The world's number one pianist

Chapter 255 Returning home, and the goal: Beethoven!

Jiangzhou, Ningcheng International Airport.

A team of about three or four people was standing at the airport exit waiting.

Zhou San, Ji Mengting, and Qu Shi.

Zhou San's hair had completely disappeared. The affairs of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music had troubled him recently, and he had hardly rested for a long time.

Therefore, before he knew it, his hair had completely fallen out, without any residue at all.

Fortunately, since his hair had already fallen out, he no longer worried about it, and instead liked the smooth feeling of touching his bald head.

Ji Mengting and Qu Shi had not changed much from the previous few years.

They were just a little more mature.

Qu Shi was okay, she was short and small, not particularly eye-catching.

But Ji Mengting's changes were relatively large.

The three stood at the airport exit, looking at the flight information above their heads and chatting casually.

"By the way, is your time really accurate? Will Teacher He Shen really come at this time?"

Ji Mengting glanced at the time on her phone, and she could hardly stand.

Since she learned that He Shen was coming back, she has been waiting every day, and even felt that the days were like years.

If you calculate carefully, the two of them have not seen each other for almost four years.

Qu Shi didn't care. She just leaned on the railing in front of her, casually scanning the passengers leaving the station in front of her, and said casually.

"Probably, but I didn't expect that He Shen would become popular before he came back..."

"Now a lot of people know that He Shen is coming back to hold a concert, and I don't know how many people want to ask for tickets, and even come to me."

"I'm just an ordinary piano teacher, at least a piano teacher at Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music! Where do I get so many tickets?"

Speaking of this, Qu Shi looked at Zhou San, who was standing aside, pretending that nothing had happened and touching his head, with a resentful expression, and complained.

"Principal Zhou, can't you get us more tickets for He Shen? Isn't He Shen a member of our family? Why can't we get tickets for He Shen?"

"Ahem, well, this..."

Zhou San scratched his bald head awkwardly, feeling the extremely smooth touch on his hands, and couldn't help rubbing it a few more times.

He spoke helplessly to Qu Shi and Ji Mengting who was standing aside.

"This is not arranged by me. If I had arranged it, I would have given you more tickets..."

"But this is actually a concert jointly organized by the Jiangzhou Musicians Association, the Chinese Musicians Association, the Chinese Piano Association and other associations. It is very good that our school can get so many tickets!"

"For example, other schools in Jiangzhou, such as the Nandong University Conservatory of Music, have only two or three tickets for the entire music department. The teachers in their music departments are almost exhausted for these tickets!"

"Then there are other places, such as Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and Wuzhou Conservatory of Music. Only these conservatories may have more tickets. Probably every piano teacher and several top students in the piano department can get a ticket."

"Our Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music has the most! Basically, from freshman to senior year, as well as all professors, associate professors, lecturers, and teaching assistants in the piano department, about 70% to 80% of people can get a ticket!"

"You say there are few tickets, you have to see who you are comparing with!"

At this point, Ji Mengting and Qu Shi shut up.

Zhou San was right.

This concert was of a very high level, and it was not open to the public.

Most of the audience were high-level people from Huaguo Music.

And this concert was like a stepping stone, or...


In this concert, He Shen needed to prove to everyone that he really wanted to make music, not just to make money.

His piano skills during the past four years did not deteriorate over time.

His skills were constantly improving.

If his concert proved that his skills were not good, then it would be very simple...

All music colleges would ban him.

No music school would stand up for him.

After all, the good classical music environment that everyone had finally established was not something that anyone wanted to destroy by other inexplicable people.

That was why they couldn't find any tickets even if they wanted to give more tickets to others.

Everyone looked at each other and sighed together.

Now it was really hard to get a ticket!

Even they couldn't get more tickets.

"The plane from Berlin to Ningcheng has landed. Please wait outside the yellow line for all passengers."

Just when everyone was silent and didn't know what to say, a huge sound came on.

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that the plane He Shen was on has landed.

And He Shen is about to return to China!

Therefore, the three of them immediately cheered themselves up and looked at everyone who was coming out very seriously, looking for everyone who looked like He Shen.

They were not kept waiting for too long, but after a while, He Shen walked out of the crowd wearing a black windbreaker and carrying a simple travel bag.

Behind him was Zhao Zitong, who was also wearing a black jacket.

Because he stayed in Europe for too long, He Shen had long been accustomed to wearing black clothes.

In Europe, basically at a glance, except for children who may wear slightly more colorful clothes, almost all other clothes are in black, gray and other tones as the main color.

Occasionally a bit of brown may be seen.

However, brown is considered very rare!

When He Shen was in Europe, he was too lazy to think about so many combinations, so he just bought a few sets of the simplest black windbreakers and kept changing them.

Zhao Zitong might have been thinking about buying some fashionable clothes at first.

