The world's number one pianist

Chapter 277 How deep? How deep!

Wei Zijie, male, 18 years old, from Wuzhou.

He has been very distressed recently because of one reason.

He was admitted to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music is quite famous in Jiangzhou. After all, it is a conservatory jointly established by Jiangzhou Art University Conservatory of Music and Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music.

All the top piano teachers from these two universities have entered, and there are even some top teachers from other places.

The reputation in Jiangzhou can be regarded as very good. Students living in Jiangzhou still like Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

But there is a problem.

Wei Zijie is not a college entrance examination candidate in Jiangzhou!

He is a candidate from Wuzhou next door.

He did not get into Wuzhou Conservatory of Music, Shanghai City Conservatory of Music, Huaguo Conservatory of Music, and Zhongzhou Conservatory of Music.

He did not get into these most famous conservatories in China, or in Wuzhou.

Instead, he got into a school that is very unknown to Wuzhou people.

Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

It sounds like a very good music school.

But there is a serious problem...

This school has never recruited students from outside, and this year is the first year for them to recruit students from outside.

Therefore, all the news that Wei Zijie searched on the Internet were from Jiangzhou.

And the news from Jiangzhou was all good!

Except for some people who occasionally criticized the school's management and some people in the management, most of the other comments said that the teachers in the school were very good.


Wei Zijie was very curious and even wanted to question those who gave good reviews to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and ask them a basic question.

That is why, this school is full of good reviews, but there is no award?

Whether it is the award of the China Music Higher Education Competition.

Or any other student award.

No student in this school has won an award!

And the winners are either teachers, or students from the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou Normal University, or the Conservatory of Music of Jiangzhou University of Arts.

Looking at the school that looks very prosperous on the outside, but can't see what it is like inside, Wei Zijie is very worried.

He feels that choosing Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music may be a very wrong decision.

Although there are piano masters in this school.

For example, the legendary Deng Songshan and the legendary Argerich are teaching in this school.

But after all, they are only honorary visiting professors and are not responsible for special teaching.

Especially Deng Songshan, Argerich and others are already very old.

They are even less likely to teach step by step.

Just tell them about their own understanding of music.

What else can be said?

Tell them how she won the Chopin International Piano Competition?

Tell them how to win the Chopin International Piano Competition?

Therefore, Wei Zijie really showed a very uncomfortable expression about his future entry into Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

He really wanted to repeat his studies and then rush to Wuzhou Conservatory of Music, Huaguo Conservatory of Music and Haicheng Conservatory of Music again!

He is not bragging. If his sight-singing, ear-training and music theory were not too bad, he would definitely pass the second round of exams and enter these schools.

It's just a pity...

He shook his head and gave up thinking about it. He continued to lie on the piano and play some inexplicable works casually.

For example, some of the latest anime works, popular works and the like.

Although these works are of no help to his profession...

But he was very happy to play!

Just when he was playing randomly to relax his nervousness about entering Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, his mother suddenly opened the door of the piano room, looked at her son who was lying on the piano and playing randomly, sighed, and knocked on the door twice.

"Zijie, can I come in?"

"You have already come in..." Wei Zijie looked at his mother and complained casually, but he didn't care, and continued to play something casually on the piano.

His mother looked at Wei Zijie, hesitated for a moment, walked outside and came in with a stool, walked to the side of Wei Zijie, and said to Wei Zijie earnestly.

"Zijie, I know you are not satisfied, but Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music is a very good school. Your father and I have asked many people, and many friends in the education department said that this school is really good!"

"Your father's friend in the education department specially helped us check, and the teachers in this school are basically all top teachers!"

"There are more than one teacher with the title of world-class competition champion. These teachers are responsible for the overall teaching position, and they are definitely not worse than the teachers of Haicheng Conservatory of Music and Wuzhou Conservatory of Music!"

"Even if they are worse, they are not much worse. After all, these teachers have the ability to perform. How can a world champion-level teacher be so bad?"

"Also, the management of this school is also very good. Their principal's office is the former head of the piano department of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, and their head of the piano department is the head of the music department of Jiangzhou Art University. Their training of the piano department is definitely the best in the whole of China!"

