.

However, the stronger He Shen was, the more helpful it would be for them to promote their own movies.

The director walked to the front of the stage and immediately greeted everyone.

"Good evening, all fans and fans!"

"I'm very happy. This is the first time that we have held our first movie promotion in Ningcheng, Jiangzhou!"

"As you have just seen, the theme of our movie this time is a theme that few people in China have filmed, a movie with a classical music theme!"

"This type of movie has occasionally appeared before, but the details were not perfect enough, which led to failure."

"We hope to make up for the failures in these details this time, so that everyone can truly understand the beauty of classical music!"

"And all the music in this step of our work is played by Mr. He who just played music for you!"

"Just what you just heard on the spot!"


After the voice fell, applause broke out.

All the audiences were excited.

If this movie will be played by someone who has never been heard of, but has won many awards.

People may think it's nothing, after all, these things are not interesting to them.

The crew invited a very powerful person, which is what they should do.

But now, the crew directly pulled out the person who was in charge of the hand stand-in and the sound source.

That is He Shen in front of everyone!

At this moment, almost everyone understood instantly.

Wait a minute, basically none of the performances they heard in the movie would disappoint them!

The movie tickets were full of 451. Even if they bought the very expensive movie tickets, they would only buy tickets for the first day and the IMAX theater, which would only cost about 100 or 200 yuan.


If they were asked to choose to listen to a personal concert of He Shen and let them choose the price themselves...

Basically anyone would be willing to pay more than 200 yuan.

Not for anything else, just for the experience just now.

The feeling of time slowly disappearing in the music without any feeling.

Just this feeling, it's worth it!

Very worth it!

Therefore, most people have the highest expectations for this work.

Looking forward to what kind of realm this work can reach!

Can it open a new chapter in classical music movies in China?

Most people are looking forward to it very much...

However, there are still a few people who are not satisfied. They suddenly stood up, raised their hands and asked questions.

"Director, I want to ask, since your crew has hired such a good substitute and has been promoting the substitute, will it lead to the fact that Xu Yuqi, the two male protagonists, and even some supporting roles basically don't get any shots in the movie, and we can't see them playing the piano?"

"If so, I think your crew has hired such a good pianist, which is a waste of resources!"


After this person spoke, some people also reacted, touched their chins, and nodded thoughtfully.

That's right, no matter how good the substitute teacher is, isn't it just an audio?

If they listen to He Shen's performance in the recorder directly, it's different from watching He Shen's performance in front of them.

Compared to listening, watching He Shen's performance can inspire everyone's understanding of music.

Therefore, many people began to question it in the same way.

"Yes, if the actors can't play the piano and have many loopholes, then it's useless?"

"That's right, the music of the teacher is very good, don't let the movie ruin it!"

"Really, I'm not looking forward to it now, but I'm worried!"


The noise of the crowd just hit the director's heart. He looked at the group of people under the stage with a smile and nodded to the staff behind him.

Soon, a group of staff pulled a screen open and pulled it to the stage of the concert hall.

The lights slowly disappeared, and the light from the projector was replaced.

The director's voice happened to sound at this time.

"I'm sorry, if it was the previous crew, I might not show you the scene of the actor playing the piano through editing!"

"However, our crew has been updated. In our latest crew list, Mr. He, the hand substitute teacher, also served as the art director and was responsible for many artistic things!"

"Therefore, we are not afraid of any mistakes in our details!"

"I can tell you seriously that our play is a real classical music movie!"

The director's voice fell, and the picture projected by the projector appeared in front of everyone.

A pair of extremely slender hands appeared in front of everyone, flying on the keyboard of the piano.

Then, under the expectation of everyone, the camera slowly pulled back.

Xu Yuqi herself appeared in the camera!




Everyone was shocked instantly, and they looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

This is a long shot! It is a long shot that is difficult to change in the middle.

This also means that the performance of the actor himself is basically in place at one time, and it is difficult to have any other modifications.

This is why long shots are so cool.

Although the scheduling of this long shot is relatively simple.

However, this is also a long shot! It is a long shot that is difficult to fake!

In the long shot, Xu Yuqi's hands are running and flying on the piano keyboard quickly.

Every sound is just right.

