The next day, the family went to the town to eat.

In the next few days, Mrs. Gu and Gu Liang's mother dug bamboo shoots, Mrs. Li cooked bamboo shoots and dried them at home, and the men of the Gu family worked in the fields. Gu Liang felt that Dahei Mountain was too far away, so he went there once and never went there again, and stayed at home to continue to pick grass for pigs.

In fact, Gu Liang had been thinking about Ganoderma lucidum for the past two days. He had heard that there was a medicine shop in the town, and he wanted to go to the town to exchange Ganoderma lucidum for money. But everyone in the family was busy, and he had never been to the town. In addition, he was too young to go so far by himself, so he was delayed.

The next morning, Mrs. Gu did not go to dig bamboo shoots, but stayed at home. Gu Liang was a little surprised, so he asked his grandmother. Mrs. Gu said that she was going to plant rice tomorrow, and today she would take a day off.

Transplanting rice seedlings is a very important thing for farmers, and it determines the harvest in autumn.

So on this day, all the strength of the family must be gathered to plant the rice seedlings as soon as possible. Gu Liang can only wait two more days to go to the town.

The next day, the Gu family got up when the rooster crowed for the first time, leaving the old lady Gu at home to cook, and the other adults went to the fields without eating breakfast. Gu Liang got up when the rooster crowed for the second time. When he arrived at the field, he found that everyone was already working hard. At this time, the sky was just bright and the sun was still red.

The Gu family has a total of 12 acres of land, one of which is a seedling field. Choose a piece of the most fertile and high-quality land, make ridges and sow the rice seeds that have been germinated. During this period, you must keep an eye on the water level in the paddy field. It cannot be too high, otherwise the seeds will easily float away, and it cannot be too low, otherwise it will be too dry and affect the development of the seeds. You must also always pay attention to birds such as sparrows pecking. After more than a month, you can plant rice seedlings.

Today, Dabao's family next door also came to help Gu Liang's family plant rice seedlings. It's easier to get things done with more people. In two days, when Dabao's family plants rice seedlings, Gu Liang's family will also go to help. This is how it is in the countryside, helping each other to get a better harvest.

In the morning, they pull up the seedlings, tie them up in bundles, and transport them to the plowed fields. Gu Lao is responsible for throwing the seedlings. Gu Liang stands on the ridge and throws the bundles of seedlings evenly in the field. Gu Liang treats this work as a game, swings his hands a few times, and then throws them out with force. A bundle of seedlings falls into the field, and the water surface explodes, which is very lively.

Soon, Mrs. Gu came to the field and called them back to eat. Since planting rice seedlings is hard work, Mrs. Gu cooked brown rice in the morning. First, it is better to fill her stomach, and second, Dabao's family also eats at Gu Liang's house. If they help with the work, they can't let them go hungry. During the meal, because there was not enough space at Gu Liang's house, Gu Liang and Dabao could only stand aside with their bowls, and the two of them squatted in front of the house to eat with dishes.

"Gu Liang, are you free later?" Dabao asked while chewing the rice.

"Yes, my grandma thinks I'm young and there are many people in my family, so I don't need to go to the fields to plant rice." Gu Liang replied.

"Then I'll take you to a good place later. It happens that my family is all at your house today, and I have nothing to do." Dabao said with a smile on his face.

"What place is it? It's so mysterious." Gu Liang looked at Dabao with a smile on his face, full of curiosity.

"You'll know when you go there. Do you want to go or not?"

"Let's go. What's there to be afraid of? You said it's a good place, I believe you." Gu Liang and Dabao grew up together since childhood, and the two played very well. Even though Gu Liang's body has changed into another person, Gu Liang can feel the kindness from Dabao, and naturally thinks that Dabao will not lie to him.

After dinner, the two of them went out happily. "Dabao, where are we going? We are almost out of the village," Gu Liang asked.

"We'll be there soon. Look at that hillside," Dabao said as he ran toward the hillside.

"Fuck, Dabao, how did you find this place?" Gu Liang was stunned to see this large cluster of March bubbles, each one hanging on the vine like a small lantern, red and very cute.

"Is it a good place? I found it when I came here to pick pig grass last year, and I have always remembered it."

"Dabao, you are so nice." At this time, Gu Liang picked the ripe March bubbles and put them into his mouth one by one.

Gu Liang has never eaten fruit since he came to this era, and this March bubble is full and juicy, rich and sweet after ripening, which makes people feel a sense of spring freshness in the mouth.

The March bubble has thorns on the paper, but Gu Liang and the others don't care so much, the two of them are eating happily. The two of them couldn't finish eating all the March bubbles at once, and the March bubbles fell to the ground and rotted after they ripened, so they rolled them up with paulownia leaves and each of them took one roll home to eat.

As soon as Gu Liang got home

I saw Da Ni and Er Ni playing house at the door. Er Ni saw Gu Liang coming back, so she took Gu Liang's hand and asked him to come over to "eat".

"Brother, look at the stir-fried vegetables, stewed pork, and white rice I made. They are delicious."

Er Ni's face was serious and sincere at this moment. She held the "bowl" made of tiles with both hands and was very firm, as if it was really a delicious dish.

Gu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In this world, the children's house wine was so simple, and the "dishes" they made were just ordinary stir-fried vegetables and stewed pork. When they were young, the dishes made by the family wine were all "Man Han Banquet". But it's not the fault of the people here. After all, they didn't experience that kind of happy life.

"Thank you, Da Ni and Er Ni, the dishes you cooked are delicious. In return, I will treat you to some really delicious food, okay?"

Gu Liang took out the March bubble from the paulownia leaf. The two sisters took it excitedly when they saw what was inside. They smiled and began to share the March bubble, one for each of them. Gu Liang looked at the two sisters and sighed that the more scarce something is, the easier it is to be satisfied.

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