The world's number one pianist

Chapter 278 Horrible as...hiss?

He Shen had appeared in several previous episodes of the program before he appeared on the stage. His particularly strong performance directly attracted the attention of countless people.

A true piano master, a piano master who has a particularly strong understanding of every part of music.

Just by looking at it, you can tell how this piece of music should be interpreted by a top piano master!

Especially when I get bored, I start eating lollipops while watching the group of people singing, which immediately attracts countless fans!

I don’t know how many people originally just looked at those particularly handsome singers and thought they looked so handsome when they sang.

But now, they couldn't help but set their sights on He Shen. Seeing He Shen playing accompaniment for those people, they felt that He Shen was even more handsome like this!

Every time they played the accompaniment, the excited and helpless expressions of the singers made most people laugh.

Everyone knows how excited these singers are to be able to play and tell the most important things in this piece of music very clearly to them.

The helplessness of these singers is because...

These singers know very well that their roles will definitely be taken away by this top boss.

For a time, many of the singers standing on the stage both liked and felt helpless towards He Shen.

But no matter what, they had no doubts about He Shen coming on from the back of the stage to play accompaniment for all of them, and they welcomed it to the greatest extent.

After all, He Shen's piano skills can sometimes compete with that of the entire band.

Even the entire band's interpretation of certain works and the promotion of their emotions were not as good as He Shen's small piano.

It is precisely because of this that they have great respect for He Shen.

The three people sitting at the judges' table had nothing to say.

Xu Yuqi, I have collaborated with He Shen before. She was the first to break out of the industry, and helped her to get very high praise. It was He Shen who helped her get the film replacement for the Best Actress crown.

Even the entire crew learned a lot from He Shen.

Naturally, she wanted to give He Shen the biggest applause. Maybe there would be other collaborations in the future?

Not to mention Liao Yong, both of them are leaders in the classical music industry. It is normal for them to applaud each other.

There was nothing wrong with the last judge. After all, both judges gave the warmest applause. It was really unjustifiable for him not to give applause.

The audience below is even simpler!

He Shen's previous performance should not be too impressive.

There may be many fans of He Shen below. When they saw He Shen, they clapped hard and shouted loudly.

"Teacher He! Teacher He ah ah ah!"

"Teacher He, I love you!"

"Teacher He, charge the duck! Let their jaws drop in surprise!"

"Teacher He! Invincible!"


However, Wei Zijie was sitting on the sofa and couldn't help but notice that He Shen's expression didn't seem to be particularly concerned, and was even a little deep.

After all, he didn't know that this video was actually shot a long time ago, probably after He Shen attended Zhou Renguang's funeral.

It is precisely because of this that He Shen's expression is like that.

Soon, He Shen sat on his seat and looked towards the stage.

At this moment, everything around him became extremely quiet.

Everyone knows that the game is about to begin!

They looked at He Shen, waiting for a gesture from He Shen.

He Shen looked at everyone, just took a deep breath, raised his hand, placed it on the piano, and pressed it slowly.


A piece of music that was not big but full of power suddenly burst out from the piano.

This force instantly surged from the piano to around the piano, covering the entire stage.

The concert hall was extremely quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was He Shen's voice while interpreting the piano.

The recording equipment of the program team is very good, and almost all of He Shen's feeling when interpreting this piece of music was recorded in their equipment.

He Shen's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though there was a screen across the screen, Wei Zijie could see He Shen on the stage, his control over the music and the stage!

He Shen's eyes suddenly condensed and his hand suddenly raised.


The sound of the piano crashed instantly.

This place doesn't end there!

He Shen gave this place a very strong unfinished feeling!

The progression of the harmony is not over, but only halfway through.

And the remaining half...


The surrounding symphony immediately picked up the moment He Shen's piano ended.

This strong sense of integration and disconnection directly gave everyone goosebumps!

The moment He Shen started playing the symphony, he also continued.

He hid himself in the music, lurking in the distance, just waiting for the symphony to end.

And the moment the band ended, the piano part appeared in front of everyone in an extremely explosive state!


The music is roaring!

At this moment, He Shen, the piano he was controlling was more useful than the conductor's baton on the stage!

Although he didn't say a word, He Shen just controlled the piano in his hand!


Everyone can clearly feel that He Shen is controlling the entire band!

The entire band is moving in the direction that He Shen wants.

The entire stage is all under He Shen's control.

Just like...

The king of the entire stage!

All people, whether audiences, singers, or judges, all their emotions are in He Shen's hands and are controlled by him at will.

This is He Shen's piano strength!

Using the piano's tolerance for everything, it contains all the emotions of everyone, leading all emotions to run wild!

Even now all the perspectives, all the cameras are on other singers, without giving He Shen any perspective.


Many audiences, except those who particularly like certain singers.

Especially those ordinary audiences.

The eyes and attention of those ordinary audiences are all on He Shen!