If not everyone knows that Xu Yuqi does not know how to play the piano.

Then everyone will be deceived!

They will even question the director directly.

"This is called not knowing how to play the piano? You call this not knowing how to play the piano?"

However, some people with more sensitive hearing found something wrong.

The piece Xu Yuqi played was the one He Shen played at the beginning...

Beethoven's "Pathetique Sonata"!

This feeling is completely different from the feeling He Shen just played! It's like two people playing it!

Could it be?

Everyone's eyes began to doubt, and the director looked at everyone with a smile and did not speak.

Soon, this small clip ended, and a new piano was pushed onto the stage by the staff.

At this moment, there are two pianos on the stage.

The director looked at the people who wanted to ask questions, smiled as expected, and spoke directly to them.

"Do you think that the performance just now is very different from the previous performance of our substitute teacher, Teacher He? It doesn't look like the performance of the substitute teacher?"

"No, unfortunately, what I want to tell you is that this is the strength of our substitute teacher! And the seriousness of our heroine Xu Yuqi!"

"Our heroine, Xu Yuqi, followed Teacher He during the filming process, memorized many fingering positions, and performed them through performance."

"And this situation where she can't use a substitute, but can only substitute the sound, is the result of her performance."

"Teacher He simulated all the sounds through her method of pressing the keys!"

"This is why I am extremely confident in my play!"

"My play has the strongest heroine, the strongest substitute, the art director, and the strongest filming team!"

The director made way for Xu Yuqi, who just walked out from the backstage, walked to the middle of the stage, smiled gently at everyone, sat on the piano bench, nodded to He Shen on the side, and whispered.

"Teacher He, please!"


He Shen nodded, without saying anything more, and also sat on the piano.

Xu Yuqi slowly moved her hand down to the piano, and a very soft sound instantly came out from the piano.


It's not on her piano!


Everyone locked their eyes on He Shen!

Xu Yuqi's hand ran quickly on the piano without making any sound.

If you look from the side, it looks like she is playing the piano.

And He Shen behind her is responsible for all the notes she played.

Correct, modify.

Even the wrong notes she played, He Shen covered them up by covering them up with harmony, so that they were not so obvious.

The audience was stunned, everyone was stunned...

Li Tongyun and her bestie, who were sitting in the corner, looked at He Shen standing on the stage, and their mouths were completely unable to close.

Is this a hand substitute? You call this a hand substitute?

He Shen is like this. You can just press the keys randomly on the piano, and He Shen can decorate it into beautiful music by combining the notes you press with the light and dark, strong and weak contrast of the harmony.

In short, if you play a piece with a score of 0, He Shen can help you get 60 points.

If you play a piece with a score of 40, He Shen can help you get 80 points.

If you can play a piece with a score of 60...

If you can play a piece with a score of 60, what do you need a hand substitute for? Just play it yourself and then play the recording?

Therefore, Li Tongyun's best friend looked at Li Tongyun, swallowed her saliva, and asked her.

"Tell me, if I ask your teacher to help me with a hand substitute when I confess to my male god, how much will it cost?"

"I... I don't know..."

Li Tongyun hesitated for a long time, and then smiled bitterly after a long time.

"I also want Mr. He to help me with the final exam. If Mr. He helps me with the final exam, I will take off directly, okay!"

"You are dreaming..."

"Isn't yours the same..."

The two looked at each other and then smiled bitterly at the same time.

In their eyes, He Shen's operation was simply a miracle.

No, not just them, in the eyes of everyone in the audience, it was all a miracle!

Xu Yuqi's performance was very good. Although it was probably playing blindly, it could be felt that she was like a pianist!

With the cooperation of He Shen, she was like a pianist!

Perfect and impeccable!

No one cared about what the director said to them later. Their minds were all numb.

The director didn't care either. He had guessed this situation a long time ago, and his goal had been achieved.

After all, this was a promotion meeting, a promotion meeting for promoting the movie!

In any case, this promotion meeting was very successful.

Everyone under the stage was very interested in Xu Yuqi's new movie.

Although apart from this movie, the one that everyone was most interested in was He Shen.

They had no idea where this person suddenly appeared from...

The teacher had heard a lot about hand substitutes before, but this was the first time they had seen a hand substitute like He Shen!