"Really, I have analyzed it with your father several times. This school is definitely a little better than other schools, especially when the internal competition is not fierce and not many people compete with you for top resources!"

"And I heard that the deputy director and associate professor of the piano department of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music is He Shen, who won the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"Didn't you like He Shen before? Are you really not going to take a look?"

After saying that, she looked at Wei Zijie with great expectation.

Wei Zijie looked at his mother and hesitated for a while. After a long time, he shook his head.

"How long has He Shen not played the piano? I haven't seen him since I was in junior high school and went to high school. I haven't seen him in the third year of junior high school and the three years of high school, a total of four years. How well can he play now? Who knows?"

"If He Shen is still at the same level as before, I might still look forward to it, but what is He Shen's level now? Many people say that he is no longer good."

When his mother heard this, her eyes lit up. She took out a video from her pocket and handed it to Wei Zijie, whispering.

"Zijie, this is a video that my mother asked a friend to steal from He Shen's concert. Although my mother knows that stealing is not good, this is the only three concerts that He Shen has performed since he returned to China. At that time, you were preparing for the college entrance examination, so I didn't tell you! Take a look now?"

Wei Zijie looked at the video in his mother's hand, hesitant to speak.

He really wanted to complain about his mother's stealing.

After all, stealing is very bad.

It's not to say that the pianist's repertoire is leaked in advance, or that there is no way to give people a sense of anticipation.

The most important thing is that this pirated recording is not at a particularly suitable angle, and the sound quality recorded by the recording equipment is not particularly good.

In this way, it is easy to have a situation where a good live performance sounds very bad in the recorder.

This is different from crosstalk. In crosstalk, you only need to hear clearly what the two people who are telling the crosstalk are saying, but this piano requires not only listening to the sound, but also listening to the details!

The most moving part of the piano is the performer's attention to details.

For example, every little detail, what kind of treatment did the performer do in these details.

Is it extended or shortened.

Is it adding a part of the brilliance, or giving a particularly mysterious pause at this place.

These are all up to the performer to interpret.

These very important things cannot be reflected in the pirated recording, which can easily have a very bad impact on the pianist.

This is why pirated recording is prohibited in concerts.

Wei Zijie really didn't expect that his mother would actually do such a thing as pirated recording.


He looked at the video in his mother's hand, although he was a little hesitant in his heart, thinking that pirated recording is not good.

But he couldn't help but feel a little curious about He Shen.

Curious about how He Shen's first concert since returning to China went.

Therefore, he looked at his mother, pretended to be angry, took the phone from his mother and scolded her.

"Mom, why did you let your friend steal the recording? Don't you know that stealing has a great impact on the performer? You can't do it next time, right? I'm just curious about He Shen's level, not that I agree with stealing!"

"Yeah, mom listens to you. This time is an exception. I won't do it next time!"

Wei Zijie's mother looked at her son taking the phone from her hand, and a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes.

She and Wei Zijie's father had been worried for a long time because Wei Zijie wanted to repeat his studies.

They thought Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music was a very good school, but their children always thought that Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music was very rubbish.

This led to a gap between them.

Now there is finally an opportunity to make their son curious about Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

This video was found by her friends after she consulted them for a long time.

Maybe she could use this opportunity to change her son's mind and decide to continue to go to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and take classes with the teachers in the school.

Wei Zijie didn't notice the smile on his mother's face. He just kept watching the video in front of him and thinking about He Shen's performance very seriously.

The sound quality of this mobile phone is very poor, and the recording effect of the recording equipment is also very poor.


Although this very poor sound quality has lost at least 80% of the beauty in He Shen's music, the remaining 20% ​​still shocked Wei Zijie.

He looked at the video in the phone and his eyes widened.

There is something about this concert video of He Shen!

Although it was a pirated recording, and all the conditions were a mess.

But the beauty in the music!

He Shen's thinking about music!

Especially this Beethoven, he was shocked.

The reason is very simple.

Wei Zijie chose Beethoven's Passion for the college entrance examination.

Unlike He Shen who played all three movements, he played the third movement.