But soon, she discovered...

Europe is at the end of fashion. Basically all the clothes sold on the street are black and gray.

In addition, it rains very easily here.

Therefore, within half a year, Zhao Zitong gave up the idea of ​​buying clothes and focused on buying jackets instead.

After all, this thing is cheap, easy to use, and resistant to stains!

He Shen walked out of the station slowly and stopped for a moment in the passenger flow area.

Looking at everything around me, especially the extremely familiar native language, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Four years, four whole years...

I haven't returned to China at all for four years and have been studying everything about music.

Now, he is finally back!

And he is about to announce his return to everyone.

He Shen looked around, looking for familiar figures.

However, before He Shen could find them, a loud call came from his ears.

"Teacher He! Teacher He! Teacher He, we are here!"

Qu Shi waved the name tag in her hand vigorously and shouted loudly to He Shen.

Ji Mengting was just about to shout, but she found some people around her looking at her. She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so she stood behind Qu Shi, lowering her head slightly, pretending not to recognize them.

It was precisely because of her extremely loud movements that He Shen immediately noticed them, nodded slightly, and walked towards them.

Zhao Zitong followed He Shen closely, refusing to leave even half a step.

Everyone couldn't help but be extremely excited when they saw He Shen's figure. Zhou San took the lead to take a few steps forward and hugged He Shen hard.

After a while, Zhou San let go of He Shen. Looking at He Shen's face that was more mature than four years ago, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Not bad, He Shen. It seems that your four years were not in vain? How do you feel about these four years?"

When He Shen heard Zhou San's words, he couldn't help but nodded and said casually.

"It's not bad. With normal progress, all the works from the Romantic Period have probably been raised to the professional level."

"Specialized... level?"

Zhou San was stunned for a moment. He didn't have He Shen's system and had no idea what He Shen was talking about.

But looking at He Shen's expression, it seems that this professional level should be a very powerful thing.

Therefore, Zhou San directly patted He Shen's arm hard and praised.

"Not bad! Very good! I'm already looking forward to your performance at Jiangzhou Concert Hall!"

"At that time, countless top professors and teachers will come to the scene to observe your performance."

“I really don’t know what kind of work you can interpret in this performance!”

After saying that, Zhou San patted He Shen again, and then moved away from his position to Ji Mengting, who had been standing by the side, waiting for him extremely anxiously.

When Ji Mengting saw Zhou San give way, she immediately rushed to He Shen, opened her mouth, and was about to say something.

But I don't know what she suddenly thought of. Her face suddenly turned red, then she coughed slightly, arranged her hair a little, and said embarrassedly.

"Well, Teacher He, how have you been in the past four years? I remember you said you were going to Berlin University of the Arts for further studies, but I went to Berlin University of the Arts to look for you, but I couldn't find you. You..."

"I didn't stay in Berlin." He Shen immediately explained: "I was just studying, not fully enrolled! Studying is different from enrolling. Although I follow the same courses as the students in the school, I can freely choose the courses. Dominant!"

“Less than a year after I studied at the University of the Arts in Berlin, I left the University of the Arts in Berlin and moved on to study elsewhere.”

“For example, the Paris Conservatory of Music gave birth to the French school of music among the three major schools of music!”

“The Tchaikovsky Conservatoire that gave birth to the Russian school of music.”

"And the Munich Academy of Music and Drama, which gave birth to the German-Austrian school..."

“I went to many, many places and didn’t always stay in one place.”

He Shen shook his head, looked at Ji Mengting in front of him, and couldn't help but touch his chin.

You may not have felt anything when you first returned to China.

After all, Zhou San has always had so little hair, so there seems to be nothing particularly strange about his sudden bald head.

Qu Shi is still the same small one. After so many years, she has not grown taller, so it is easy to ignore her.

But Ji Mengting, her change simply exceeded He Shen's imagination.

Originally, he thought Ji Mengting looked like a little girl.

The one who is beaten enough is the kind of little girl who has just come out of the care of the family and still needs the care of her family.

After all, most students, especially music and art students, are only children, and before they enter college, they are basically all taken care of by their families and are unlikely to encounter some dark sides of society.

In other words, they have not experienced the beatings of society.

Therefore, they will appear silly and occasionally make some mistakes of high school students.

Most of the freshmen who have just entered college are like this.

And this situation will generally be well alleviated when they enter the second semester of their freshman year and find that no one in the school cares about them.

But Ji Mengting did not have this impression in He Shen's mind.

But maybe because of her good family education, she has always been very quiet in school and is also more elegant in front of him.

Is it because of this that she seems to be quite popular in school?

He Shen touched his chin, he couldn't remember it clearly.

When he was in school before, he was always anxious about the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Although he tried his best to teach students, he didn't take it seriously.

It was like, if you come to me for class, I will definitely teach you seriously and find your questions.