For a moment, their brains couldn't react at all.

After all, the feeling He Shen gave them was really too terrifying and shocking.

They had never thought that someone could play the piano like this.

They had never thought that someone could be a hand substitute and do it so perfectly!

Until the end of this promotional meeting, everyone was still confused and followed the guidance of the staff to leave the theater and return to their homes.

There were too many things going on, and they needed to slow down.

They quickly returned to their room and began to look for all the news about He Shen on the Internet.

Soon, on a certain Baidu entry, if you just type the word "He", the first search guide below is...

"Who is He Shen?"

"What has He Shen done?"

"Where is He Shen from?"

"What are He Shen's representative works?"


Search results like these quickly occupied the only recommendations after the word "He".

This proves one thing...

He Shen is popular, and the speed of He Shen's popularity is faster than anyone thought!

A pianist who is purely advancing in the direction of classical music, at a movie conference, he became a little popular with his own skills.

However, this is just the beginning...

Because of the promotion of the movie, after just one stop, there are still several other places that have not been visited.

When these people go back, they just start searching for He Shen immediately, instead of sharing.

After they thoroughly understand He Shen, they will start sharing, sharing what He Shen did in the Grand Theater before.

After all, He Shen...

There is no prohibition on filming!

There are many people who have videotaped! They all recorded the promotion meeting!

Soon, the group of people who had just returned home, regardless of the strange looks from their families, went directly to their computers, or charged their phones because the camera ran out of battery, and opened the search bar...

They, they were shocked. They had no idea that there was such a powerful person in China who was so powerful that they couldn't react for a while!

Moreover, He Shen's life was very legendary...

The most attractive thing before was that He Shen graduated from Wuzhou Conservatory of Music and returned to Jiangzhou after graduation.

After a year of silence, He Shen made a re-debut and first won the Golden Piano Award, the top piano performance award in China!

After the Golden Piano Award, Dan Yi, the honorary professor of Chuanzhou Conservatory of Music, went directly to Jiangzhou to teach He Shen!

Although everyone didn't know who Dan Yi was, everyone looked at Dan Yi's resume and roughly understood...

Li Diyun and several other great gods were all brought up by him...

This kind of fairy-level teacher actually came and took the initiative to teach He Shen?

Everyone was numb...

The numbness was still to come.

During this period, He Shen became an assistant teacher at the Jiangzhou Normal University School of Music and accepted three students.

One was in the top ten in the province, and two were at the bottom of the grade.

Under the teaching of He Shen, these two people graduated directly from the Music College of Jiangzhou Normal University and became the 16th and 9th strongest freshmen in China.

That youngster who was among the top ten in the province directly became number one in the country!

Won the championship in the Chinese Music Higher Education Competition!

"This, this..."

Everyone looked at He Shen's resume and felt a little thirsty for a while.

Piano, No. 1 in the country...

Piano teaching, turning decay into magic, teaching students who are number one in the country...

You can even say that in the second half of last year, the entire Chinese piano industry was under the rule of He Shen!

This kind of strength...

Horrible as...hiss! ! !

Moreover, everyone also found a lot of He Shen's previous recordings.

This recording is obviously on one of the largest music platforms, and there is an account on it where He Shen collaborates with other people.

It’s called He Shen’s baby bus!

Oh no, it’s He Shen’s piano classroom...

Under this account, many of He Shen's previously performed works are all available to the public.

At this time, everyone realized very clearly...

Yesterday, in front of people like myself, the person who played the piano for them...

After all, how awesome is it!

Waiting for others, how lucky...

Everyone quickly looked at the photos in their hands, which were left behind during the previous photography, and they immediately became extremely excited.

I was direct and took pictures of He Shen’s own works!

Without any doubts, they quickly uploaded He Shen's works to the Internet and marked...

This is a live video of Xu Yuqi's new movie conference.

Soon, more and more people who were interested in Xu Yuqi's new movie clicked on the video.

After watching the video, I gradually began to doubt life, and also clicked on He Shen's search bar to look for He Shen's resume.

Then, continue to be shocked.

For a while...

The whole network is buzzing! ! !

(Please give me a monthly ticket woo woo woo)

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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