He learned a lot from the teachers at Wuzhou Conservatory of Music and had a very deep understanding of music.

Especially his third movement.

He listened to many other people playing the third movement and knew several very noteworthy details in the third movement.

He Shen's handling of these details was very scary, which made Wei Zijie dumbfounded.

Especially this interpretation under such a bad sound quality.

The beauty of the music he could hear under this bad sound quality exceeded his teacher's understanding of music.

This kind of strength is really terrifying!

He suppressed his inner shock and watched this very bad video. He handed the phone to his mother and said slowly.

"Teacher He Shen's interpretation of music is still very accurate. He has not wasted any of his four years! He is worthy of being the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition and the top piano teacher of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music!"

"Of course, now you know that there are still some powerful teachers in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music. According to the news that my mother got from a friend in the education department, Teacher He Shen will be responsible for the piano education of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music this year, which means..."

Wei Zijie's mother smiled mysteriously and chuckled at Wei Zijie.

"That is to say, Mr. He Shen may teach undergraduate students this year. Are you really not tempted?"

"I just checked Mr. He Shen's students and their achievements!"

"Ji Mengting, undergraduate of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, postgraduate of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, won the first place in China's higher music education in her first, second and third years, and led Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music and the subsequent Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music to become the university with the top students at that time!"

"Zhao Zitong, a student of Berlin University of the Arts, a signed artist of Deutsche Grammophon magazine. Although it is said that this signed artist was given to her because of He Shen, it is still a signed artist. She has toured in Europe and is very impressive!"

"Both of them can be regarded as top students. If you want to see, you should look at students from other places! Even poor students can be taught well by He Shen!"

"For example, the first and second place students of Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music who just entered the class were called... Zhang Wei and Li Hua? After they entered Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music, they followed He Shen to study. Except for the first year when they only entered In addition to entering the finals, in the following two years, they followed Ji Mengting's footsteps and won relatively high rankings in the China Music Higher Education Competition! "

"And these two people have also participated in many other piano competitions and have achieved good results. As long as they participate, they will definitely enter the finals and occasionally get the first and second place! "

"These two people were later directly invited by the China Conservatory of Music to study for a master's degree in the China Conservatory of Music! "

"Although they did not continue to follow Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and follow He Shen's footsteps, their development can be regarded as very good. I asked my friend in the education department before, and she said that Zhang Wei and Li Hua have now been noticed by the China Conservatory of Music and are making a report to stay in school. It is very likely that they will stay in school to teach directly! "

"He Shen has taught a total of four people, all of whom are well-known! "

"Mom is not saying that you are a poor student or something, but the distance shows that He Shen can teach very well no matter what kind of students he teaches! "

"How about it, are you moved now?"

Wei Zijie looked at his mother, his heart beating non-stop.

Of course, it's not that filial piety has changed, but...

He is really moved!

He began to think whether he should go to the Jiangzhou Normal University Conservatory of Music to take a look at what this school, which is highly praised by Jiangzhou people, is like.

After all...

If what his mother said is correct, He Shen may be a piano teacher at the Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music, and teach new students to learn piano.

What is this equivalent to?

Isn't this a master class every day?

If I get a good score in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music.

For example, the first or second place.

Then I can definitely take classes with Teacher He Shen!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get a lot of excitement.

He suddenly turned his head and asked his mother.

"Mom, do you know my ranking in Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music? You just told me that I only passed Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music before, but you didn't tell me the specific ranking, so I want to ask, do you have the specific ranking before?"

"The specific ranking of the previous exam, let me find it, I took a photo before."

Wei Zijie's mother immediately flipped through her phone, complaining as she flipped through it.

"You refused to look at it before, saying that it was a bit embarrassing to pass the Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music. Why do you want to see the specific news of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music now?"

"Oh, it's a different time now. I didn't know the specific situation of Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music at that time. I just considered it as an ordinary local art school." Wei Zijie interrupted.

"Huh, now you know it, so you didn't pay attention at that time."

His mother flipped through it, found the photo, handed it to Wei Zijie, and said.

