The next few days were spent in a very busy Gu family. From dawn to sunset, the whole family worked in the fields. No one would think of being lazy, after all, it was related to the whole family.

Gu Liang, as the oldest child, also helped all the time, delivering tea from home to the fields, helping to plant rice seedlings, and taking care of the old sows at home. He was also busy all the time until the end.

In the past two days, not to mention Gu Liang, even Gu Laohan, who had been dealing with the fields, was so tired that he couldn't stand up straight and lay down at home for a day.

After the rice planting, the Gu family's food also plummeted, although it was not very good. The breakfast and lunch changed from four dishes and one soup to two dishes. The only meat dish, eggs, was gone, and the brown rice became brown rice porridge.

More importantly, today's dishes were not even salty. Gu Liang thought that Grandma Gu made a mistake in cooking at first, and was too embarrassed to ask. But after three meals, there was no taste. Gu Liang almost thought that his taste buds were failing. He ran to ask his mother and found out that there was no salt at home.

Anyone can stand without meat, but no one can stand life without salt.

So Gu Liang ran to ask his grandmother: "Grandma, I can't eat without salt in the dishes at home. When can I buy salt?"

"It will be fine the day after tomorrow. Be good and bear it for two days. I will add more salt to the dishes in two days," Grandma Gu replied seriously.

Gu Liang was speechless now. Is it true that if you don't eat salt today, you can eat twice as much tomorrow? You can't have a bland meal and a choking meal...

Gu Liang originally had a lot of opinions about the rough food here, but the attitude of Gu Laotai adding salt made Gu Liang unbearable. As a Chinese son and daughter, Gu Liang firmly maintained the belief that the head can be cut off and the blood can be shed, but the food must not be bad.

So Gu Liang turned around and instigated Da Ni, Er Ni and Chun Ni to come to Gu Laotai to make trouble (yes, it was Chun Ni. Gu Liang also thought that the youngest was called San Ni at first, but he didn't expect it to be different). In the end, Gu Laotai couldn't stand it anymore and went to the neighbor's house to borrow salt.

Gu Laotai complained all the way that she didn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were. When she arrived at the door of her neighbor's house, the neighbor who was originally smiling heard that Gu Laotai came to borrow salt, and her face seemed to be instantly eclipsed. However, the neighbor didn't lose face and borrowed the salt. He scooped a flat spoonful with a spoon and scraped it, then put it in the bowl for Mrs. Gu.

When the neighbor gave the salt to Mrs. Gu, Gu Liang saw the neighbor's reluctance clearly. He didn't understand why. It was just a spoonful of salt, why was he so stingy.

When he got home, Gu Liang asked Mrs. Gu, and she explained to Gu Liang why she would rather not put salt in her cooking and not borrow or buy it.

A pound of salt costs 20 cents, and this is coarse salt. If it is snowflake salt, it is more expensive, and a pound of grain only costs 2 cents. The price of salt is expensive, and a spoonful of salt is almost equivalent to a day's food, but salt is not too expensive. If someone doesn't return it after borrowing it, it's embarrassing to ask for it, so most people are unwilling to borrow salt.

"Then why don't you just go and buy it?"

Old lady Gu's face twitched, and then she said confidently: "I have no money. I will go to the market in the town in a few days to sell some things to exchange for money to buy salt."

Gu Liang felt that he had asked a stupid question, and smiled embarrassedly and left.

"Mom, is there really no money in our family?" Gu Liang found his mother who was sewing shoe soles in the room and asked.

His mother replied without raising her head: "What's wrong, did you ask your father for money?"

"No, Mom, I asked grandma why she didn't go to buy salt when there was no salt at home, and she said that there was no money at home," Gu Liang said in a low voice.

His mother stopped working and looked at Gu Liang with a helpless smile, saying, "Don't believe your grandma, your grandma is pretending to have no money. Your grandma is in charge of the family's money. Your grandma is a famous tyrant, always taking in money but not spending it. So we have to wait until the day after tomorrow to go to the market to exchange money!"