They are full of pianos!

The piano's interpretation of music leads everyone's emotions to move forward together.

Completely cover up the edge of all singers!

"Fuck? I always feel like I'm not listening to a variety show, not a vocal concert, but a piano classical concert?"

"He Shen! He Shen's interpretation of music is really too strong! Fuck, look at this place, this place promotes the emotions of all singers, and the feelings of this place, I feel like I can do it!"

"To be honest, I'm not listening to those singers' interpretation of music at all, I'm listening to He Shen's interpretation of music!"

"That's right! If you listen carefully, you can hear He Shen's inspiration to make everyone move forward in music. I even feel that if I were on stage, I might be able to sing like this!"

"The KTV version of He Shen, a blood letter from thousands of people, I want it Later, when I went to KTV, I asked for Teacher He. I felt that I could do the same with Teacher He's interpretation of music!"

"Although, although these singers interpreted music very well and powerfully, and you can also hear that their basic skills are very solid, but for some reason, my eyes are always attracted to He Shen."

"Yes, yes, yes, this place obviously does not have He Shen's perspective, and there is not even a view of He Shen, but I always think about the tips He Shen gave to those singers in this place."

"I can only say that Teacher He Shen is worthy of being Teacher He Shen. Teacher He Shen's strength is terrifying!"

"Take a breath of cold air, Teacher He Shen is terrifying!"

Countless bullet comments floated by, even if most of them were occupied by the fan groups of singers in various places.


The bullet comments discussing He Shen are still clearly visible.

You can see the bullet comments discussing He Shen at any time.

Other singers may have the most bullet comments when they appear.

But He Shen, there are always bullet comments discussing him.

People who had no feelings towards He Shen at first were also attracted by the comments on the screen at this time, and they couldn't help but pay attention to He Shen.

Then, they were shocked by the popular science of the comments, looked at He Shen in disbelief, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He Shen on the screen couldn't possibly know what these people were saying about him now.

After all, the filming of this thing has been over for several weeks.

Therefore, He Shen outside the screen's perspective still interpreted the music very powerfully and controlled the emotional direction of the entire program.

The emotions of the crowd also fluctuated with He Shen's interpretation of the music.

This fluctuation lasted until the end of the first chorus...

After the chorus ended, in the eyes of everyone's disgust, the host came up and introduced the final form of the finals.

All singers need to form duets, trios, multi-singing and other singing methods to determine the final six chiefs.

No one paid attention to what the host said on the stage.

At this time, no singers, stars, or judges appeared.

At this time, Wei Zijie found that the comments on the TV in front of him were all about discussing He Shen.

No one is an exception.

This time gap that is not occupied by fans of other stars is occupied by He Shen's fans who are not a group.

Everyone is looking forward to the finals of the competition.

They are not looking forward to how the singers will sing.

Instead, they are looking forward to how powerful He Shen can render the stage!

And He Shen, sitting on the chair, looking at the music score in front of him, his expression is extremely calm.

He is waiting for the host to finish.

At the moment when the host finished, He Shen's hand was raised again, and then slowly pressed down.


The music sounded!

Emotions fluctuated instantly!

Everyone's goose bumps rose instantly!

He Shen did not disappoint everyone's expectations, he responded to everyone's expectations!

Wei Zijie sat on the sofa, looking at the two singers standing on the stage, his eyes were full of shock.

It was not shocking how well the two singers on the stage sang.

It was just shocking...

At this moment, He Shen's control and interpretation of the music!

At this moment, on the stage were Aga and Zheng Long, who were asked to review the chief position before.

They stood on the stage, looked at each other, and sang the duet tenderly.

At this moment, the barrage was surrounded by countless CPs, and they were madly catching CPs.

However, Wei Zijie did not pay attention to this.

He focused all his attention on the music in He Shen's hand in front of him.

The director just gave a shot, a very short shot to He Shen.

In the shot, He Shen took the music score from someone else and started playing directly without any hesitation.

He didn't think about it, didn't think about it.

He took it and started playing directly.


Perhaps because this piece is mainly based on piano, He Shen's control over the stage is stronger!

He looked at He Shen on the stage in disbelief, and didn't know what he should say now.

He studied piano. Although he didn't learn piano since he was a child, he didn't learn sight-singing, ear-training, and music theory since he was a child.

However, he could clearly feel the difficulty of these works.

He could also notice the unfamiliarity in He Shen's eyes when he took over those works.

It was obvious that He Shen had never come into contact with such works.

Such a short time, such strong strength!

Wei Zijie was stunned instantly!

He had never realized so clearly what a piano master was!

He had taken classes with several teachers at Wuzhou Conservatory of Music before, and he had also seen those teachers demonstrate to him in class.

Those teachers were very good, but when they demonstrated the works they were not good at, there were many places where they only gave the interpretation of the music without giving the correct notes.

Basically, they played the feeling first, and then played the sound.

