The world's number one pianist

Chapter 254 Everyone Knows

China, Musicians Association website, concert announcement area.

At some point, an announcement about a concert quietly appeared on the website of this association.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

This announcement is very simple, and the title gives a message to all the audience.

"He Shen Concert"

The content is also very simple.

In this announcement, everyone is told one thing.

He Shen, the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition, is going to hold a concert.

This concert will be held in Ningcheng, Jiangzhou.

In the concert hall of Jiangzhou Grand Theater, a large concert hall that can accommodate one or two thousand people.

Apart from this news, there is no other information.

It is precisely because of this that no one else noticed this matter.

Just like a drop of water poured into the ocean, no one cares.

After all, there are nearly dozens of concerts every day on the official website of the Chinese Musicians Association.

Every place, no matter what kind of people, will hold a concert.

It may be charged or free, all concerts are possible.

There are even those piano store owners who rent a concert hall, let the students of the piano store play the piano in it, and then show it to the parents of the piano store to increase the parents' centripetal force.

Let them feel more belonging to the piano store.

Even the news of such concerts will be placed on this website as a registration and leave a record in the background.

It is precisely because of this that there are so many concerts every day.

After all, when it comes to holding concerts, many people are not thinking about making money, but about improving their own reputation.

Or, to exercise themselves.

It is precisely because of this that the news of He Shen's concert was only registered in the China Concert Association, and then sank in countless concerts.

Not many people paid attention.

After all, this place is just a place for registration and publicity, not a place for publicity.

In addition, He Shen's first concert was only held in the circle of the music school to announce his return to the industry, and his agency behind him did not publicize it.

However, the truth cannot be hidden, and the news of He Shen's concert was eventually discovered...

Jiang Feng, a native of Jiangzhou, is a hard-working worker who works 996 every day in a small IT company.

His interests are different from others. His favorite thing is to listen to classical music.

The reason is actually very simple...

He listens to too much music, and he doesn't know how many kinds of music he has listened to.

Every day at work, he wears headphones and listens to music while working.

At first, it may feel pretty good, after all, modern music sounds very attractive.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

A lot of modern music, no matter how he listened to it, felt simple.

It seems that it is basically composed of a few routines, and the only change is to use different synthesizers?

Listening to it, I always feel particularly sick.

Those great composers don't release new songs every day.

And he has listened to those classic old songs countless times, and he is almost tired of them.

Therefore, he began to focus on classical music and tried to listen to the classical music that he had previously thought was old-fashioned.

At first, he was a little uncomfortable and thought it was not very nice.

But soon, he felt as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Classical music really becomes more and more interesting the more you listen to it!

He looked back at the music he had listened to before, and even felt that his past aesthetics of music were extremely naive.

This is not arrogance, or that those music are more advanced than those music.

It's just that the complexity of classical music is much higher than that of modern music.

After all, in an era without effect synthesizers, many special timbres need to rely on composers to make the harmony collide continuously to achieve a satisfactory effect.

In addition, one or two hundred years of continuous involution.

Let those pianists and instrumentalists continue to improve.

The skills of these performers in playing instruments surpassed everyone before and reached a higher level.

Make those already extremely complex classical music even more complex.

When fingers move on the piano keyboard, they can interpret dozens, tens, or even hundreds of completely different timbres.

Each timbre can interpret a completely different feeling.

Although pianists of this level are rare, you can occasionally meet a few by chance.

Maybe there is a frustrated pianist who gives a concert in a small place?

Therefore, Jiang Feng is used to searching for all the concerts in Jiangzhou on the official website of the Musicians Association every weekend.

If it is a concert in Ningcheng, Jiangzhou, as long as it is held by an individual, he will choose to listen to it and see if he can find treasures.

If the concert near Ningcheng, Jiangzhou, is not far from Ningcheng and can be reached directly, it is not unacceptable.

Therefore, Jiang Feng, as usual, directly searches for all concerts on the official website of the Musicians Association.

"Philharmonic Children's Concert? There have been more and more such concerts recently. Can this really make money?"

"Hmm... the Castle in the Sky theme concert? The music in it, Castle in the Sky, piano music at night, Adidas by the sea? Is this all pop music?"

"Anime concert, revisiting classics, Pokémon, Shinigami elementary school students, Naruto, well... not very interested."

"Little A's concert is in Mashan City next door. You can consider it. After all, the subway is directly accessible."

"He Shen's solo concert? Jiangzhou Ningcheng, Jiangzhou Grand Theater. The location of this concert is quite good. The Jiangzhou Grand Theater is a big venue with one or two thousand people. This man is rich. Go back and watch Take a look, I hope the ticket price is not expensive..."

Jiang Feng just recorded the name in his mind, and when he was about to see the next person, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Wait, what was that name just now? Why does that sound familiar?"

"He Shen? He Shen... This He Shen, I always feel like I have heard it somewhere..."

"Is this person... very famous?"