However, I probably just wrote down your questions in my lesson notes to make a basic concept.

To prevent the confusion of that student's questions with other students' questions in the future.

That's probably all.

After all, compared to teaching students, the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition is more important.

It was also because of this that He Shen looked at Zhao Zitong in front of him and felt as if he was in another world for a while.

He even felt that his little girl had grown up.

He Shen didn't know what to say for a while, but just smiled at everyone and walked towards the exit.

Everyone immediately followed He Shen closely, and Zhou San stood in front of everyone and led everyone towards the school bus.

He Shen followed Zhou San's steps and asked Ji Mengting halfway.

"I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time. How are you doing recently?"

When Ji Mengting heard that He Shen was concerned about her, she immediately became very excited. She immediately took a few steps forward, separated He Shen and Zhao Zitong, and whispered.

"It's been OK recently. Since the establishment of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, I was admitted as a graduate student of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, and then I became an assistant teacher like you, teacher."

"Everything is moving in a better direction."

Zhao Zitong was a little unhappy when she saw Ji Mengting standing between her and He Shen.

However, when she heard Ji Mengting still calling He Shen teacher, she couldn't help but smile and followed the two happily.

He Shen didn't notice Zhao Zitong's expression, he just shook his head slightly.

"I didn't ask you what your current job is. I just want to know what your latest work is?"

"Huh?" Ji Mengting was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "It's Chopin!"


"Yes! Chopin! I have been practicing Chopin recently. My postgraduate direction is to follow Qu Shi's Chopin composition theory analysis, which is in this direction."

"And the main reason for this direction is that I listened to your performance in Warsaw..."

He Shen heard Ji Mengting's words and couldn't help but look at Qu Shi, who was easily overlooked in front of him, and nodded slightly.

"Qu Shi's music theory direction is very strong, especially the harmonic form content on the piano. You are really good to follow her."

"But, teacher, I think..."

Ji Mengting looked at He Shen, her eyes flickered, and she stood behind He Shen and whispered.

As a result, before she finished speaking, Zhou San turned his head, looked at He Shen, smiled and interrupted Ji Mengting's words, and asked.

"He Shen, I haven't asked you yet, what are you going to do for your first concert after returning to China? What is your piano selection?"

Ji Mengting looked at He Shen in front of her and Zhou San who was a little far away from her, and immediately swallowed her words back, and followed He Shen obediently without saying a word.

He Shen didn't notice anything unusual, and he didn't think much about Zhou San's question and spoke directly.

"The overall selection of the concert? I plan to organize it according to the time arrangement, and at the end, I will announce my main strategy direction for the next period of time."

"Time arrangement?" Zhou San was obviously interested after hearing it, and immediately asked: "Works from four periods?"

"Yes, works from four periods." He Shen nodded: "Baroque period, classical period, romantic period, modernist works, works from four periods."

"Baroque period works, Bach's works, currently planning to play the Goldberg Variations, but there may be too many variations, so I plan to delete them."

"Classical period works, Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata, this work symbolizes the culmination of Beethoven's sonatas, and you can clearly see the strength of the performer."

"Romantic period works, the current idea is Chopin's works, but it has not been determined yet, after all, there are too many works in the Romantic period, it may be a ballad, or a mazurka, a nocturne, all possible."

"As for modern works, this is also difficult to choose."

"For example, although they are piano works from the 20th century, they belong to the modern school, but they are classified as impressionist works by Debussy and Ravel."

"There are also a lot of pianists from the Russian school, such as Rachmaninov and Strelyabin."

"If I were to choose, I would probably choose Rachmaninov's piano works. The current idea of ​​selecting music is probably a set of sound and picture exercises."

"It seems that the overall time is about two hours. Although it may be a bit long, there will be an intermission during the concert, which will not be particularly tiring for the audience."

As they talked, everyone had already arrived near the small van that Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music had equipped for Zhou San.

The driver was sitting on it and taking a nap. When he saw Zhou San coming, he immediately got up and opened the door on the side for Zhou San. After everyone was seated, he immediately started the car and drove towards the school.

After the car was completely stable, Zhou San looked at He Shen and asked with a hint of curiosity.

"You just said that you will have a specific direction to attack next. What exactly is this direction you are talking about? Are you not going to practice Chopin anymore?"

"I will definitely continue to practice Chopin, but Chopin will not be my main practice direction in the future."

He Shen shook his head, looked at the rapidly changing scenery outside the window, and slowly spoke to everyone.

"Chopin has been practiced almost enough now. My next goal is to focus on the music of the classical period."

"The current goal is the person who created an era!"

"With his own efforts, let the music of the classical period gradually move towards the romantic period."

"Let the harmony in the music become richer and the colors become more colorful."

"The person who is known as the music saint!"

"Ludwig van Beethoven!"

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