Gu Liang suddenly came to his senses. His family lived frugally every day, and there were many fields at home. He was not lazy and did not work. How could he not have any savings? It seemed that it was still Grandma Gu who saved them and did not let him touch them.

The next day, Gu Liang saw Grandma Gu picking up the dried bamboo shoots, putting them together, and taking out more than 20 eggs from the cupboard. Gu Liang realized that he was going to the market in Lianhua Town. Gu Liang still had two Ganoderma lucidum in his space, and he had always wanted to exchange them for money. This was a good opportunity.

So Gu Liang asked to go together and said that he would never spend money indiscriminately. Grandma Gu nodded and told Gu Liang to get up early.

The next day, when the rooster crowed, Gu

Liang jumped up from the bed excitedly and opened the door. Old Man Gu had packed up and put the eggs and bamboo shoots in the basket. Old Lady Gu was serving the meal.

After eating, they set off. Before leaving, Old Lady Gu secretly pulled Gu Liang aside and stuffed two coins into his pocket, asking him to use it secretly without telling anyone.

It must be said that although Old Lady Gu was stingy, she was quite good to Gu Liang. Even when Gu Liang didn't mention money, she felt sorry for her grandson who couldn't buy snacks at the market. She thought about it in advance, although it wasn't much, it was very good.

There are more than ten miles from Lanxi Village in Lianhua Town. It takes more than an hour to walk. There is also a waterway, which only takes more than half an hour. Go down along Lanxi, and Lanxi will merge into a hundred-meter-wide river at the end to reach Lianhua Town. Although the waterway is fast, it costs money, so people usually go by land.

When the sun was still hanging in the sky in the morning, Gu Liang and his grandfather were about to reach the town. Looking from a high place, the whole town is built along the river. Lanxi River flows into the river. The town has built a wharf by the river, and there is a commercial street parallel to the river behind, making the whole town in the shape of a "dagger".

Not long after entering the town, we arrived at the market, where people sell all kinds of things, including food, chairs and benches, bamboo strips, cloth and shoes, and more of them sell some vegetables, grains, chickens, ducks, fish and meat produced by farmers.

Old man Gu found a gap where no one was setting up a stall, took out the dried bamboo shoots and placed them on the coarse cloth, piled them up, put the eggs in a basket, inserted a straw tag, and then squatted there to ask people passing by if they wanted to buy eggs.

Gu Liang is not a local, and he did not come earlier than the people nearby, so naturally he would not have a particularly good position. Moreover, this market was formed spontaneously, with no one managing it. There was no one to say what was sold in which place, and everyone put their own things and sold them. Although no one was in charge, everyone followed the rules and placed things on both sides of the road, on the ground, on the car, and even on the shelves, which looked dazzling.

The current market price is basically three cents for an egg, which is more valuable than a pound of grain. Gu Liang was shocked at first, but then he thought that chickens did not lay eggs frequently in ancient times. They basically did not lay eggs in winter, and there was no large-scale breeding, so the unit price naturally went up.

Since it was not the busiest place in the market, after waiting for two quarters of an hour, only five eggs were sold. People here are very smart when buying eggs. Every egg has the same price. They compare the size and freshness of each store. After selecting one, they continue to compare eggs that look about the same size to Gu Liang, and finally choose two or three.

But it is a buyer's market, you can't really not let him choose, so you can only let him go.

Gu Liang couldn't stay a little bit, so he asked his grandfather to go around. The man was bold enough to let Gu Liang, who was only ten years old, go around.

However, Gu Liang felt that it was boring after walking around for more than ten minutes. After all, he was a person in the 21st century. He had seen everything he used and ate. He only used the things he had when he was a child, and ate steamed buns, steamed bread, and so on, which did not arouse his interest.

More importantly, he had important things to do, so he asked an old woman selling vegetables nearby for the general direction of the pharmacy and went in the direction of the pharmacy.

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