"Here, this is for you. I haven't deleted it yet. We were planning to treat you to a meal to celebrate, but you said it was embarrassing and didn't let us celebrate. Really..."

"Yeah, yeah, if you want to celebrate, then celebrate. It's not too late to celebrate now!"

Wei Zijie immediately took the photo from his mother's hand and looked through it carefully. He instantly became much more energetic and his eyes lit up.

"First place from another state! What the hell? I'm actually the first place from another state! Amazing!"

"Although this other state only includes Zhejiang, Haicheng and Wuzhou near Jiangzhou, there are only these two states and one city, and most of the top bosses in these two states and one city have gone to local schools, but the first place in these two states and one city should be very good... right?"

"I hope, I hope that this first place from another state can also rank among the candidates in Jiangzhou!"

"If I can rank among the candidates in Jiangzhou, then I will be a student of Teacher He Shen, won't it be stable?"

"Ahhh! You must let me go to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music and become a student of Teacher He Shen! Please, please!"

Just as he was praying in the room, there was a commotion outside the room, which instantly attracted the attention of Wei Zijie and Wei Zijie's mother.

This sound was from the TV.

Wei Zijie's house was not soundproof, so the sound of the TV could be heard occasionally.

Normally, Wei Zijie was almost immune to the sound of the TV.

But now, when he was thinking about He Shen, a voice suddenly came from the TV.

A voice that made him stunned.

He only heard the host on TV speaking to everyone.

"Now, let us welcome our piano accompaniment, artistic instructor!"

"Champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition!"

"Champion of the top piano project of the China Golden Piano Award!"

"Top artistic instructor of the China Music Higher Education Competition!"

"When you see the score for the first time, you can fully understand what is written in the score, and then you can play it instantly."

"You can easily master various musical styles!"

"His understanding of music is recognized by everyone, and even countless people are willing to consult him on how to interpret music!"

"Although his face is cold, he has endless enthusiasm for music!"

"He! Shen!"


Applause rang out in the TV, and then it quickly switched to another channel.

Obviously, this program is not liked by the person watching TV.

But Wei Zijie is different!

The moment he heard these two words, Wei Zijie was struck by lightning. He stood there, stiffly turned his neck to look at his father who was constantly changing the channel, and quickly ran towards his father and snatched the remote control from his hand.

"Hey! Wei Zijie! What are you doing! Aren't you a pianist? You don't study hard and come to steal my TV?"

Wei Zijie's father frowned and scolded.

But Wei Zijie didn't care about his father's scolding at all, but asked anxiously.

"Dad, which program did you just watch?"

"What program?" Wei Zijie's father was stunned.

Wei Zijie quickly said: "It's the one who just said welcome art instructor."

"Art instructor?"

Wei Zijie's father touched Zijie's chin, thought for a while, clapped his hands suddenly, and nodded.

"Oh yeah, I remember, Wuzhou Orange City Fruit TV, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, go play your computer, let me watch TV for a while, I want to see my future teacher! Hurry up!"

As his father revealed the TV program, Wei Zijie immediately tuned to that program.

Fortunately, there was a little bit of GG on TV just now, and the content inside had not started much.

Wei Zijie's father was about to get angry, but when he heard about the future teacher, his face couldn't help but become weird.

He glanced at Wei Zijie, wanting to say something but stopping, and finally smiled and exhaled, patted Wei Zijie's shoulder, got up and walked to the computer room.

Wei Zijie didn't care about his father at all, his whole attention was on TV.

At this moment, the program had just started.

In the lower right corner of the program, it was written "Chief Night"!

It looked like this should be a grand finale.

In the program shooting venue, this particularly large concert hall, countless contestants stood on the stage, and they all looked back.

At the entrance of the concert hall, the sliding door slowly opened, and He Shen walked out of the sliding door, walked to the piano placed on the side, nodded slightly to everyone, bowed, sat down, and looked at all the contestants standing in the center of the stage.

At this moment, the applause was thunderous!

Whether it was the contestants standing on the stage, the three judges sitting in the distance, or any other audience, everyone's eyes were all on He Shen.

They applauded He Shen with all their strength!

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