Jiang Feng looked at He Shen's name. The more he looked at it, the more something seemed wrong. After hesitating for a moment, he clicked on a search software and quickly searched.

Search keywords, He Shen, piano.

Soon, a search result appeared above.

No, more than one search result!

But...many search results point to the same person!

He Shen, winner of Chopin International Piano Competition!

Jiang Feng was stunned when he saw the news above. He immediately returned to the official website of the previous Musicians Association, opened the connection to the official website, and looked at it carefully.

While reading, make comparisons with entries that have not been updated for two or three years.

Gradually, his whole body became excited.

"Wait, wait, wait, this, this! This is it!"

"Holy shit, what did I find? He Shen? He Shen held a concert? And now it is just a preparation and registration with the Musicians Association, and the publicity has not officially started yet!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"The performer who has been playing for almost four years, the winner of the last Chopin International Piano Competition, is actually coming back? And, his first concert will be in Jiangzhou? Jiangzhou Ningcheng?"

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed crazily. He was thinking, thinking about how he should get He Shen's tickets now.

Now it is obvious that He Shen has not started publicity, so He Shen must be planning to make this concert a semi-internal and semi-public concert.

The main purpose of this concert should be to show off your muscles and tell everyone that you have returned!

Teachers and professors from the music departments of all conservatories in Jiangzhou should be invited.

Some professors from China will also be invited.

However, this venue is a large venue for one or two thousand people!

It will definitely not be available only to all people in the industry, so there will definitely be other bits and pieces of positions that can be obtained.

At the very least, there will probably be hundreds of tickets exposed!

So... can I get it myself?

Jiang Feng closed the website, picked up the phone, and after hesitating for a moment, made a call.

Although it will be expensive, but...

What a concert this is!

The winner of the last Chopin International Piano Competition, a concert that has accumulated for four years!

He has no way to imagine what level He Shen can reach.

Four years of accumulation of world championship...

This is ten thousand times more important than other inexplicable concerts!

He immediately dialed the phone in his hand.

This phone call was from a scalper, a person he had found when he was buying Lang Liangyue's concert tour.

This person's tickets are very expensive, but he has a wide range of tickets.

It even makes people wonder if he is a staff member of the Grand Theater Concert Hall.

The phone beeped twice, and an extremely calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

The voice asked directly without any hesitation.

"What show do you need tickets for?"

This is the mobile phone of the person opposite's work, and is specially provided to certain people who pay generously for tickets.

Therefore, those who can get through this phone call are basically the key customers of the opposite scalper.

Jiang Feng looked at the mobile phone in his hand and the balance of his bank card. He hesitated, gritted his teeth, and asked.

"I want tickets for He Shen to perform at the Jiangzhou Grand Theater Concert Hall in half a month! No matter how much it is!"

"How deep? Half a month later?"

The scalper was also stunned for a moment, not expecting Jiang Feng to ask for this ticket.

He frowned, and after a quick search using his network, he finally found the source of the ticket somewhere that he owed a huge favor to.

Huang Niu looked at the phone in front of him and said slowly.

"The price printed on the ticket is 1,280, which is the price in Zone B. However, this price is basically a decoration, because their tickets are basically not available to the outside world."

"More than 70% of their votes were all given to music conservatories across the country, in addition to professors, there are also some teachers."

"The remaining 20% ​​of the votes were awarded to music magazines from all over China."

"The remaining 10% are basically free tickets, given to some teachers in the music conservatory, so that they can bring their families to listen, so occasionally a few tickets will be missed, but not many."


Before Huang Niu finished speaking, Jiang Feng on the other end of the phone interrupted him and asked directly.

"Stop talking, how much is it?"


The scalper was silent for a moment and said hesitantly: "Ten thousand, this is the lowest price, but I don't recommend you buy it now, because it is obvious that this person's first concert is not for the public. If you wait a little longer..."

"Bought it!"

Without any hesitation, Jiang Feng made some quick operations on his phone and transferred the money to the scalper's account, without even listening to what the scalper said.

As a senior classical music lover, how could he not know that this concert was not open to the public?


This is the concert where He Shen officially announced his return to the industry!

Compared to the later ones, facing other people’s concerts, this is a no-brainer!

This is definitely He Shen’s most powerful concert!

It will also be He Shen's most ambitious concert.

How could you miss a concert of this level?

It would be unforgivable to miss a concert of this caliber!

Therefore, Jiang Feng directly spent his entire month's salary to buy He Shen's tickets from scalpers.

The scalpers were dumbfounded when they saw Jiang Feng people buying so generously.

He originally thought that his price was too high?

After all, this He Shen sounds like a person with little reputation.

Plus this concert is a classical concert!

Who listens to classical music?

Wouldn’t it be nice to listen to other pop music when you have this time?

Because of this, he just took a look at the difficulty of getting this ticket, and since this person was not particularly famous in his mind, he directly shouted out the price of 10,000 yuan.

He really didn't expect that someone would agree to buy this ticket.