At first, Wei Zijie thought those teachers were very good, especially powerful, and they could play the works at a glance.

But now that he saw He Shen, he realized.

What is called real!

Just take a look!

He Shen just took it and took a look!

He could instantly control this piece of work, and use the emotions in this piece of work to drive the entire concert hall!

Let all the audience...

Let all the judges!

Let all the singers!

Let all the band members!

Let everything be!

All follow He Shen's pace!

No matter how you look at it, there is no sign of any rehearsal in advance!

Just perform directly on the spot!

Even if the director gives He Shen few shots, He Shen's control over music will attract everyone's attention!

This is He Shen's strength!

This is the strength of the champion of the Chopin International Piano Competition!

This is the tip of the iceberg that flows freely between He Shen's fingers after he settles down!

At this moment, Wei Zijie has never felt that point so clearly.

I must go to Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music for classes!

I must follow He Shen to class!

If I can't follow He Shen to class, then I will definitely not be able to really get in touch with what real music is!

He Shen's understanding of music has completely exceeded his imagination.

In his imagination, he feels that those top guys may need to take a quick look at the piano, or even need to study it seriously before they can barely play that feeling.

But now, his imagination has been completely broken by He Shen!

What research? Not necessary at all!

What thinking? Not necessary at all!

As soon as he got the score, he could clearly find the thread of this piece of work and feel very clearly how to interpret this piece of work correctly.

Then, he played it directly with his own hands.

This kind of terrifying strength, Wei Zijie would not dare to do such a terrifying thing even if he dreamed.

This is equivalent to you thinking that the rich may use coins to wipe their butts.

In fact, people tell you that the paper they use to wipe their butts is much more expensive than using US dollars to make paper directly!

This extremely powerful strength directly exceeded Wei Zijie's imagination and his understanding of music!

Wei Zijie sat on the sofa, his eyes were dull, as if he was played and broken, watching the TV in front of him, without saying a word.

Once he kept paying attention to He Shen's terrifying control of music, he had no way to divert his attention from He Shen, and could only sit there and passively accept He Shen's rough irrigation!

He Shen's thoughts about music were stuffed into his pitiful musical literacy as an ordinary art student with an extremely tough attitude.

He was silenced all of a sudden.

He even wanted to make a "yeah" sign with his eyes rolled.

He Shen on TV had no intention of staying and waiting because Wei Zijie was shocked.

His fingers fell in the air, and the music sounded instantly!

He had completely replaced the role of the conductor, and everything on the stage was under his control.

After the duet, it was the trio!

He Shen made the music more layered in the trio, making each layer of music more in line with everyone's understanding of music.

Just like... Bach's three-part works!

Just when everyone thought that the trio was the end, the quartet He Shen might hand over the stage to the band.

He Shen told them...

You guys think too much!

Not just a quartet!

Even the quintet! He Shendu clearly distinguishes the emotions of each voice!

Ten fingers, five voices.

Fingers interlock crazily on the piano, and each part leads the corresponding band and vocals to bloom in the air with incomparable precision.


The sound is roaring! It drives the air and roars in the concert hall!

Emotions, extremely strong emotions, burst out instantly with the interlacing of voices!

The music, at this moment, reaches its climax!

All the singers, deep in their hearts, all the shackles and all the thinking about technology were instantly broken!

They dedicated everything they had to He Shen.

Let He Shen lead them towards a more musical direction!

This terrifying and contagious strength, the terrifying strength of five-part perfect sight-reading, was not only dumbfounded by Wei Zijie.

Even other people in the barrage, fans of other singers, were completely stunned.

At this moment, not many people were paying attention to the singer. They all focused their attention on He Shen, who was outside the screen and only existed as background music.

"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? Can a human really play this?"

"What is this? Pentapart?? Five-part sight-reading? I can't even play five-part Bach works very clearly, but he can even sight-read five-part works?"

"Isn't this too outrageous? In the past few episodes of the program, I asked why He Shen always seemed listless when I watched him. Oh my god, it turns out he was on vacation!"

"When others were competing, they all moved forward bravely. They were in a special spirit. They wanted to beat all the challengers by themselves! But where is He Shen... on vacation?"

"The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between you and me, but that I am competing for a qualifying spot in the examination room while you are on vacation!"

"So, is this He Shen's true strength?"

"I feel more than that. I even feel that this may not be He Shen's ultimate strength. With this five-part chorus accompaniment, He Shen may not have shown his ultimate strength yet!"

"The strong men of Qin Zong are as terrifying as hiss!"

"Is this the boss's world?"


On the barrage, no one was discussing how the other contestants sang, or paying attention to which contestant the judges would pass and make him the top debutant.

Now, they all put their eyes on He Shen, who did not appear on the TV screen at all, but attracted everyone's attention!

At this moment, no one knew that He Shen would give them an even bigger surprise later!

A terrifying interpretation that can shock everyone!

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