He couldn't help but wonder, had he heard wrong, or had the value of money depreciated, or had the price been lowered?

How can you be so generous?


Since he is doing business, he will naturally keep his promises.

After Huang Niu gave Jiang Feng a few instructions, he hung up the phone and started preparing for the tickets.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, looked at the phone in his hand, tried to calm himself down, and waited for the result.

After waiting for more than half an hour, he received a text message on his mobile phone.

The content on the newsletter is an email list.

The scalper, had found the ticket and had it sent to him.

After Jiang Feng saw this mailing list, his heart instantly relaxed.

Then, there was great excitement!

He got a ticket to a concert by He Shen!

Without any hesitation, he immediately came to a group chat.

"Jiangzhou Concert Sharing Group"

This sharing group is a group for many classical music lovers. In the group, a large number of classical music lovers from all walks of life share their latest concert news.

In addition, there are some classical music lovers who post videos or recordings of their performances in the group.

The group is still the same as before. Many people who particularly like chatting are bragging and talking about which pianist has been killed.

Looking at this group of people, Jiang Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and sent a screenshot of his email list to the group.

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "[Picture]"

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "I just bought a particularly rare classical concert ticket, which cost over 10,000 yuan!"

Passerby A: "The boss is awesome! The boss who bought more than 10,000 tickets!"

Fishman: "Tickets worth more than 10,000 yuan, have you been deceived? How could there be any tickets worth more than 10,000 yuan recently? Even Lang Liangyue's tickets are only 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, I remember."

Boss: "Lang Liangyue's tickets depend on the location. His front seat is basically over 10,000, and there are more than 10,000 and nearly 20,000 seats. The tickets near the edge are almost three to four thousand, four or five." A ticket worth more than 10,000 yuan should be a very experienced pianist, but... I can’t think of who it is.”

Fishman: "He is indeed a boss! I just looked at the marked price of Lang Liangyue's tickets. After all, I have never grabbed Lang Liangyue's tickets. Could it be possible that this price of more than 10,000 yuan is for Lang Liangyue's concert?" ?”

Unfinished business: "No! Lang Liangyue was on a concert tour in the beautiful country recently, playing his Goldberg Variations. He hasn't come back yet."

Boss: "Indeed, and no big names have come to China to perform recently. If we talk about the biggest one, it should be a few months ago. Argerich came to China and gave a lecture at Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music. , but she didn’t hold a concert. I really don’t know who the 10,000 yuan ticket belongs to.”

Boss: "@鱼火CHOuchmian, whose ticket did you buy? You won't be cheated by scalpers, right?"

Seeing everyone discussing who his ticket belonged to, Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority due to poor information, and spoke directly.

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "How deep is this ticket? It's his first concert back in China, and it's his first concert officially announcing to the Chinese music circle that he's back!"

Boss: "Huh? He Shen, I always feel like it sounds familiar."

Unfinished business: "Yes, it sounds familiar to me too. I seem to have heard it before. He should be a very powerful pianist?"

Fishman: "Well, this He Shen, I mean it's possible. Is there a possibility that this He Shen, um... he is the He Shen who won the Chopin International Piano Competition?"

Passerby A: "Huh? How deep is the winner of the Chopin International Piano Competition...?"

Unfinished business: "What the hell???"

Boss: “What the fuck???”

Champagne: “WTF???”

The Noodle Feeder: "What the fuck???"


Everyone who originally thought Jiang Feng might have been deceived was instantly dumbfounded.

The person marked as the boss in the group immediately asked anxiously.

Boss: "Wait a minute, where did you see the news? Why didn't I see any news at all? No one here told me that He Shen was holding a concert?"

Boss: "Are you mistaken? Maybe they have the same name?"

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "Connection"

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "In the Chinese Musicians Association, all the information in the concert notes notice can be checked."

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "He Shen, after four years of hard work, he has finally finished his hard work. He is ready to come back and start climbing the charts to become a top pianist!"

Yu Huo Chou Mian: "This is the first concert. Facing a concert with people in the industry, He Shen will definitely be in the most perfect state to announce his return to everyone!"


Jiang Feng told the group with great excitement how precious this concert was by He Shen.

He didn't notice at all that the group had become cold without even realizing it.

At this time, no one said that Jiang Feng's ten thousand yuan was not worth it.

Isn’t this worth ten thousand yuan? This is the first official appearance of the last world champion in China! This 10,000 yuan is so worth it!

Now everyone realizes something.

That is...

How should they get such a ticket?

People with channels began to look for their own channels to find ticket sources.

People without channels can only watch helplessly, and then forward the incident to other classical music groups, so that others can join him in being upset.

As news of He Shen's concert spread among this group of people, it gradually spread in the Chinese classical music circle.

And, it spreads farther and farther.

The day before He Shen returned to China, the news of He Shen's official comeback was widely heard in the Chinese classical music circle...

Everyone knows it!

And He Shen, at this time, boarded the plane back home.

[If you like this novel, I hope you can share it on Facebook. The author is grateful. 】

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